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Trump pardons former AZ Sheriff Arpaio [convicted of violating civil rights laws]


Pardoning friends / circumventing the Justice system

Oligarchic cabinet


Sabre rattling

Fan of military parades


Supports Nazis


This is going to end well


Junior Member
I believe it's been confirmed he has never been close to a billionaire, I think it was reported the most he has been worth is like 350 mill. I believe I also read most of the buildings with his name on them are him basically licensing his name to the real owner. The guy has always been a con artist.. even on the apprentice it was reported that the producers told him who to fire via a prompter on the desk.. the guy has been living on his lies his whole life, you don't go bankrupt six times and still have lenders backing you which is allegedly why he looked to the Russians since no one with any sense would loan him money here.

Edit: well the forbes article seems to contradict this, or maybe i misread a zero and he really is worth 3.5 billion.. of course that is net worth and who knows how much debt he has.

Moral of the story: don't. Be. An. Enabler.

Seriously this is how Trump is convinced he will get away with absolutely anything, forever. Because he is so used to people enabling him for his entire life.


The United States of America is broken. The damage this man has been doing is going to affect many generations that come after us.


Lol, why does your president even have the power to overturn convictions?

Sounds like something that's just ripe for abuse.
I think it's meant for either extreme cases, like something that was criminal but done with good intentions (think why Chelsea got her sentence commuted, or why people would want Snowden pardoned) or perhaps the system had failed the individual so they're being spared (probably most of the commuted sentences and pardons Obama doled out.) This is Trump basically being human scum and abusing the privileges he's been granted, and at best jeopardizes them for those who'd follow and have better intentions like most presidents did. At worst, it's basically a signal that any shit face can be a racist monster in this country.

Or that, perhaps, people really do have to resort to violence if they want justice. Which is NOT what we want, but what options are left when the system that was supposed to have served its purpose is completely thrown aside?
Lol, why does your president even have the power to overturn convictions?

Sounds like something that's just ripe for abuse.

some dudes in the 1700s thought it was a good idea

and this happened from a president who didn't even get elected. he basically got appointed by some committee that counts in funny ways

should honestly just rip up the constitution and start over. country is a joke
Lol, Trump voters, non-voters and 3rd party voters.....you cannot complain about this, you knew things like this were gonna happen.


Lol, why does your president even have the power to overturn convictions?

Sounds like something that's just ripe for abuse.

It supposed to be a complicated process with a delay of 5 years after the conviction and used on very good conduct or wrongful imprisonment. Of course it seems to be another thing that ran on the honor system instead of being written down into law. Seems like most rules about the presidency work like that... Well, at least it seems like congress is trying to codify those rules one by one so they'll be hard laws by the time a more competent tyrant comes around.


It supposed to be a complicated process with a delay of 5 years after the conviction and used on very good conduct or wrongful imprisonment. Of course it seems to be another thing that ran on the honor system instead of being written down into law. Seems like most rules about the presidency work like that...

Well, up until now the American people had voted in Presidents that asked "What should I do?" instead of "What can I get away with?"
I firmly believe we'll bounce back, somehow.
But you should always prepare for the worst.

I think the strife that climate change is going to cause will really dampen the possibility that we'll recover. I imagine if the Earth weren't catching fire, we'd probably start to balance ourselves in 50-75 years.


Well, up until now the American people had voted in Presidents that asked "What should I do?" instead of "What can I get away with?"
Some probably did think more like the latter but were hamstrung by the legistlative and judicial bodies more effectively or simply were in a much lower tech era that would minimize the potential damage.


I firmly believe we'll bounce back, somehow.
But you should always prepare for the worst.

Of course we will bounce back. But if we do, we should have higher standards than Trump and his supporters. That's the only way to really defeat their agenda.

Clinton lost, because they were able to tag a lot of shady stuff onto her. We need to prevent that from happening again.


Of course we will bounce back. But if we do, we should have higher standards than Trump and his supporters. That's the only way to really defeat their agenda.

Clinton lost, because they were able to tag a lot of shady stuff onto her. We need to prevent that from happening again.

How come "shady stuff" didn't stick to Trump? Why did people care so much when she did it?


