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Trump Fires James Comey

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WH confirmed that Trump instigated the firing procedure...

Rosenstein pointedly didn't specifically mention firing Comey as a remedy in his letter.

He seems to be drug into this by Trump, for sure, and should go on record to that effect.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sessions brought this idea to get Rosenstein to just write a report on the bad stuff Comey did with the Hillary investigation without telling him what the end game was.


You should look into the alleged reasoning for how things were handled with the Clinton investigation and what was going on behind the scenes. There's a reason that, by all accounts, those who work with him consider him a non-partisan, competent professional.
I thought he was a trump stooge during the election fiasco. It was a dumb stunt but he's proven himself nonpartisan since. Even with this Russian shit, he's had plenty of chances to stir the pot either way and hasn't (unless the gop or trump forces him too).

No Democrats have been calling for his resignation since november. It was obvious quickly that he was the countries only hope to actually look into this Russian stuff. He already saved us from having one spy (Flynn) on the fucking security council. That's insane.


Everything is moe to me
then honestly? the investigation into trump's ties to russia should have been leaked around the same time.
By who? Comey? You wanted him to commit a crime out of some ridiculous notion that it's unfair that only Hillary stuff leaked?
FK in the coffee.
By who? Comey? You wanted him to commit a crime out of some ridiculous notion that it's unfair that only Hillary stuff leaked?
Comey said he knew the senate leaks when he told them the investigation was re-opened, chaffetz leaked it.

Anyway who cares about the emails or Hillary at this point. The only thing is that Comey was tightening the noose around trump campaign people, saw evidence of collusion ("possible", at least until he could make a water tight case), was getting daily updates on progress, and Sessions and trump went ahead and fired his ass instead of letting him continue until he closed the case (if they were innocent of collusion that would be the thing to do).
That's all that matters.


Comey said he knew the senate leaks when he told them the investigation was re-opened, chaffetz leaked it.

Anyway who cares about the emails or Hillary at this point. The only thing is that Comey was tightening the noose around trump campaign people, saw evidence of collusion ("possible", at least until he could make a water tight case), was getting daily updates on progress, and Sessions and trump went ahead and fired his ass instead of letting him continue until he closed the case (if they were innocent of collusion that would be the thing to do).
That's all that matters.

It also may not mean much to people, but Comey was also clearly a person Trump was hoping to get on his side at some point. Maybe not bowing to corruption is what should generally be expected, but it's nice to know he didn't actually play ball for Trump despite that by doing so, he could have kept his job safe.


By who? Comey? You wanted him to commit a crime out of some ridiculous notion that it's unfair that only Hillary stuff leaked?

It wouldn't have been a crime to just agree to sign the letter that the other intelligence agencies wanted to release.
Are we already forgetting the story that Comey wanted to be more public about the Russia issue but Obama weighed in against it because of the optics?

Playing this blame game isn't going to change the FACT that Clinton and the people around her are, to this day, the single biggest reason why she lost.
OMG This video too. This guy is a really good speaker and tears into MacArthur



Edit: I see it was posted. Seriously watch it though.
Damn, that was the baby face promo of the year. He needs to go for the title ASAP.

On a serious note though how can anyone, be it politician or journalist listen to that argument and not agree completely with what he said?

Seeing examples like this actually give me hope for America. It does feel like people are not only sick and tired of the status quo but also able to have well argued, simple points that gain a lot of traction online.

Makes me wish we had as much enthusiasm here in the UK since we are mostly apathetic to the shit show we are currently in.


Are we already forgetting the story that Comey wanted to be more public about the Russia issue but Obama weighed in against it because of the optics?

Playing this blame game isn't going to change the FACT that Clinton and the people around her are, to this day, the single biggest reason why she lost.

Is "FACT" the new "Period!"?


Professional Schmuck
I'm sure this has been brought up already, but according to the WSJ story:


Trump can't even fire a guy without making up random lies.

Another thing about this hilarious claim in the letter: it may have opened the legal door for Comey to reveal *actual* conversations otherwise protected by executive privilege. Seeing that analysis being floated here and there and while far off, makes me giggle like an idiot.
I think Comey's actions are defensible. There were two ongoing investigations: Clinton, and Trump. If Clinton won the election without Comey divulging that information, it would look conspiratorial and damage the integrity of the FBI. Similarly, if Comey divulged information about the Russia investigation, it would make it look as though Obama were trying to sway the results of the election.

The assumption that Obama and Comey made was that Clinton was going to win the election. Within that context, they had to act in a way that would be retain the integrity of the incoming Clinton administration. If Trump were taken to be a serious contender, the results may have been different.

I am not happy about Trump winning the election, and I am not happy with Comey swaying the election toward his victory. However, I understand why he did what he did, and I don't think his decisions were vile or unreasonable.
Given how steady streams of leaks had been from the intelligence community to the media prior to Comey's firing, I wonder how much worse it will get.


