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Trump lectured generals on Afghan war, wanted to fire commander, also NYC restaurant


Junior Member
Trump is supposed to be a strong, decisive leader. If he wants to fire a general why hasn't he done so already?


I see we're back to stealing other countries' resources again.

He DID say before that he's "smarter than all of the generals," so this type of behavior shouldn't be a surprise to anyone...including the generals.

Fucking idiot.


That is actually a surprisingly aware statement about institutional dysfunction and the common disconnect between management and workers. I am surprised Trump thinks like that. On the other hand, I hope he does not routinely dismiss real expertise and experience, because you can read that statement two ways.

Or its his subconscious projection of his own insecurities with his own business. Considering he IS the dysfunctional management.


Will be quite funny when Trump and the GOP try to start some shit in Iran and have to go at it alone because NATO allies can’t be arsed to die there to get called freeloaders

It doesn't matter. There is no international support for an Iranian war, even without Trump you'd never get the NATO there.


America might have the biggest stick in the world, but terrain and war endurance always wins..
Soviets failed too. Afghanistan is notoriously hard to try and gain control over with conventional brute force military power. Their knowledge of the insanely complex terrain, combined with some of the most experienced guerrilla fighters on the planet makes it next to impossible.
Soviets failed too. Afghanistan is notoriously hard to try and gain control over with conventional brute force military power. Their knowledge of the insanely complex terrain, combined with some of the most experienced guerrilla fighters on the planet makes it next to impossible.
Well, yes. That and the US was supporting the mujahideen and stuff. Made things a bit harder for The Soviets.

No similar backing this time.


Firing Priebis sure put an end to those LEEEEEAAAAKS!

Also running military operations like a business.
"So, general, what's your burnrate?"


Well, yes. That and the US was supporting the mujahideen and stuff. Made things a bit harder for The Soviets.

No similar backing this time.

Actually Russians have been throwing their backing behind the Taliban for awhile now at the same time its investing in projects that support the government. Russia is playing all sides so whoever comes out on top will have some sort of friendship with Russia. Taliban have been getting steady supply of Russian Weapons for several years now.

Moscow has admitted it has an Intel Sharing Agreement with the Taliban "to fight ISIS"
Imagine him making decisions during a war conflict like he makes up his mind about Obamacare?

On Obamacare:

"Repeal and replace!"
"Let it implode!"
"Just repeal now, replace later!"
"Repeal and replace!!"
"Better to let it implode."
"Replace it now!

War conflict:

"Attack the eastern front."
"Forget the eastern front, we will attack from the south."
"Actually, the eastern front is better."
"No retreat!"

Trump is basically this guy:


Edit: quoted wrong post


It's not possible for the US to win the war in Afghanistan. The best path forward is to attempt a settlement with the Taliban that ensures they will not provide safe haven or support for international jihadists.

The Taliban are the international jihadists. The faction was formed by a bunch of non-Afghans from all over the Middle East who came there to fight the Soviet occupation in the 80's.
It's not possible for the US to win the war in Afghanistan. The best path forward is to attempt a settlement with the Taliban that ensures they will not provide safe haven or support for international jihadists.

HELL FUCKING NO. The Taliban are immensely unpopular in Afghanistan, no reason to roll over and just give the whole region to them again.
The Taliban are the international jihadists. The faction was formed by a bunch of non-Afghans from all over the Middle East who came there to fight the Soviet occupation in the 80's.
I think he means terrorists with international jihad as a goal. The taliban are a nationalist movement with foreign fighters.
Ignoring Trump is a great idea for a lot of the government. I had a sociology teacher once who asked "what if there was a war, and nobody showed up?". That's just meant to promote discussion about the will of the people vs. government, of course, but it works just as well taken as government vs. president. Normally, it wouldn't be possible, but when the president is so incompetent that everyone wants to stonewall him, it can work.
I can't imagine being a general with five tours of actual combat experience, most of it in Afghanistan, getting dumped on by a know-nothing trust fund baby / reality star / draft dodger.

The Afghanistan campaign is in a stalemate and there is no clear path forward; yelling at people is not going to magically bring fresh ideas to the table.

What does Trump even mean by 'winning', what is the actual stated endgoal for the country? A nation of starving farmers full of US corporate mining enclaves guarded by DynCorp mercenaries?

How is that going to energize the population and your allies?


So his argument is because his knowledge as a so called business man is so wayward, that talking with a waiter is enlightening....

This is obviously transferable as a imbecile in business (and draft dodging coward) and in war that talking with any member of a institution is enlightening...

I think my brain is melting at the sheer fuckwit city dribbling that is occurring.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
So, I just learned Kelsey Grammar supports this doofus? Someone hold me.

Unfortunately, you have to support the art from the artist. However, Kelsey stills supports after all this fuckery so you are left to wonder what is really going on in his head.


So, I just learned Kelsey Grammar supports this doofus? Someone hold me.

I use to quite like him but seen him on a chat show and he was a bit creepy. Seems to be similar to Trump when it comes to woman.

At this point you have to imagine the whole government is against Trump but not openly. They must see the danger and are doing what they can to limit any impact.


*steal everything of value from a developing country* -> *proceed to complain about foreign aid and why these people don't do anything for themselves & only piggyback on western wealth*

Get fucked, Trump.


Could you imagine having to listen to Trump if you were a respected member of the military? I would be surprised if most military members that actually interact with him on a daily/weekly/monthly basis have any respect for the man.
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