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Trump Exempts Entire Senior Staff From White House Ethics Rules



President Donald Trump has exempted his entire senior staff from provisions of his own ethics rules to allow them to work with political and advocacy groups that support the administration.


The White House waived the rule for Trump energy policy adviser Michael Catanzaro, a former lobbyist for the oil and gas industry. He was given approval to work on "energy and environmental policy issues" including the Clean Power Plan, the Waters of the United States rule and other environmental regulations.

Tax policy adviser Shahira Knight, a former Fidelity executive, was approved to deal with tax, retirement and financial services issues even though she'd previously lobbied on those topics.

"The National Economic Council has been tasked with addressing issues relating to tax, retirement and financial services. The Administration has an interest in you working on matters in those areas due to your expertise and prior experience," the waiver reads.

White House economic aide Andrew Olmem was cleared to work on a variety of finance-related issues despite his lobbying for several big insurance companies and banks.

Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff, Joshua Pitcock, also got a waiver. He'd worked as a lobbyist for the state of Indiana on various issues, but was given approval to deal with Indiana state officials in his current job and to work on issues he'd lobbied on for the state, including refugee policy, opioid abuse, trade and education policy and wide variety of other areas.

Six lawyers of the Jones Day law firm, including McGahn, were granted approval to take part in meetings with their former Jones Day colleagues relating to the firm's ongoing legal representation of Trump, his campaign and related entities.


If there's any fucking justice the end result of Trump's presidency will be tightening down on the power of the executive branch and making these ethics rules much more solid. I half expect that either won't happen or they'll conveniently employ key aspects just to hobble a democratic president they don't like.


More than anything a person like him could only create an "unethics bureau", but of course that would require President Trump-Ass to be productive, so it won't happen anyway.


That this is even possible at all makes the US a fucking joke. every time I look into Trump threads I feel compelled to write a variation of this:
Your country is a goddamn embarrassment. Every system in place is deeply flawed and couldn't all be fixed in a lifetime, even if the uneducated masses weren't actively voting against their own interests. If only you could fuck up your country quietly. but nooo you have to actively harm the rest of the world too.

God I'm so mad.


The country kind of needs a do-over. Just scrap everything and rebuild from scratch at this point. The things the president is apparently allowed to get away with is far too broad and numerous. I'm not even sure a democrat president, house and senate could correct this mess within a decade, and it's only been a few months.


Why does nothing fucking matter. If a democrat did one one-thousandth of the insane, treasonous, anti-democratic, unethical, anti-American horse shit that this fucking orange clown piece of shit cunt has done, the GOP would've been all the way down the impeachment process by now.


The explanation I read for why they give these makes no sense. Like, if you can do your job without breaking the ethics rule yay! but I'd you can't... well give you a waiver. Shouldnt that exempt you from the job? Why have the rules in the first place?


Why does nothing fucking matter. If a democrat did one one-thousandth of the insane, treasonous, anti-democratic, unethical, anti-American horse shit that this fucking orange clown piece of shit cunt has done, the GOP would've been all the way down the impeachment process by now.

Because Republicans understand that democrats care about these things and capitalise. Democrats haven't quite seemed to grasp what enormous pieces of shit most Republicans are. They literally don't care as long as Trump is sticking it to the libruls.


Pretty sure it's time to just burn the entire thing down and start over. The swamp is just filled with Toxic Human Waste.




What was that on point SNL sketch that ended with "What's that? Nothing matters anymore?"

Yeah nothing matters anymore, consequence free shitheads ruling the free world yay
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