Unconfirmed Member
I think Comey's actions are defensible. There were two ongoing investigations: Clinton, and Trump. If Clinton won the election without Comey divulging that information, it would look conspiratorial and damage the integrity of the FBI. Similarly, if Comey divulged information about the Russia investigation, it would make it look as though Obama were trying to sway the results of the election.

The assumption that Obama and Comey made was that Clinton was going to win the election. Within that context, they had to act in a way that would be retain the integrity of the incoming Clinton administration. If Trump were taken to be a serious contender, the results may have been different.

I am not happy about Trump winning the election, and I am not happy with Comey swaying the election toward his victory. However, I understand why he did what he did, and I don't think his decisions were vile or unreasonable.

Why not wait a few days until you get the warrant, take a preliminary look into it, and know if everything is duplicates and be finished quickly or if there needs to be a long investigation that might go past.

Why write the letter in such a way that even partisan republicans could not have written it any better to swing the election?


I think Comey's actions are defensible. There were two ongoing investigations: Clinton, and Trump. If Clinton won the election without Comey divulging that information, it would look conspiratorial and damage the integrity of the FBI. Similarly, if Comey divulged information about the Russia investigation, it would make it look as though Obama were trying to sway the results of the election.

The assumption that Obama and Comey made was that Clinton was going to win the election. Within that context, they had to act in a way that would be retain the integrity of the incoming Clinton administration. If Trump were taken to be a serious contender, the results may have been different.

I am not happy about Trump winning the election, and I am not happy with Comey swaying the election toward his victory. However, I understand why he did what he did, and I don't think his decisions were vile or unreasonable.

There is no defense, because as has been explained a million times to anyone who was listening for more than five consecutive seconds in this past year's campaign fuckery, it is literally in the rule book that you do not comment on an ongoing investigation particularly when it may impact an election. You don't arbitrarily decide now is the time to be different, particularly when the reason he decided to do so was so grotesquely thin that it would be embarrassing if it wasn't so pathetic.

What makes this "defensible" position even more bonkers is that there was an actual ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign (which you acknowledge), which Comey specifically decided to keep silent on. On what level is the fact that he found e-mails on Weiner's computer which they had no time to even begin to analyze before he released his letter to congress about it more essential to inform them on than the fact that Trump's campaign might have colluded with Russia? This level of fuckery is so transparent that an infant could parse out the problem here, which is why the rage fueled across the political spectrum.

It is not the FBI's job to give a fuck how many nutjob conspiracy morons are out there. You simply follow the rules and move on. You are trusted with the ability to perform this task. That he was incapable of doing that suggests he was not fit for the job in the first place. Of course now that the ship has sailed and there was an ongoing investigation into the Russia/Trump connection, we were willing to watch this go on because there was no changing the past.


1. This logic fails as he was unable to equally apply it to both Trump and Clinton's investigations, despite the fact one was infinitely more significant.

2. If he was worried about the "integrity" of the office, he also failed, since he demonstrated an inability to follow rules, listen to his superiors, or treat both sides equally.

3. If we were wondering whether or not he made the right choice, the fallout and resulting analysis over these months put that all to bed anyway. Not only did he fail to preserve the integrity of the FBI, he actively made it less trustworthy and now ultimately played himself.

We can stop pretending now. He fucked up, history indisputably proved he fucked up, all serious political and non political analysis of the event concluded he fucked up, and I'm guessing right about now Comey is sitting in front of his TV realizing he fucking fucked up.


I think Comey's actions are defensible. There were two ongoing investigations: Clinton, and Trump. If Clinton won the election without Comey divulging that information, it would look conspiratorial and damage the integrity of the FBI. Similarly, if Comey divulged information about the Russia investigation, it would make it look as though Obama were trying to sway the results of the election.

The assumption that Obama and Comey made was that Clinton was going to win the election. Within that context, they had to act in a way that would be retain the integrity of the incoming Clinton administration. If Trump were taken to be a serious contender, the results may have been different.

I am not happy about Trump winning the election, and I am not happy with Comey swaying the election toward his victory. However, I understand why he did what he did, and I don't think his decisions were vile or unreasonable.
Comey wasn't fired for any of this stuff. It's silly to even talk about it right now. It has zero to do with what's going on. Anyone claiming this isn't just about the Russia investigation is either dumb or literally deplorable.
Holy shit here's the full video and I think i'm gonna need to make a thread. This is fire.

Would be happy to participate in that thread.

Town Hall for MacArthur seems to be on going if anyone wants to see the man dodge vital questions and basically tell the poor that they're on their own - https://www.facebook.com/vicenews/videos/vb.235852889908002/791490177677601/?type=2&theater.
Another thing about this hilarious claim in the letter: it may have opened the legal door for Comey to reveal *actual* conversations otherwise protected by executive privilege. Seeing that analysis being floated here and there and while far off, makes me giggle like an idiot.

