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Trump Refuses to Support Paul Ryan, McCain, in Primary

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If he willingly drops out, there's no reason why his supporters would be upset. Clinton is a remarkably weak candidate and would probably be trailing a generic Republican at this moment.

A generic Republican would probably be doing better against Hillary than Trump is right now, but only if they were already on the ground running following a primary, a convention, and several months worth of preparation and campaign building and fundraising and everything. Not from scratch, not in under 100 days.


If he willingly drops out, there's no reason why his supporters would be upset. Clinton is a remarkably weak candidate and would probably be trailing a generic Republican at this moment.

Not even the ghost of Reagan could win against Hillary after Trump happened and with 100 days of campaign left. And every real strong prospective republican candidate will back out to this sort of suicidal run. Maybe McCain on a redemption last run of sacrifice.
A generic Republican would probably be doing better against Hillary than Trump is right now, but only if they were already on the ground running following a primary, a convention, and several months worth of preparation and campaign building and fundraising and everything. Not from scratch, not in under 100 days.

None of that matters if you're down more than a couple of points. Here is how Kasich was polling against Clinton.

If he willingly drops out, there's no reason why his supporters would be upset. Clinton is a remarkably weak candidate and would probably be trailing a generic Republican at this moment.

There is no such thing as a generic Republican. You're talking about someone coming in with less than 100 days and magically pulling a campaign out of their ass. I mean, Trump doesn't have much of a campaign, but he's got a little something. Not much! But something.

1) There is no way his ego lets him quit. Seriously.

2) If he did quit, he will not quit for the "good of the party." He will go out kicking,screaming and bitching. Because that's how he's done EVERYTHING. There is not one thing this entire campaign he has done with an iota of class. But being thrown off the ticket, being the only party nominee in modern history to just be like "YOLO, I quit?" and he's going to be graceful? Naw.

3) As we saw with some aspects of the left, if you beat the "It's rigged" drum, people will believe it. The things Trump has said about the GOP trying to rig it against him, and the media...you think his supporters would believe him if he came out and said he was dropping out of the race to spend quality time with his tiny, tiny hands?
If he willingly drops out, there's no reason why his supporters would be upset. Clinton is a remarkably weak candidate and would probably be trailing a generic Republican at this moment.

You are assuming Trump would drop out graciously, rather than go out kicking and screaming and invoking that he was forced out because "I'm not a quitter". Even if he willingly drops out, his ego will not allow him to make it seem that way. There is no alternate universe in which Donald Fucking Trump 3 months out from the general election drops out quietly and graciously and urges conservatives to vote for Paul Ryan. None. It is an impossibility.


I really gotta pack and get ready for my coach, but Fox is so entertaining right now. Kelly is awesome.
Oooookaayyy, someone asked a question and I answered it realistically. Let's all just assume Trump sticks around because he's the most likely to lose right now. Anyone else would be a tougher opponent.
None of that matters if you're down more than a couple of points. Here is how Kasich was polling against Clinton.


These polls are over three months old. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats just wrapped up what was viewed as a very successful convention. The GOP is a dumpster fire right now.

We're talking about if a generic Republican were tapped to start running this GOP nomination, under current conditions, today. It wouldn't happen. Even if they polled well several months ago, their campaign just wouldn't get built in time. Plus, Trump would probably take a huge chunk of very bitter supporters with him on top of all that.
Was there a model for Trump in a hypothetical against Obama (no term limits)?

How bad would that ass beating be?

We're talking about if a generic Republican were tapped to start running this GOP nomination, under current conditions, today.

Yes, this is the hypothetical I was suggesting. If Ryan was replaced in there NOW, could the Reps salvage a win?
This guy HAS to be a master level plant/troll right? RIGHT? Please I don't know what to think anymore.

He actually is ;)


Donald Trump is a con man. He’s also a fraud, a liar, a snake-oil salesman, and a carnival barker. Clearly he is running a scam on the country.

Trump calls himself a “deal-maker.”

I call Trump a Master Persuader.

It’s all the same thing. Trump says and does whatever he needs to do in order to get the results he wants. And apparently he does it well. Given the facts, you can either see Trump as highly skilled or morally flawed. Maybe both. I suppose it depends which side you are on.
Was there a model for Trump in a hypothetical against Obama (no term limits)?

How bad would that ass beating be?

Yes, this is the hypothetical I was suggesting. If Ryan was replaced in there NOW, could the Reps salvage a win?

It depends on the state, but PPP polled that, and it was an Obama win, but Trump was still getting 40-44% of the vote.
At this point how could you replace Trump with Ryan? Wtf would have to happen?

Like within the rules?

It's a hypothetical so Trump concedes, the Reps force him out, whatever. If that situation presented itself, with less than 100 days to go, could they put it off?
Trump isn't dropping out. It's Trump.

