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Trump on 18yo Lindsay Lohan: 'Deeply troubled women are the best in bed'

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There was a sports talk show in Atlanta that happened to be talking about Lohan in Mean Girls. They said pretty much the same thing, and made it into a broad generalization about how crazy women are always crazy in the sack. The men talking about her were in their late 40s and mid 50s. Came off as kinda gross to me. At least when me and my friends were talking about how hot Lohan was back then we were roughly 3-4 years older.


Fraking corrupt media. Going back in time and making Trump say things.

Trump will put a stop to the media. He says so himself. They are making us all sick.
It's not locker room talk because ya know it was said into a mic and broadcasted. It's not locker room talk because ya know he said it on the air


THIS is locker room/ Strip club talk.

Unfortunately, GAF isn't a locker room.
GAF is more like the floor of the manga section in a Barnes and Noble


You shouldn't go on the Howard Stern show if you are doing ANYTHING even remotely professional or respectable.

It is a career killer if you're not already established. And even then you're taking a risk.
I'll never understand how the hell Howard Stern's show even exists. Who the fuck listens to this shit and is like "Yeah! I'd like to hear more about fucking trouble teenagers from old disgusting men on my drive in to work."


Since when was Lohan off the rails at 18, wasn't it much later?

Also, how did Trump meet his current wife, did he jump her too or she stood up for herself at that moment and the rest is history?


I'll never understand how the hell Howard Stern's show even exists. Who the fuck listens to this shit and is like "Yeah! I'd like to hear more about fucking trouble teenagers from old disgusting men on my drive in to work."

A lot of men listen to this and like it.


There was a sports talk show in Atlanta that happened to be talking about Lohan in Mean Girls. They said pretty much the same thing, and made it into a broad generalization about how crazy women are always crazy in the sack. The men talking about her were in their late 40s and mid 50s. Came off as kinda gross to me. At least when me and my friends were talking about how hot Lohan was back then we were roughly 3-4 years older.

i can kinda understand why some people think it's creepy but i honestly don't think there's much wrong with a person talking about their attraction to younger people if those people are 18+.
Trump sure spends a lot of time in the locker room for someone whose overweight but maybe he goes there for the tanning room orange ass motherfucker


It's not locker room talk because ya know it was said into a mic and broadcasted. It's not locker room talk because ya know he said it on the air

The phrase isn't suppose to be taken literally.

Yeah, threads like this are actually helping Trump by taking away from the real awful stuff he says.

Bingo. The pussy grabbing video was bad cause of what he was admitting, not what he was saying.


Its a little sad that we can say "hey at least he said this about someone that's 18” and that's better than every other alternative we've gotten thus far.

Fuck this man
Nasty to be sure, but not on the level of bragging about, or being accused of, sexual assault. In fact it's almost like actual "locker room talk" if the guys are pigs. In any other election I feel like comments like this would hurt the candidate more but this one...?


The worst part of this is the fact that Trump initiated the conversation. Like there wasn't even a sexual discussion about an 18 year old girl going on until he started it.


They're tapping into classic views of women's problems being tied to their obsession with sex.

Our prof covered this in psych class.


"Well I have a friend Howard who's actually like a great Playboy, I mean, I don't say this about men, this guy does very well," said Trump. "He runs silent, runs deep as they say, like a submarine. He will only look for a crazy women. He says, 'Donald, Donald, please, please, I only want the crazy women.'"

I wonder if his friend is related to his personal spokesman John Miller.

He likes his voters like he likes his teens. Deeply troubled and looking for affirmation.

This post should not be ignored. Fucking gold I tell ya..


Some guys do talk like this, sadly

Do you guys also think Howard stern is a sexist? What about his co-host Robin?

I wouldn't vote for Howard for president. He's insane, delusional, and maybe the most out of touch person I've ever heard speak (while believing he's in touch).

Fortunately he's not running.


Some guys do talk like this, sadly

I wouldn't vote for Howard for president. He's insane, delusional, and maybe the most out of touch person I've ever heard speak (while believing he's in touch).

Fortunately he's not running.

I love the Howard Stern Show-but man I don't like Howard himself. You described him to a T. Insane, delusional and out of touch.

When he went to Gary's house for dinner and left early-that described his true persona.
Since when was Lohan off the rails at 18, wasn't it much later?

She seemed to have it together at that age, but her family being off the rails was well documented at the time. It would be a few more years before she became the tabloid darling she was in her twenties, but the warning signs were there.

Which makes it even more creepy. They were vultures waiting for the wheels to come off.


So it's ok to talk like this as long as your not running for president is what your saying?

No its not okay to talk like this at all, which is why Howard Stern shouldn't ever run for office.

Is it illegal to be a creepy, filthy asshole? Not necessarily.

Is it a trait that should be tolerated in a possible President? Definitely not.

That long and the short of it is a person like Trump can be president theoretically but that's not a scenario that frankly should ever be encouraged.
It's creepy and a bit uncomfortable... but it's not like they're wrong. The even discussed why that happens psychologically. Well as much as you can on Howard Stern.

I wouldn't openly talk about someone specifically like that though. That's disturbing, but that's Hollywood. Trump's real claim to fame is being a reality TV actor in front of every camera at all times.


I love the Howard Stern Show-but man I don't like Howard himself. You described him to a T. Insane, delusional and out of touch.

When he went to Gary's house for dinner and left early-that described his true persona.

Howard has his moments, and sometimes says things that are very grounded and common sense -- which makes it all the more jarring when he says something fucked up or yells at a cloud (his constant rants about podcasts being irrelevant and not mattering compared to "real radio" without any real reason given were hard to listen to).

I haven't listened in some time. I used to tune in mainly in the hopes that Eric the Actor would call. After Eric died I stopped all together.
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