This. Him telling him that would have been fucking illegal I think during an ongoing investigation that he's the target of.

Yeah, I hope that does open that door thanks to Trump and co pushing false claims about these "conversations".

Which they are also now doing again with their obviously bullshit fall guy attempt on trying to claim someone besides angry tantrum Trump initiated the Comey firing. And I love that the initial reason he gave was absolutely complete bullshit that was easily called out-able as a boldfaced lie (and that shitty Sessions can be linked to it too), since during one his speeches during the election he was praising Comey for the very thing he claimed he fired him for.


Junior Member
Reading the Trump letter and I'm thinking he's a lil bitch. First few words talks about the AG and deputy AG. I know Sessions but it sounds like they told Trump what to do. Who the fuck cares about the deputy AG? Would they not have fired him if deputy whoshisface didn't write a letter?

It's weak. He takes no responsibility, to me. It's a cover your ass move by the leader of the free world.


Reading the Trump letter and I'm thinking he's a lil bitch. First few words talks about the AG and deputy AG. I know Sessions but it sounds like they told Trump what to do. Who the fuck cares about the deputy AG? Would they not have fired him if deputy whoshisface didn't write a letter?

It's weak. He takes no responsibility, to me. It's a cover your ass move by the leader of the free world.

Trump is a bitch and does not want to take any heat himself. He thought he was clever making false statements in his letter about how Comey repeatedly stated his innocence etc.

The White House staff do not know what to do with the situation. They admitted that it was all trump who called Sessions and DAG into his office on Monday and said he wanted Comey gone.


OMG This video too. This guy is a really good speaker and tears into MacArthur



Edit: I see it was posted. Seriously watch it though.

He is basing his entire argument on the presumption that compassion in the United States for other people you don't know is a real thing. That myth has been completely dispelled by Trump's election and the healthcare debacle.


You should look into the alleged reasoning for how things were handled with the Clinton investigation and what was going on behind the scenes. There's a reason that, by all accounts, those who work with him consider him a non-partisan, competent professional.

I mean, for what it's worth, this seems to be the case. He didn't reopen the Clinton case because he was trying to sabotage her. New evidence surfaced, which he reported to congress, and then basically said it was nothing before the election. i remeber heading home with a coworker when this was announced and think, "Jim, what the fuck are you doing?" Only to realize shortly after that he was still doing things they way we did.

Where we worked there was a culture of "radical truth and radical transparency," which is exactly what they were looking for when they appointed him as head of the FBI. I think it's pretty important to understand someone's values and where they're coming from before people attach their own reasoning as to why someone acted the way that they did.

Here's a clip of the senate confirmation hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfqm-B6bC4g


He is basing his entire argument on the presumption that compassion in the United States for other people you don't know is a real thing. That myth has been completely dispelled by Trump's election and the healthcare debacle.
It's a real thing. It's just not something valued by anyone working in Washington DC. In either party.


Reading the Trump letter and I'm thinking he's a lil bitch. First few words talks about the AG and deputy AG. I know Sessions but it sounds like they told Trump what to do. Who the fuck cares about the deputy AG? Would they not have fired him if deputy whoshisface didn't write a letter?

It's weak. He takes no responsibility, to me. It's a cover your ass move by the leader of the free world.

He's a coward. A irredeemable bloated orange narcissistic coward who by sheer force of his unprecedented incompetence is doing his best to show us all how weak our systems of checks and balances are.

He is more a manchild than any gamer that ever lived, more a bully than any 14 year old fifth grader, more mentally challenged than any delusional paranoid schizophrenic. This dude does not understand his loneliness, life or politics, essentially stumbled into the office by a comical aligning of the corruption Gods and now spends every time trying to figure out ways not to feel like his dick is 2 inches long as every expert around him does their best to calmly explain to him how many things he does not know about in the world without explicitly informing him that he is a moronic buffoon with the intellectual heft of a piece of cement.

And the cement might win that one, since at least there are odds it was stepped on by people smarter than it.
He's fucked both sides, seems pretty non partisan for me lol.

Not equally. He was one of the reasons Democrats lost the presidency.

Nothing he has done against Trump has even come close to that.
How did he "defect"? What has he done that's partisan against Trump? Just admitting that there is a Russian investigation is all I can remember?

What he did to Hillary was non-partisan now? Did we forget people screaming bloody murder that quickly?
Reading the Trump letter and I'm thinking he's a lil bitch. First few words talks about the AG and deputy AG. I know Sessions but it sounds like they told Trump what to do. Who the fuck cares about the deputy AG? Would they not have fired him if deputy whoshisface didn't write a letter?

It's weak. He takes no responsibility, to me. It's a cover your ass move by the leader of the free world.

This loser had his security thug deliver a dismissal letter to the FBI HQ while Comey wasn't there instead of having the balls to call him on the phone. That's tinpot third world dictator shit.

He's a coward in all things.
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