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Trump planning to sneak into UK to avoid large-scale protests


This is how embarrassing Trump is. He can't even have a formal state visit to one of our oldest allies. He has to sneak in.


So Trump simultaneously believes that everyone loves him while also hiding from the general public like a bitch on every occassion.

Hey Trump supporters from other threads, go ahead and defend your bitch.

No, you see, the people that protest him aren't real people, they're just stans paid by Soros nationwide. If you only give 1 days notice, then Soros' checks can't go out fast enough to form a protest.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hey Trump supporters from other threads, go ahead and defend your bitch.

Let me give this a shot in ascending order of likelihood.

"You can git mad all you want but Hillary ran a lousy campaign."

"He's just trolling y'all and playing you like a fiddle."

"I didn't vote for Trump but something something reasons"

"It doesn't matter who won, both sides would screw us over anyway"




Don't worry, we got this.
Comey is my homey.

Multiple FBI staffers reportedly sported T-shirts that read “Comey is my homey” to a Family Day event on Monday, offering support for ousted FBI Director James Comey, whom President Trump fired earlier this year.

At least 12 people were seen Friday wearing matching shirts that with #ComeyIsMyHomey on them, the Huffington Post reports.

The back of the shirts featured a quote attributed to Comey: “We choose to do good for a living.”


Lol, this needs its own thread

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
There are many of us. We will protest the shit out you.

Trump is just mad he will never ever ride in the Queens carriage.


Hopefully his ego will keep him awake at night about it.

I am proud to have been one of the millions who signed the petition to prevent him from meeting the queen on a state visit. He will now not be able to do so.


There are many of us. We will protest the shit out you.

I am proud to have been one of the millions who signed the petition to prevent him from meeting the queen on a state visit. He will now not be able to do so.

Thank you. Trump would just embarrass us even further if he were to meet the queen.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea.....

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!

That pesky Kim at it again!


This must be part of that whole 'modern President' image he's cultivating.

Twitter meltdowns, avoiding visiting a long term ally for an official state visit because you're scared the nasty plebes might give you some shit, especially after bad-talking the capital city's mayor twice after separate terrorism incidents...

'Modern President'


Protests have to be okayed by the Police, thanks to laws brought in because of one protester outside Parliament (Brian Haw) bruised Tony Blair's ego and the creation of SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act). So if there is no time to organise a protest against Trump any protest will be illegal and the Police can break it immediately and arrest everyone. Isn't freedom a wonderful thing?


Brian is a lovely bloke, and his protest was an inspiration to many people. Blair's monumental ego couldn't take the constant reminder about Iraq II so he behaved the way Thatcher behaved to the GLC when they hung a banner with the weekly national unemployment figures on County Hall (opposite the HoP).

Vindictive and petty beyond belief.
Let me give this a shot in ascending order of likelihood.

"You can git mad all you want but Hillary ran a lousy campaign."

"He's just trolling y'all and playing you like a fiddle."

"I didn't vote for Trump but something something reasons"

"It doesn't matter who won, both sides would screw us over anyway"

It will be more along the lines of "liberal snowflakes cant accept others point of view and are resorting to thuggish behavior"


There's a stereotype of the French being weak. Trump's base will probably eat that up. No such stereotype about the English. Also no language barrier. Trump can't pretend not to hear the chants.
Like the french won't make an exception and chant in english for him.


I don't really get why the Trump admin is more scared of here than any other major European country. Surely the French are going to get angry as well?

Honestly, I don't know. We French like to demonstrate against our own government, but I don't remember major mobs against foreign leaders visiting (and we got people like Gaddafi or Bachar al Assad in the past).
Most people just don't care about that kind of protocol.
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