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Trump pressures Democrats on Obamacare to get border wall deal

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They interviewed a ton of trump supporters at his rallies about the wall, they knew mexico wasnt going to pay for it, and knew it probably wasnt going to get built, but they liked the idea of it, they appreciated what it represented.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Fixed for more accuracy.

Had to fix your fix
I imagine a Trump rally right now

Crowd: NOW!!!
T: (so who's really paying for it?)
C: U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!


I am going to enjoy the bitter tears when Trump eats the backlash over a shutdown and is forced to sign off on a long-term continuing resolution with no wall funding.


I'm so looking forward to having to drive 1000+ miles back home before the shutdown and then have to drive those 1000+ miles back to the duty station when it reopens.

I am going to enjoy the bitter tears when Trump eats the backlash over a shutdown and is forced to sign off on a long-term continuing resolution with no wall funding.

My guess is the Congressional GOP is going to leave Trump hanging out to dry on this one. There's apparently been talks ongoing about funding the government and Trump only in the past week has started making vague poison pill demands through the media. The Republicans in Congress will get a funding bill through Congress, and if Trump wants to make a spectacle of it not having wall funding he'll have to veto or not sign it and be solely responsible for the shutdown.
Still trying to figure out how this plan is anything but incredibly stupid. The Dems lose literally nothing if they say no. Govt shutdown would still be on him, AND they get to say he was trying to extort healthcare of the American public for his trash.

And Democrats can give a very simple reason for saying no. "I thought Mexico was paying for it? Are you walking back your campaign promise?"

Democrats are gonna be so tired of winning by the end of the year.


So basically:


Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
So I really don't understand the whole wall thing. Like, I do get why it's supporters like it, but it's pointless in it's excess.

You build a giant ass wall along the border. Ok, you just blew a few tens of billions of dollars.

Then you need to hire a bunch of border patrol to man it, or it isn't effective. A wall isn't stopping anyone from coming unless it had something insane like autonomous guns to shot anyone who gets close.

So why not just hire a bunch more border patrol and have smaller outposts (I'd assume these things already exist) along the border? Increase the man power so you actually have "security" along the border.

Anyway, yeah Trump is an idiot. He doesn't understand you don't just make a deal between two massive and unrelated pieces of legislation in a week. Especially when it's solely for his personal "I did so much in 100 days" agenda.

That's what makes it a big head scratcher to me.

It's not even an effective way of issuing xenophobic policy. Drones, better technology, more manpower, and additional monitoring of visa holders would all do vastly more to curb illegal immigration whereas the wall is just a shitty symbolic talking point.

Like it's not even worth discussing in any kind of debate on immigration policy because it doesn't even work. It's a stupid idea sold to stupid voters.


They interviewed a ton of trump supporters at his rallies about the wall, they knew mexico wasnt going to pay for it, and knew it probably wasnt going to get built, but they liked the idea of it, they appreciated what it represented.

Haha the wall was metaphorical, is not in the border, is in our hearts.


Jake Tapper
.@RepSanfordSC says GOP is weighing bill that would drop nationwide protection for people w pre-existing conditions cnn.it/2p9KXIo

12:12pm · 23 Apr 2017 · Twitter Web Client



The thing is, I don't think he realizes that millions rely on ACA to get healthcare. He runs the country like a business, aka the Democrats are a part of the board of directors, and they happen to like ACA. To him, ACA is just one of the projects his current business invests in, and if he takes it away, no real harm will come from it. It's leverage to him.


Haha the wall was metaphorical, is not in the border, is in our hearts.

Democrats gotta start learning this. Trump sold the idea of it which is what people liked. Just like obama selling hope and change. Except trump doesn't mind saying things with more specificity and doesn't care if the specifics don't pan out

Popularity can come from just selling ideas like this regardless if there is any truth to it.


The thing is, I don't think he realizes that millions rely on ACA to get healthcare. He runs the country like a business, aka the Democrats are a part of the board of directors, and they happen to like ACA. To him, ACA is just one of the projects his current business invests in, and if he takes it away, no real harm will come from it. It's leverage to him.

This was maybe true a year ago (I would disagree with even that, but hey, let's just say...). Not today. After the last few months, Trump knows exactly what the ACA is and the implications of what he's suggesting.

Trump is an idiot. Yes. An outrageous one even. But we cannot let that supplant the fact that he is ALSO a narcissistic asshole who gives not a shit about anyone or anything other than enriching and promoting himself.

Trump knows exactly what he's doing by holding the ACA hostage. He knows he's threatening the healthcare of millions of people just to score a cheap political win.

He doesn't care.


So Trump is using the fact that democrats give a damn about the American people as leverage to fund his wall? How is this a winning argument from him again?

"People are dying because we took away their healthcare when the democrats wouldn't fund the wall! "

What? And isn't the wall we were told Mexico was going to pay for over and over and over again?


