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Trump on 18yo Lindsay Lohan: 'Deeply troubled women are the best in bed'

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Do you guys also think Howard stern is a sexist? What about his co-host Robin?

Just asking questions huh?

There is a reason I don't watch that show. I would not vote for Stern or Robin for President.
But we're not talking about those two right now, we're talking about the person attempting to be the leader in this country. Come back when your questions actually have a point.


Trump doesn't just have skeletons in his closet, his closet is made of them.



So it's ok to talk like this as long as your not running for president is what your saying?

Stern is actually a lot like Trump so its no coincidence that they are friends. Stern is really shallow, self absorbed, incredibly insecure, neurotic, and self loathing. He also has an ego the size of Jupiter. You could use many of these adjectives to describe Trump. I think the difference is Stern is way more self aware about who he is as a person and would never subject himself to this kind of scrutiny and would never run for president as a result. He likes doing his show and making a shit ton of money and still somehow being influential even though he's on satellite and not terrestrial radio anymore.

So do I think Stern is a great guy? No not really. I would hate to have to work or hang out with a guy that neurotic and self obsessed. But I did think his show was good (well at least the interviews) and his job is to be entertaining and I was always entertained by the interviews he did. He's not running for president either so I'm not going to be as hard on him as I would Trump unless it comes out that he sexually assaulted women for the majority of his adult life like Trump apparently has.


I bet Melania Trump is having an amazing year right now.

I wanted to feel bad for her at first but after her sticking with trump amist these allegations which I'm sure she knows is true, I'm convinced she's just waiting for him to die so she can collect on his estate


Ive had one experience with someone that had some deep issues and ....he's not wrong. Had to cut her off before I lost my damn mind. Still, to say this in public is slimy af.

Edit:Fuck and she was 18.


Howard has his moments, and sometimes says things that are very grounded and common sense -- which makes it all the more jarring when he says something fucked up or yells at a cloud (his constant rants about podcasts being irrelevant and not mattering compared to "real radio" without any real reason given were hard to listen to).

I haven't listened in some time. I used to tune in mainly in the hopes that Eric the Actor would call. After Eric died I stopped all together.

Bye for now.

Howard is pretty liberal but he went on this embarrassing gun control rant recently that had me rolling my eyes. He's really obsessed with the idea that people are going to come get him.
Crazy is good in bed is something I've heard a lot. But a 60 year old talking about an 18 year old is a little weird.

That being said Trump will eventually be buried by this stuff. I hope.


This is a pretty good argument as to why you shouldn't do the Howard Stern show if you ever plan on running for president
This isn't true. Arnold swartzeneggar (sorry for the bad spelling) was on it and it did not negatively impact his running for office.

There's a right way to handle a Howard Stern interview and a wrong way. Trump did it the wrong way.

The Kree

Stern is actually a lot like Trump so its no coincidence that they are friends. Stern is really shallow, self absorbed, incredibly insecure, neurotic, and self loathing. He also has an ego the size of Jupiter. You could use many of these adjectives to describe Trump. I think the difference is Stern is way more self aware about who he is as a person and would never subject himself to this kind of scrutiny and would never run for president as a result. He likes doing his show and making a shit ton of money and still somehow being influential even though he's on satellite and not terrestrial radio anymore.

So do I think Stern is a great guy? No not really. I would hate to have to work or hang out with a guy that neurotic and self obsessed. But I did think his show was good (well at least the interviews) and his job is to be entertaining and I was always entertained by the interviews he did. He's not running for president either so I'm not going to be as hard on him as I would Trump unless it comes out that he sexually assaulted women for the majority of his adult life like Trump apparently has.

It's also worth noting that by most accounts Howard Stern on the air and Howard Stern in real life are two very different people. When his show finishes, he just goes home and waits for the next show. That doesn't absolve him of responsibility for the things he says and does on the radio, but there are no accounts, that I'm aware of, of him being a sexual predator or anything like that in regular everyday life. He's a boring normal guy off the air.

Donald Trump is an asshole whether he's being recorded or not. Big difference.


They're tapping into classic views of women's problems being tied to their obsession with sex.

Our prof covered this in psych class.

This. It's very sexist. It's reducing women to fuck objects. And many in this thread seem to have no problem with that.

Like I said, creeperspeak.
Oh right, some guys like to take advantage of traumatized women.
A lot of guys say similar things (crazy = great in bed). Crazy meaning traumatized as a kid.


Is it just me or does this not seem that bad? I mean it indicates a disrespectfulness and a hint of creepiness, but it's not illegal and kind of distracts from the illegal stuff he has admitted to doing.


Well, Trump ogled at the Miss Teen-candidates which is kinda worse so I guess he can say and do whatever he wants.


Alright Donald is a pig, but what exactly did he say in this conversation that makes him an asshole? They are basically talking crap. Most men do.


Does anyone actually like the Howard Stern show? Who the fuck wants to listen to this awful shit?

I've listened to him nearly every day since about 1994. He's the greatest.

We have a 128 page thread here. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=356927&page=1

Is it just me or does this not seem that bad? I mean it indicates a disrespectfulness and a hint of creepiness, but it's not illegal and kind of distracts from the illegal stuff he has admitted to doing.

Exactly, the thread (and all of talk about Stern for that matter) is definitely helping Trump as it makes it look like his criticizers are blowing things out of proportion, when he's actually done bad things that were not on a comedy entertainment show.
Alright Donald is a pig, but what exactly did he say in this conversation that makes him an asshole? They are basically talking crap. Most men do.

Most 60 year old men talk openly about wanting to fuck 18 year olds because mental illness makes them hotter, totally.

We're supposed to be having a national conversation about taking mental illness struggles more seriously. Not electing a guy who pops a boner at the thought of a young woman having very real problems that millions of people face every day.


This isn't true. Arnold swartzeneggar (sorry for the bad spelling) was on it and it did not negatively impact his running for office.

There's a right way to handle a Howard Stern interview and a wrong way. Trump did it the wrong way.

He also was shown getting high on camera and admitted in prior interviews to getting in a gangbang with a number of other bodybuilders with a black girl.


Trucker Sexologist
Ive had one experience with someone that had some deep issues and ....he's not wrong. Had to cut her off before I lost my damn mind. Still, to say this in public is slimy af.

Edit:Fuck and she was 18.
When it comes to dating, people with obvious deficiencies in some areas tend to compensate in others. I guess this phenomenon is just a form of that.

The opposite seems to hold true as well.
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