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Trump planning to sneak into UK to avoid large-scale protests


"Trump is coming. We need to protest"

"How much time to do we have to organize?"

"24hrs... its not enough time..."

"Hold my Pint!"
UK, after you're done protesting, please keep him and do with him whatever you'd like, but do not allow him to return. Thanks.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Smart move to do it before summer break. All the protestors will be in class.

Boo the hell out of him! Especially after what he said about the London mayor.

I don't think he will ever even come to the PNW in his own damn country so give him hell!


The President of the United States needs to sneak into the UK in order to avoid protests to his visit... Just crazy. There is no coming back from this. When less people protest a visit by the Chinese or Russian President than the US President you know something is wrong.


The President of the United States sneaking into the UK, the biggest ally the US has in the world. I need some time to have that sink in.

A majority of the UK hates our own leader nearly as much, so it shouldn't be that shocking. Similar policies but May hasn't figured out Twitter yet.


Heh this will be funny. He has no idea the "wall" of hatred he will arrive too. Us Brits can protest at the drop of a hat when we need too. We'll even have a good old riot when we feel like it.
Poll tax riots anyone?
Also just wait until the policing bill comes out for the visit. It'll probably be a fair few million over the amount of money the government has given to the Grenfell victims. That will cause some really bad feelings.
Comey is my homey.

Multiple FBI staffers reportedly sported T-shirts that read “Comey is my homey” to a Family Day event on Monday, offering support for ousted FBI Director James Comey, whom President Trump fired earlier this year.

At least 12 people were seen Friday wearing matching shirts that with #ComeyIsMyHomey on them, the Huffington Post reports.

The back of the shirts featured a quote attributed to Comey: “We choose to do good for a living.”



And I bet someone from within the U.K. government is gonna leak details of the visit so that people can get organized.


He is such a caricature of a 80s movie villain.

Must be a fucking glitch in the simulation. I hope the people running the program can iron it out.

Don't be naive. Whoever is running this simulation knows exactly what they're doing. Either trying to make this life as interesting as possible for us, or to test the limits of our sanity. Or probably both lol.

Seriously, though. Twitter has shown that it's a great tool for people to quickly organize large groups to protest. If my memory serves me right, wasn't Twitter a vital tool for many Iranian people to organize where and when they can group up to protest? (That is until the government there disabled it at the time...)
I hope you guys protest the fuck out of that orange piece of shit. Just remember that you're going to compete with the French here, who will probably do the same when he visits on Bastille Day, and to them taking it to the streets is basically a national pastime. So don't let us down on this one.


I don't really get why the Trump admin is more scared of here than any other major European country. Surely the French are going to get angry as well?


He'll be able to get off Air Force one and to whatever location he's visiting, but I guarantee by the time he goes outside again there will be protestors
..and Simon Brodkin.
A majority of the UK hates our own leader nearly as much, so it shouldn't be that shocking. Similar policies but May hasn't figured out Twitter yet.
I fucking hate May as much as the next person but she's no Trump, not even in the same universe.
I think our Mayor of London will let us know well in advance, pretty sure he'll be there protesting arms locked with all Londoners
That won't be much use, Aberdeen is over 500 miles away.


I don't really get why the Trump admin is more scared of here than any other major European country. Surely the French are going to get angry as well?
There's a stereotype of the French being weak. Trump's base will probably eat that up. No such stereotype about the English. Also no language barrier. Trump can't pretend not to hear the chants.


Must be allof the FMA clips I've seen recently, but when I read this topic, I immediately thought of King Bradley remarking, "Do they really believe I'd make a mockery of myself using the back door to enter my own castle?" Before storming a fortified position all by himself.


You can drive from London to Scotland in 4, 5 hours.
Mate I don't know what car you're driving but it takes 10 hours to drive from his golf course near Aberdeen to London. My point was he won't even visit London, just his golf course. So protests in London would be pointless.
Pretty certain people would have noticed Airforce One landing.
Best option is a drone protest to prevent the landing.


All you really need to do to hurt Easy D's feelings is give him the bird. Shouldn't be too hard to make him sweat.
Just say it to yourselves for a moment:

The American President has to SNEAK into England in order to visit.


It's un-fucking-believable.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I'm surprised people aren't more outraged at the cost of such a visit given he's going to just go to his golf course on the taxpayer dime. It's not even an official visit from the sounds of it?


I'm surprised people aren't more outraged at the cost of such a visit given he's going to just go to his golf course on the taxpayer dime. It's not even an official visit from the sounds of it?

the same people outraged at Obama's golfing have defended Trump's weekends of vacations and extra familial security enthusiastically.
I'm surprised people aren't more outraged at the cost of such a visit given he's going to just go to his golf course on the taxpayer dime. It's not even an official visit from the sounds of it?

Every Trumper I've talked to that was "upset" about Obama golfing "all the time" isn't even aware that Trump does it basically every weekend, and when you tell them they pretty much don't care. Funny, that.


Every Trumper I've talked to that was "upset" about Obama golfing "all the time" isn't even aware that Trump does it basically every weekend, and when you tell them they pretty much don't care. Funny, that.

I just get "Well, I know Obama went a lot!"
So Trump simultaneously believes that everyone loves him while also hiding from the general public like a bitch on every occassion.

Hey Trump supporters from other threads, go ahead and defend your bitch.


Mate I don't know what car you're driving but it takes 10 hours to drive from his golf course near Aberdeen to London. My point was he won't even visit London, just his golf course. So protests in London would be pointless.

Best option is a drone protest to prevent the landing.

Isn't Nicola Sturgeon an outspoken critic of Trump? I'd hope she'd give us some warning or at least not make him feel as welcomed as he'd expect.


So Trump simultaneously believes that everyone loves him while also hiding from the general public like a bitch on every occassion.

Hey Trump supporters from other threads, go ahead and defend your bitch.

A lot of them take him being hated abroad as a good thing since it means they must be losing and therefore US is winning.
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