I don't think he'll drop out, but the stability of the candidate and the campaign are in peril right now, especially if those recent tweets are an accurate reflection of the mood at Trump HQ.

He might not drop out, but he might be pushing up against a stunning campaign collapse where he starts cycling through campaign managers, a demoralized staff, a few big name repudiations away from a GOP leadership abandonment, and a woeful lack of money compared to Clinton.

He might still be running by November, but who knows what the campaign will look like.
That remains to be seen. If Trump gets his ass handed to him in November Cruz will look like the brave warrior that stood up to the guy that almost torpedoed the party.

Salvos of torpedoes have struck. The ship is in flames. Life rafts are already in the water, making their long way to dry land. Nearby vessels are turning off their radios and pretending not to hear the SOS.


It's a hypothetical so Trump concedes, the Reps force him out, whatever. If that situation presented itself, with less than 100 days to go, could they put it off?

In American history, no presidential candidate has ever dropped out of the race after receiving the nomination of his or her Party. However, one vice-presidential candidate died after being nominated (Horace Greeley – 1872), and another resigned from the ticket (Tom Eagleton – 1972). According to TeachingHistory.org here is what would happen:

Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party’s nod.

The same process would happen if the vacancy were to occur after the general election but before the Electoral College meets to vote. If a vacancy should occur on the winning ticket, it would then be the party’s responsibility to fill it and provide a candidate for whom their electors could vote.

And, again, I know no one likes the unsexy parts of campaigning, but there is no way a valid candidate can hop on the stage with 98 days left and expect to win. There would be no fundraising in place. There would be no staff. You have no ads. You have no analytics or ground game.

In a perfect world, you would inherit something from the previous candidate. But Trump has none of this already. Neither the RNC or DNC are structured (or funded) in such a way to build a campaign from nothing post-convention.

Justin Bailey

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Salvos of torpedoes have struck. The ship is in flames. Life rafts are already in the water, making their long way to dry land. Nearby vessels are turning off their radios and pretending not to hear the SOS.

lol - I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point.



Time to make that Clinton endorsement, John.

This reads like someone trying to reach the minimum word count in an essay but with no finesse whatsoever.


And, again, I know no one likes the unsexy parts of campaigning, but there is no way a valid candidate can hop on the stage with 98 days left and expect to win. There would be no fundraising in place. There would be no staff. You have no ads. You have no analytics or ground game.

In a perfect world, you would inherit something from the previous candidate. But Trump has none of this already. Neither the RNC or DNC are structured (or funded) in such a way to build a campaign from nothing post-convention.

Right. And that's on the basis that it happens today. Trump would hold on to it as long as possible. I would think it would be another month at minimum before anything like this could happen.
Right. And that's on the basis that it happens today. Trump would hold on to it as long as possible. I would think it would be another month at minimum before anything like this could happen.

Yeah. In the unlikely event this did happen, the GOP would put somebody up as a face-saving measure, but nobody would expect them to win. Most money would wind up going to salvage downticket races.
I really gotta pack and get ready for my coach, but Fox is so entertaining right now. Kelly is awesome.

I think she's already made up her mind and will be at CNN when her contract expires. She made a trip over to their setup during the DNC late one night and was hanging out. So no fucks given anymore for her.


Sucks at poetry
The voters NOMINATED trump as their candidate! It's what they wanted. It's their choice. There's no way the entire base is just gonna fall in line and put all their energy behind a newly appointed non-elected candidate whom they are not as intimately familiar with. A rando propped up GOP candidate would probably cause even lower turn out, not higher.
This is honestly spectacular to watch

I thought the reactions after both of Obama's wins were incredible. The last full 2 months alone might very well have topped it, and we still have 3 more months
Oh my fuck America. We had a 70 day election up here in your frozen north and we were all "zomg longest election ever, what a waste". Your politicians spend like a fourth of their political lives campaigning. It's just madness.

A member of the House of Representatives spends 90% of their time campaigning. Their terms are only two years, so they have no breathing room.


Man.. this is just way too weird..

Ok.. so I'm thinking on voting night.. he's gonna come clean

"America.. over the last year.. I lied.. I lied to show you how divided america really is.. and it's time to come clean.. I am a democrat, always been a Democrat, I've said mean, ridiculous things and certain populations ate it all up.. we have to do better as a country.."


Water is not wet!
Man.. this is just way too weird..

Ok.. so I'm thinking on voting night.. he's gonna come clean

"America.. over the last year.. I lied.. I lied to show you how divided america really is.. and it's time to come clean.. I am a democrat, always been a Democrat, I've said mean, ridiculous things and certain populations ate it all up.. we have to do better as a country.."

The Republicans wish this were the case. The truth is that the GOP is the party of hate mongering, war mongering, and fear mongering. Thats why Trump was successful in securing the Republican nomination.
It's kind of hilarious to see the GOP, a party that used to be all about strength and unity and patriotism and power, be reduced to childish slap fights.
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