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Trump Fires James Comey

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Unfortunately I think you are reading into this. This worries me alot even understanding why he has yo be professional about this. The tho really needs to work fast and leak the shit out if everything.

Well, I was just being cheeky, but it's no surprise that Comey would try to leave with a mark of grace and try to reassure and thank those that worked for him.

If you want leaks and stories from him, you won't get them out of this letter
Been busy and I just realized how crazy it was for him to meet with the Russians and Kissinger today. One day after firing the FBI director invesgating him for Russian ties and with this investigation being compared to Watergate.

He did this as a big FU to his adversaries in politics and the media. He doesn't care how bad it looks.

Given their seemingly oblivious handling of Comey's firing, it's entirely possible he has no conception of how bad it looks.
To all:
I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all. I'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won't either. It is done, and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply.
I have said to you before that, in times of turbulence, the American people should see the FBI as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. What makes leaving the FBI hard is the nature and quality of its people, who together make it that rock for America.
It is very hard to leave a group of people who are committed only to doing the right thing. My hope is that you will continue to live our values and the mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.
If you do that, you too will be sad when you leave, and the American people will be safer.
Working with you has been one of the great joys of my life. Thank you for that gift.
Jim Comey
To all:
I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all. I'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won't either. It is done, and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply.
I have said to you before that, in times of turbulence, the American people should see the FBI as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. What makes leaving the FBI hard is the nature and quality of its people, who together make it that rock for America.
It is very hard to leave a group of people who are committed only to doing the right thing. My hope is that you will continue to live our values and the mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.
If you do that, you too will be sad when you leave, and the American people will be safer.
Working with you has been one of the great joys of my life. Thank you for that gift.
Jim Comey


We wish


OMG This video too. This guy is a really good speaker and tears into MacArthur



Edit: I see it was posted. Seriously watch it though.

Damn that was kind of scary with the security guy walking up. Good for that guy don't let them.tell you to calm down. Be angry, be passionate, because that's the shit that gets lazy assholes off their couches and voting.


considering how many people keep saying nothing will come from this despite people getting fired, resigning, constantly more info coming out. To me this is a reverse of that extremely tired onion article. Saying nothing will come of this when so much HAS already come of this. He made more enemies and is getting more and more by the day. The momentum I think at this point is unstoppable and the house and senate will realize eventually they stand in the way of the hurricane, they are going to get dragged into it. FBI which for a lot people claimed was 'trump land' (yes I know its the New York Office) does pride itself in being independent group, he stomped on a large hornets nest while being chased by killer bees and landed on a hill with bullet ants thinking they would attack one another and take each other out.

Too many people don't really appreciate how badly trump has backed himself in the corner. He may avoid prison time and impeachment, and may even finish his four years, but there is no way a president that 60% of Americans think might be a traitor wins re-election.

He's about a month out from becoming so toxic that purple and light red state republicans will want to avoid having pictures taken with him, for fear that it ends up in an attack ad.

No matter what the actual situation is, nothing short of an independent commission helmed by Hillary, Obama, Comey, and Bernie could clear his name with a significant portion of the population.
People are REALLY getting pissed off at town halls, it's glorious:


Holy shit, that guy is so sincerely upset that he is involuntarily shaking.

To be honest, I am that level of upset myself. What cheeto man and these right-wing fuckers he enables are doing could have devastating ramifications for my autistic son's future.

Unfortunately, more than just cheeto man himself have to go. The Republican majorities in the House and Senate need to go...if need be, sooner than cheeto man himself.
Wow, that guy got me shook- and that was a recording! Good for him, though. Imagine if you were that representative having to hear that face front. Shit.

That confirms it. I'm never running for office.
Well I mean if you did a good job and fought for the little guy you'd never have to face that.


Given their seemingly oblivious handling of Comey's firing, it's entirely possible he has no conception of how bad it looks.

No, he just doesn't care. He'll throw every one of his minions under the bus and admit no fault.
People think he's clueless, but he's not. He's ruthless.

Firing Comey the day before the Russians and Kissinger were scheduled to visit was not accidental.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

My boy
It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.


It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.

For the most part, people aren't making excuses for him. Though a "don't cry for me Argentina" sketch in SNL would be funny.


It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.

If you're actually paying attention, he may have influenced the election out of a Ned Stark-ian devotion to honor which caused the Orange Fascist to come to office. He may have made a blunder in doing so, but he was also gunning for the treasonous fucks regardless. I can forgive naivety. I can't forgive being a traitor.


It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.

You should look into the alleged reasoning for how things were handled with the Clinton investigation and what was going on behind the scenes. There's a reason that, by all accounts, those who work with him consider him a non-partisan, competent professional.


Oh man if Trump does fire Spicer the person who replaces him is going to be even more incompetent. No one who's actually competent enough to be a White House Press Secretary is going to to want the job after seeing the shit show that's been happening the last few months.


It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.