Stormy Grey
How come "shady stuff" didn't stick to Trump? Why did people care so much when she did it?

They screamed over her very, very loudly.

I wish I was kidding. That's their tactic. Scream until their pig faces are beet red and control the narrative through sheer force. Hate is such a strong motivator, and we willingly allow a vast propaganda network to exploit that for the gain of a bunch of regressive lunatics.


It's like being alive for the gradual fall of Rome, a societal collapse both entirely self inflicted and cheered on by those who are incapable of understanding what is happening.


There must be a shady link to Trump, like he did him a favour or for one of his friends or family. Trump is scum but something so blatant doesn't add up. There is skeletons somewhere.
This makes me really, really worried about the Mueller investigation...

You can't flip suspects to witnesses if the guy they're protecting can offer total immunity compared to the lighter sentences the special counsel affords them.

Figured the process would offer some safeguards but turns out, POTUS really can do this on a whim. Insane.


I hope every worthless piece of shit that voted for this monster lives to regret their decision when he fucks them over next. I really hope for nothing but the worst for them.
There must be a shady link to Trump, like he did him a favour or for one of his friends or family. Trump is scum but something so blatant doesn't add up. There is skeletons somewhere.

I'm not sure his motivations for this particular move run all that deep, to be honest.

One of my fears is that as his base recedes ever closer to it's most extreme and disgusting core, he'll make increasingly extreme and disgusting moves to get his next hit of that sweet adulation he craves.


How come "shady stuff" didn't stick to Trump? Why did people care so much when she did it?

because he tells it like it is. he's just a regular joe. he says what we're all thinking. yea, he might make mistakes, but it's only because he's never been a politician before.



As if we needed clearer proof, but he's going to pardon them all Flynn et al and if pardoning himself doesn't work, he'll resign and let Pence pardon him. And if you think there's no limits Trump will take executive power to, you haven't been paying attention.

Liberal white folks with conservative families seriously talk to your them. You have a hell lot of a better shot at bursting their Trump bubble than I do. Chip at it slowly don't rage in hard that probably won't work but the goal should to let them see making liberals mad is not an effective way of conducting presidential politics. If you can get them to see that, Trump's presidency withers away as there is nothing else to it. It might not work but never quit and don't halfass it....this right here is the cost of a Trump presidency. We're all paying it.


How come "shady stuff" didn't stick to Trump? Why did people care so much when she did it?

Because human psychology can be exploited like that. Because Trump somehow represented a new start in politics whereas Clinton represented more of the old and the "shady stuff". It doesn't even matter if those allegations are true or not. Once made, they're there.

People are always better at finding bad things on the other party. And that "little bit of sexism and racism" is just the right amount for their supporters, because it rings true to them.

The only thing to bring down Trump would be a "But her emails!" times 10. And he probably hides exactly that in his tax returns.


Unconfirmed Member
God, this and the trans ban have made me so angry that I have a headache now. Fuck this garbage, and fuck everyone who voted for it.
I just realized the trans ban talk and the Arpaio pardon surfaced around the same time, right?

Chances the transgender military ban is purely because Obama commuted Chelsea's sentence? Donald is so petty it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Lol, why does your president even have the power to overturn convictions?

Sounds like something that's just ripe for abuse.
Yeah who thought this is a good idea.

I firmly believe we'll bounce back, somehow.
But you should always prepare for the worst.

Not unless you guys reform your fundamentally broken system. We'll be back having the same arguments in a few years.

Trump is only a symptom.


Yeah who thought this is a good idea.

Not unless you guys reform your fundamentally broken system. We'll be back having the same arguments in a few years.

Trump is only a symptom.

Probably thought it was a good idea under the presumption that the American people would elect a respectable, morally strong, intelligent, and competent person to the highest political office, and the checks and balances would give said person the boot if they weren't.

Christ, I have no hope for this broken system. People are always talking about moving to another country if X wins, but fuck that. Just move anyways.

nel e nel

Fuck Arpaio and fuck Trump. Nobody is doing shit to stop this

That's because as much as the GOP is condemning Trump over Charlottesville, they are loving all of the repeals and rollbacks he's doing, this is just one more drop in the bucket. So fuck the GOP. They are really showing their true colors.
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