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Trump pardons former AZ Sheriff Arpaio [convicted of violating civil rights laws]


Because his voters are horrible people already.

I won't say they're all awful people anymore, but I will say they're very stupid people. They had a million better options to vote for and they pick the absolute worst one. Because he "tells it like it is." Too stupid to realize the difference between telling it like it is from telling you what you want to hear.


I won't say they're all awful people anymore, but I will say they're very stupid people. They had a million better options to vote for and they pick the absolute worst one. Because he "tells it like it is." Too stupid to realize the difference between telling it like it is from telling you what you want to hear.

If you supported Trump, you're definitely either a racist or an idiot.

Unfortunately those two groups make for a pretty strong coalition.


This is a man who ran a self-described "concentration camp".

The chants were directed at the Maricopa County sheriff, Joe Arpaio, who a few months before had called this outdoor jail close to downtown Phoenix a “concentration camp” in a speech to political supporters at his local Italian-American club.

When asked about the comment by the Guardian in July, Arpaio brushed it off as a joke. “But even if it was a concentration camp, what difference does it make? I still survived. I still kept getting re-elected,” he said.


A long twitter chain by the Phoenix New Times detailing their coverage over the years of Arpaio.

This is a man who ran a self-described "concentration camp".


A long twitter chain by the Phoenix New Times detailing their coverage over the years of Arpaio.

”But even if it was a concentration camp, what difference does it make? I still survived. I still kept getting re-elected."

When this man's time finally comes, I hope he suffers.
I'm late to this, I'm sure everything has been said already, but what the hell is this.
Every time I think "this is it, Trump won't surprise me anymore", I get baffled again.

Incredible. This feels so unreal.




This brings up an interesting point. I'm sure he's jobless right now. Will the people elect to put him back in his position again?

No. He just ran for reelection last year and lost to a Democrat, pretty badly 56 to 43. Plus the next election for the position will be in 2020, and since he's 85 now, it seems incredibly unlikely that he would run for office at age 89.


This brings up an interesting point. I'm sure he's jobless right now. Will the people elect to put him back in his position again?

Nah. He's an old useless piece of shit, the only real issues caused by this is the gross misconduct of justice and the constitutional problems.


I don't know why this one is bothering me so much.
Like, everything he has been doing gets me riled up but I felt like this one was coming and still I'm so upset by the blatant abuse of power.

Joe was loyal to trump and he got his pardon. I guess none of use should be surprised anymore.
This brings up an interesting point. I'm sure he's jobless right now. Will the people elect to put him back in his position again?
Doubt he would do that. Probably will make a killing on republican speaking tours and appearances. Along with hanging out at the white house.


Should start running "Trump: Easy on crime." smear campaigns for letting criminals go free before they are even convicted.


The more Trump keeps digging with his bullshit the more harder it gets for the disingious same sides idiots to keep it up. His base will lap up anything so no point even talking about them.

With Trump's previous history to many it's not a surprise. He's always been a piece of shit concerning minorities.

Minorities who dance for him are probably the most pathetic to me.


I firmly believe the US needs to take a good look at its flawed constitution and rewrite it.
There's nothing wrong with the constitution aside from arguably the Electoral College. Once people elect crap leaders like Trump it's not the fault of the paper, it's the fault of the people.


I don't know why this one is bothering me so much.
Like, everything he has been doing gets me riled up but I felt like this one was coming and still I'm so upset by the blatant abuse of power.

Joe was loyal to trump and he got his pardon. I guess none of use should be surprised anymore.
Doubt he would do that. Probably will make a killing on republican speaking tours and appearances. Along with hanging out at the white house.
Speaking tours, haha. Not that it would really effect a shitbag like Trump who has nothing but shitbags as supporters, but I imagine that's one of the reasons presidents usually wait until they are walking out the door before issuing pardons. Now everything this guy says or does will be inextricably tied to little Donnie. Unlike smarter presidents, he'll have to address it while in office.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Of all the people that desperately deserve pardoning or at minimum a commuted sentence, Trump pardons this human garbage can...under the veil of the Hurricane no less.

boiled goose

good with gravy
In some ways, this might be the worst thing trump has done.

A political pardon to pander to racist base. This is so damaging to our democracy and government and justice system.

This is dangerous.


Trump will go down as the worst US President to have ever held office and he knows it. He only leaves a hate-filled, bigoted legacy.

Bush launched the Iraq war which resulted in at least half a million dead and a country bombed back to the stone age. Trump is a irredeemable cunt who is doing lasting damage without doubt. I don't think he'll actually be in office that much longer though. If he did stay I'm sure he would be the worst yeah.


There's nothing wrong with the constitution aside from arguably the Electoral College. Once people elect crap leaders like Trump it's not the fault of the paper, it's the fault of the people.
I think there are some things that can be improved, like maybe the electoral college lines should be drawn by a computer.

The real problem with a total rewrite is that people like Trump would have a hand in the process.


I think there are some things that can be improved, like maybe the electoral college lines should be drawn by a computer.

The real problem with a total rewrite is that people like Trump would have a hand in the process.

Yeah Republicans do enough damage to Americans with what they currently have to work with. Let's not let them anywhere near the constitution. I can't imagine how much God would be placed in there just for starters.


No. If you read the pardon letter, he also immunized him against any criminal contempt charges. He will be mired in civil suits until the day he dies though.

I hope the rest of his days are so filled with stress and misery that every morning he curses when he wakes up and realizes he didn't just die in his sleep.
Fuck Arpaio and fuck Trump. Nobody is doing shit to stop this

You can't really stop a Presidential Pardon, it has no checks or balance to it
it is perfect for Trump's ego, I bet everyone is wrong about the reasons he did this

he did this simply because he could not wait to use this new power


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Bush launched the Iraq war which resulted in at least half a million dead and a country bombed back to the stone age. Trump is a irredeemable cunt who is doing lasting damage without doubt. I don't think he'll actually be in office that much longer though. If he did stay I'm sure he would be the worst yeah.
Imagine what Trump would have done in that situation..
This brings up an interesting point. I'm sure he's jobless right now. Will the people elect to put him back in his position again?

No, expect him to head a major department in Trump's government though. Just give him a couple weeks to sneak it past Kelly.
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