People aren't defending Comey's treatment of the Clinton investigation... they are outraged that Comey is clearly being fired because of his investigation into the Trump campaign (especially now that we have learned, from the White House, that the impetus for the firing came from Trump himself).

Obstruction of justice is a very impeachable offense.


An open letter from the editors of the New York Times asking the AAG to appoint a special prosecutor and praising his integrity and maybe creating his own legacy protecting the American constitution.


New York Times said:
Dear Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein:

It's rare that any single person has to bear as much responsibility for safeguarding American democracy as you find yourself carrying now. Even before President Trump's shocking decision on Tuesday to fire the F.B.I. director, James Comey, a dark cloud of suspicion surrounded this president, and the very integrity of the electoral process that put him in office. At this fraught moment you find yourself, improbably, to be the person with the most authority to dispel that cloud and restore Americans' confidence in their government. We sympathize; that's a lot of pressure.


You should look into the alleged reasoning for how things were handled with the Clinton investigation and what was going on behind the scenes. There's a reason that, by all accounts, those who work with him consider him a non-partisan, competent professional.


Colbert: Comey has been fired.
*Cheers erupt*
Colbert: Seems we have a lot of Trump fans tonight.


Everything is moe to me
It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.
It's hardly Comeys fault that Chaffetz 'leaked' a baldfaced lie about the investigation being reopened.


An open letter from the editors of the New York Times asking the AAG to appoint a special prosecutor and praising his integrity and maybe creating his own legacy protecting the American constitution.


WH confirmed that Trump instigated the firing procedure...

Rosenstein pointedly didn't specifically mention firing Comey as a remedy in his letter.

Although the President has the power to remove an FBI director, the decision should not be taken lightly. I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former Department officials. The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.

He seems to be drug into this by Trump, for sure, and should go on record to that effect.


Teflon Don.

He's not clueless, he just don't give a F.

He plays the clueless game well to garner sympathy from his base and the gullible. When blame comes his way he feigns ignorance, uses scapegoats or just lies.

If you don't have a bombshell or a smoking gun, he'll continue to have fun at the countries expense.
It's business as usual.
Teflon Don.
If you don't have a bombshell or a smoking gun, he'll continue to have fun at the countries expense.
It's business as usual.
Even if Easy D gets away with everything, I won't be too sore about it if the GOP gets incinerated by the firestorm that his karma houdini act leaves behind.


If you're actually paying attention, he may have influenced the election out of a Ned Stark-ian devotion to honor which caused the Orange Fascist to come to office. He may have made a blunder in doing so, but he was also gunning for the treasonous fucks regardless. I can forgive naivety. I can't forgive being a traitor.

and yet he stayed mum about the investigation into trump's campaign. I mean, what was his end game? get the deranged psychopath into office and then hope he had enough time to prosecute a case?

If there's any lesson from this, it's that a Democrat president should never give a Republican a job.
I'm sure this has been brought up already, but according to the WSJ story:


Trump can't even fire a guy without making up random lies.


Everything is moe to me
and yet he stayed mum about the investigation into trump's campaign. I mean, what was his end game? get the deranged psychopath into office and then hope he had enough time to prosecute a case?
The difference is that the new emails had already leaked. Giuliani said, on national television, that he had known about the new emails beforehand.

In fact, Comey was talking about investigating those leaks.

wonder how much that had to do with his firing.
and yet he stayed mum about the investigation into trump's campaign. I mean, what was his end game? get the deranged psychopath into office and then hope he had enough time to prosecute a case?

If there's any lesson from this, it's that a Democrat president should never give a Republican a job.

The end game was that he was put into a fucked up situation by some forces beyond his control.

The lesson is don't let Anthony Weiner use the laptop you use for State Department business.
It's incredible how pro-Comey the narrative seems to have gotten just because he was derided by Trump. He is just as much of an opportunist sleaze bag as when he knowingly influenced an election in favour of the Republicans. Don't cry tears for this arse just because he is now an enemy of the White House.

It isn't pro comey because he was *derided* by trump its pro comey because he was was investigating trump.
And in fact now it comes out that he was accelerting the investigation asking for more resources, and would have prosecuted it.
So it was pro Comey for the right reasons and turned out to be a good call. Even if his email thing was controversial, that isn't the current issue.


Teflon Don.

He's not clueless, he just don't give a F.

He plays the clueless game well to garner sympathy from his base and the gullible. When blame comes his way he feigns ignorance, uses scapegoats or just lies.

If you don't have a bombshell or a smoking gun, he'll continue to have fun at the countries expense.
It's business as usual.

As long as you're not deluded into thinking this Congress will ever impeach him it's easy to see the great damage these thousand cuts are dealing to his administration.

Heck I think we are better off that he fired Coney because now he will never be able to wash off the stink of the investigation. Any future acquital will be suspect


It might be a little tough to move off of this story. Especially with subpoena's going out.

Look at Politico right now:


I sense a pattern.

All this says is that Comey and Clapper confirmed Trump is not being investigated

Everyone is happy about this

This could have been China
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