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Trump: 'I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools' my first day in the White House

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Donald Trump’s radical new proposal on guns
By Greg Sargent | Friday, January 08, 2015 | washingtonpost.com

Even as President Obama was holding a CNN town hall last night calling for gun reforms, Donald Trump — the man who hopes to succeed him in the White House — was promising a crowd at a Vermont rally that he would end gun free zones at schools.

Make no mistake, this is another very important Trumpian moment. It raises the bar once again for Trump’s GOP rivals for the nomination.

That’s because, if you take Trump’s words at face value, he is not simply proposing to repeal the federal law that created gun free zones at schools. His comments suggest he would also make it illegal for states to pass their own laws outlawing guns in school zones if they so choose.

“You know what a gun free zone is to sickos? That’s bait!” Trump said. He continued:

“I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools, and — you have to — and on military bases. My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones.”

The key there is “no more gun free zones.” Current federal law makes it unlawful for anyone to knowingly possess a firearm in an area that he or she knows or has reasonable cause to believe is a school zone. There are some exemptions — the law, for instance, allows states to exempt people with state concealed carry permits, and some states have done this. Meanwhile, a number of states have passed their own laws containing various restrictions on guns in schools and colleges.

But taking Trump’s words at their plain meaning — “no more gun free zones” — he would not only repeal the federal law, but he also would apparently preclude states from setting their own policies when it comes to guns on school grounds, according to Arkadi Gerney, an expert on gun law at the Center for American Progress.

“He seems to say that he would override state and local laws that prevent people from carrying guns into schools, notwithstanding what states say,” Gerney tells me. “This would be a huge federal overreach. It’s saying the federal government can tell states they cannot prohibit guns in schools.”

Gerney notes that this would be similar to proposals for “national concealed carry reciprocity,” a longtime goal of gun rights groups, which would use federal power to require states to honor concealed carry permits issued to people in other states who bring their guns across state lines. Trump has already endorsed this idea, as have most Republicans (and some Democrats).

But this would apply to guns in schools. It will be interesting to see what his GOP rivals have to say about this — particularly the more “moderate” ones, such as Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.

Now, it’s perfectly possible that Trump doesn’t intend to preclude states from passing their own gun bans for school zones. Trump has previously had to clarify proposals he spouted at rallies, such as when he proposed a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. then clarified he meant only non-citizens. And in the case of this new gun proposal, Jenna Johnson asked the Trump campaign for general clarification of his comments, but didn’t get an answer.

This one deserves more attention.



A gun for every child.

Just what the gun manufacturers founding fathers intended. Dreams come true.

Rebel Leader

So he's gonna get rid of my house?

As long as a new one replaces it, I'm ok.
he would also make it illegal for states to pass their own laws outlawing guns in school zones if they so choose.
"But but but States rights"
We're gonna have to get a collection of quotes with a poll after his campaign blows up and have the "Trumpies" award ceremony.

Dumbest, most disturbing comment, most shocking, etcetera, etcetera...


Was there a country that was encouraging gun ownership due to things getting out of hand? How did they things turn out if they already did this? Would be nice to have some numbers.


Can't wait to get shot when I get to class!

Edit: family members kept going on and on about how Obama was acting like a king and passing legislation by fiat (while also claiming his actions were useless, so how is he acting like a king?). Will have to check to see what they think of trump doing this and taking away states rights.


Unconfirmed Member
“I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools, and — you have to — and on military bases. My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones.”

America in a sentence.
At this point I seriously think that Trump is a troll, taking the most extreme positions that even irrational republicans don't take, and running a campaign on them.


I just love all this "Day 1" shit. Pre-order the Trump pack to unlock guns in school zones!

how much is he up to? I'm starting to think it's a hell of a lot of paperwork on your first day, which is usually reserved for being briefed on how the White House works

Tom Nook

"Gimme your lunch money"


Ya know, I might be transferring to a bigger campus this year, wish me luck it happens, and this very idea has crossed my mind.

Yup mine as well. Found myself checking exits during class. Great feeling. Can't wait to allow all of my extremely level headed classmates to carry a gun.
America in a sentence.

It's incredible that a frontrunner can say those words and not be laughed off the face of the earth. His first day, it's signed, and every school is now gun-free. I mean, what? If you're rational, it's fucking funny, but we have people that read that shit and think, Yep, that's what will make America great again.


At this point I seriously think that Trump is a troll, taking the most extreme positions that even irrational republicans don't take, and running a campaign on them.

It's a semi-popular theory that the dude knows better and is just doing it to garner as many votes as possible while not actually believing the shit he spouts. He has no precedent of having such beliefs and was rumored to have been going independent before he gained serious popularity in the GOP.

Of course that still makes him an asshole, but I highly doubt lots of the stuff he says will never occur if he gets into the office.


Junior Member
In a sane world, saying stupid shit like that would end his campaign immediately.

Too bad we don't live in a sane world anymore.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
At some point people have to stop being surprised that Trump doesn't actually seem to know that the President isn't actually a dictator


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
He has to be intentionally making his "opinions" more and more ridiculous. He can't be serious about this.
i don't understand how in US you can let this guy saying things like that.
In a week in France he would be stoped and many commission would talk directly to him (constitution, parlement, national assembly)
B-b-but freedom of speech

well we let this guy saying bad thing. He can

We have a guy like that in France: Eric Zemmour. We don't stop him to speak but each time he crossed the line, yep, go take an Attorney eric.

EDIT : . Letting this guy manipulate your civilians american with FEAR is not what i call liberty.


Trump is clearly setting up an exit strategy. He wants to dupe the conservative voting block, or just flub the general elections entirely.

He wins weather he get's the nomination or Hillary does. She will literally act in Trumps interest if she is elected. He position is one that gives the American no choice, unless Sanders takes the dem ticket.


I'm willing to bet there have probably been more accidental shootings and killings than someone actually using their gun to prevent crime. I mean just a few days ago I was reading of some cop who shot a mother in the neck by mistake. Cops have tons of more training shooting and handling firearms and even they make tons of mistakes, misplay the situation.

Johnny from Podunk, Kentucky who probably grew up shooting cans is probably going to instead try and be a hero and be killed first or get someone else killed. I mean what does a gun free Zone mean? Teachers and parents come into schools armed? Or that schools get armed security at the doors?


He should get rid of the white house's gun free zone too

That'd really be putting his money where his mouth is. If he's willing to be his own SS I'd take him seriously for once.


This fucking clown. Like with the most shit he says, he probably didn't even think it halfway through before spouting it off.

What the hell kind of parent would send their kid to a non-gun-free school campus anyway? Who wants their children around guns on a daily basis?

I'm willing to bet there have probably been more accidental shootings and killings than someone actually using their gun to prevent crime.

You don't have to bet, it's statistically true that more people accidentally shoot themselves or others than ward off attackers.


Too bad the White House is a Trump-free zone.

And at the rate things are going, half the countries in the world could become Trump-free zones if he somehow manages to win. It's hard to conduct diplomacy when you're not welcome in a bunch of countries. Of course, Trump isn't one for diplomacy so it might not matter much anyway.
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