So Trump is using the fact that democrats give a damn about the American people as leverage to fund his wall? How is this a winning argument from him again?

"People are dying because we took away their healthcare when the democrats wouldn't fund the wall! "

What? And isn't the wall we were told Mexico was going to pay for over and over and over again?
they will sell this as Dems obstructing both healthcare and border security.


The thing is, I don't think he realizes that millions rely on ACA to get healthcare. He runs the country like a business, aka the Democrats are a part of the board of directors, and they happen to like ACA. To him, ACA is just one of the projects his current business invests in, and if he takes it away, no real harm will come from it. It's leverage to him.

I think this one is personal. He has some weird vendetta against obama and just wants it gone because it was his major accomplishment. This is consistent with all those reports about how vindictive trump is in general


Why do you think The Wall went so quickly from being a legit proposal to something ignorant and racist people shout at Latinos to harass them?

Racists recognize the language, and they know how to use it.

It's a two-fer.

Trump and republicans wouldn't seriously be wasting time pushing for the wall in the budget if his supporters understood it was metaphorical and just a way to be codedly racist using one word.

Hence --

Fucking bullshit.
I thought more Republican voters liked their ACA more than the wall though.

I don't see how he can spin this. Maybe blame Democrats for not building the walls and cutting their health insurance? I'm sure some will believe it but not a lot.

I guess he can default to saying being President is hard and it was impossible for him to actually do anything in 100 days. In any case, I hope the current government's inability discourages the republican voters to vote at midterms.


This was maybe true a year ago (I would disagree with even that, but hey, let's just say...). Not today. After the last few months, Trump knows exactly what the ACA is and the implications of what he's suggesting.

Trump is an idiot. Yes. An outrageous one even. But we cannot let that supplant the fact that he is ALSO a narcissistic asshole who gives not a shit about anyone or anything other than enriching and promoting himself.

Trump knows exactly what he's doing by holding the ACA hostage. He knows he's threatening the healthcare of millions of people just to score a cheap political win.

He doesn't care.

It still doesn't stop him from being an idiot, just moves the bar from "doesn't know the magnitude of what he's threatening" to "thinks what he's threatening will achieve what he thinks it will."


I thought more Republican voters liked their ACA more than the wall though.

I don't see how he can spin this. Maybe blame Democrats for not building the walls and cutting their health insurance? I'm sure some will believe it but not a lot.

I guess he can default to saying being President is hard and it was impossible for him to actually do anything in 100 days. In any case, I hope the current government's inability discourages the republican voters to vote at midterms.

You've got supporters on this very forum saying otherwise.


Then let it die. Does he know who is in charge of congress.and who would have to deal with the fallout of that? No, of course he doesn't because doesn't live in our reality.


Unless I'm off base here, the money needed to "save" Obamacare is money promised by the government anyway, isn't it? It's not like some extra funding. This is like calling your credit card company and saying you'll pay your debt if they raise your spending limit. Otherwise fuck it, you won't pay debt.

And using the wall for leverage is fucking hilarious. You said Mexico was paying for it. Why the shit would Democrats even entertain this conversation? Democrats need to get out and say that. Why is Trump's trying to bargain to break his promise to the American people.

They just need to hammer "Why isn't Mexico paying?" As dumb as Trump's supporters are when it comes to believing whatever he believes now because he believes it now, shut up, it was basically one of his most-heart soundbites from the campaign. Point out there's no reason to tie funding for one to the other and then keep hammering these are costs we were never supposed to pay, and let him stew. There's no reason for Dems to enable him.


The Autumn Wind
They interviewed a ton of trump supporters at his rallies about the wall, they knew mexico wasnt going to pay for it, and knew it probably wasnt going to get built, but they liked the idea of it, they appreciated what it represented.


I thought more Republican voters liked their ACA more than the wall though.

Look no further than the stories that came out during the last health care battle of Trump supporters scared shitless they were going to lose their insurance, while acting surprised Trump wasn't making it "better".


If the Republicans control both chambers of Congress and the presidency and they still can't pass a budget, then the Democrats clearly aren't the problem.


Look no further than the stories that came out during the last health care battle of Trump supporters scared shitless they were going to lose their insurance, while acting surprised Trump wasn't making it "better".
Trump couldn't even break 50% approval in the first 100 days, and that's his grace period.

Hopefully they learn.
In a second tweet, he added: "The Democrats don't want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members

Wait, but I thought Mexico was going to pay it?

Why do they need money from the budget to make it happen?



Fuck off. Its really sad, Republicans control the government and still can't do shit. I'm sure they will threaten to shutdown the government in order to get this money. The democrats that vote yes for this shit need to get voted out.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE and almost always negative. Would still beat Hillary in popular vote ABC News/Washington Post Poll (wrong big on election) said almost all stand by their vote on me & 53% said strong leader.



The best thing about his tweets are about all the people who post rebuking and taunting him left and right. His tweets used to be filled with bots.
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