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Trump planning to sneak into UK to avoid large-scale protests


Moreover, it'll be kinda hard to miss when Air Force One is landing at an airport. And people will be watching every airport in range to try and spot it.

Edit: Just occurred to me, wouldn't this mean him technically snubbing, you know, Her Majesty and her government if he's visiting just his golf course?

He'll be able to get off Air Force one and to whatever location he's visiting, but I guarantee by the time he goes outside again there will be protestors


He does realise how comparatively small this country is right? Anyone could get wherever he's planning to visit in well under 24 hours. And they will.
Chucklefuck Don propably doesn't understand that lowly commoners can plan their moves quicker because they don't have a large entourage around them.
He'll be able to get off Air Force one and to whatever location he's visiting, but I guarantee by the time he goes outside again there will be protestors

Oh, I meant in relaying 'he's here!' to protesters. Because yeah, it'll take time to get him and his stuff off the plane, and well, even if he lands at Aberdeen airport, people in Aberdeen will have a headstart.
Protests have to be okayed by the Police, thanks to laws brought in because of one protester outside Parliament (Brian Haw) and the creation of SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act). So if there is no time to organise a protest against Trump any protest will be illegal and the Police can break it immediately and arrest everyone. Isn't freedom a wonderful thing?
Protests have to be okayed by the Police, thanks to laws brought in because of one protester outside Parliament (Brian Haw) and the creation of SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act). So if there is no time to organise a protest against Trump any protest will be illegal and the Police can break it immediately and arrest everyone. Isn't freedom a wonderful thing?

Can they put in "in 24hrs we will be protesting at TBD"?
Protests have to be okayed by the Police, thanks to laws brought in because of one protester outside Parliament (Brian Haw) and the creation of SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act). So if there is no time to organise a protest against Trump any protest will be illegal and the Police can break it immediately and arrest everyone. Isn't freedom a wonderful thing?

Just checked the government website:

Only if there's a march! No march, no need to tell the police.
Protests have to be okayed by the Police, thanks to laws brought in because of one protester outside Parliament (Brian Haw) and the creation of SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act). So if there is no time to organise a protest against Trump any protest will be illegal and the Police can break it immediately and arrest everyone. Isn't freedom a wonderful thing?

I have been to a couple of protests arranged with less than 24 hours notice. It's not impossible. If you want to have a full march, that's much harder because it typically requires road closures.

A gathering outside senor trump's golf course though, should be easily doable.
They're referring to restrictions on protests surrounding Parliament.

I'm prepared to protest whatever the restrictions and be a general nuisance as I'm sure are many other people.

I suspect it's the rules covering Parliament got mixed up with protest laws in general. Protesting outside of Trump's golf course with less than 24 hours notice would appear to be entire legal though.
As someone who saw how quickly you could get a group of people together to go play Pokemon Go via Facebook, getting a protest together is a piece of piss.


I wonder how Trump supporters rationalize these acts of cowardice and Wieselness. Especially them since they see their leader as "Hur my leader is strong and tells it as it is MAGA HUR DURR"

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Let's see him sneak into Germany for G20 first.


Yeah I'm in, I work in central so should be fine at short notice. Now what to write on my sign...


Don't forget the golf balls.

If you guys could, I don't know, trap him somehow, that'd be great. Just, like, lay a trail of fake Time magazine covers with his face on 'em and lure him into a large box.

You can pretty much do whatever you want to the box.
>100 protesters will use this as an opportunity to don bandannas and smash some windows. Then Trump and May will jump on that to deflect from real issues.


How can this guy be a leader ? He's a thin skinned, easily provoked coward, has none of the makings of an inspired progressive leader. The Whitehouse and America has lost credibility under this clown. This is just extraordinary behaviour.


He should meet May in the Orkneys or something. Somewhere only accessible by multiple ferries and home to more coos than people.

Unfortunately he is a spoiled lazy old man who will only stay in five star hotels so it has to be a big city or at his shitty golf club.


I think our Mayor of London will let us know well in advance, pretty sure he'll be there protesting arms locked with all Londoners


He should meet May in the Orkneys or something. Somewhere only accessible by multiple ferries and home to more coos than people.

Unfortunately he is a spoiled lazy old man who will only stay in five star hotels so it has to be a big city or at his shitty golf club.

How about Ascension? There isn't even a regular flight running there at the moment, so there's no way we'd all be able to get out there in time

Or Diego Garcia, Britain already kicked all the civilians out to accommodate the Americans, so it'll be really easy logistically.


I think our Mayor of London will let us know well in advance, pretty sure he'll be there protesting arms locked with all Londoners

I'll know well in advance of the Mayor - I live within a few miles of the designated Presidential airport. Those Osprays are around for hours before POTUS turns up :)
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