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Trump Refuses to Support Paul Ryan, McCain, in Primary

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Water is not wet!
Trump dropping out closer to the election is the dream scenario. He goes away and takes the ire of the racist rabble he whipped into a frenzy.

id say there is a chance that Trump gets into it with his own supporters. He might call them out as not doing enough, someone will get correctly point out that it was him that led to low polls, and since he cant back down from an argument without winning he would get nasty with them. That happening would be the best possible outcome imo.


Is this real?



Ok guys I am in full conspiracy mode now. Trump is most definitely a Democrat plant to destroy the Republican and ensure a Clinton win.

This is like, the ultimate form of blaming the Clintons for everything and insinuating that Hillary can never win an election on her own. The Infowars crowd already threw in their lot with Trump, and primary voters liked what they saw, but hey, Alex Jones might find the mind control rays that aliens implanted in Republican brains the day after the election.


And leaks will start coming out from this. With disgruntled staff members whispering inside details of Trump to their journalists friends. If he is like this in public I just can't imagine how he conducts himself in private, with his inner team and family.


We're literally experiencing House of Cards in real life..

I want off this planet.

I never saw HoC past season 1, however if the show had a Trump style analogue that said all the shit he said and was still winning in the polls I think everyone would say it was the most unrealistic show that ever existed. Yet here we are.

Justin Bailey

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People keep bringing up Cruz like yeah there was a dude who knew what was up, but isn't he more of a cautionary tale for Ryan, McCain and other Republicans than anything? I don't think Cruz can recover from the backlash his non-endorsement generated; his 2020 prospects seem all but extinguished. I think that speech was the end of his political career.

That remains to be seen. If Trump gets his ass handed to him in November Cruz will look like the brave warrior that stood up to the guy that almost torpedoed the party.
What would happen if Trump did drop out? Republicans put someone else forward? Pence gets bumped to the top of the ticket? Anarchy?


“[Ryan’s] opponent is a big fan of what I’m saying — big fan,” Trump said. “His opponent, who’s running a very good campaign, obviously, I’ve heard — his opponent sent me a very scholarly and well thought out letter yesterday and all I did was say thank you very much for your very nice letter. You saw my statement.”

The fact that he doesn't even name Ryans opponent makes me think he's doing the "kid that didn't study for an exam" thing again


Someone should try to figure out if he was actually sent something


The fact that he doesn't even name Ryans opponent makes me think he's doing the "kid that didn't study for an exam" thing again

Someone should try to figure out if he was actually sent something

Of course not. That's his mythomania kicking in. If he believes it to be true then it's true and it really did happen.


Oh this is great and we've still got nearly 100 days of this. I can't even imagine what will happen next.

Oh my fuck America. We had a 70 day election up here in your frozen north and we were all "zomg longest election ever, what a waste". Your politicians spend like a fourth of their political lives campaigning. It's just madness.

Mr. X

Do they regret everything yet? I hope some of these Pro-Trump Repubs quit politics forever after this lol

An unhinged candidate creating unforced controversies on an hourly basis, picking fights with GOP leadership, Republicans looking for any excuse to revolt against their nominee, and now possibly a defeated and morose manager and staff of what could be generously called a "campaign".

This seems like it's setting up for a stunning collapse well ahead of November.


Kills Photobucket
Oh this is great and we've still got nearly 100 days of this. I can't even imagine what will happen next.

We need a month of Clinton polling up 20, then I will sit back and laugh and laugh.

I'm still terrified the Democrats might find some way to screw this up.

Very interesting and not surprising that Lizza would ask if this was intentional. Eight years later, and I still remember his New Yorker piece on Obama's early political career, because he painted a very calculating and machiavellian portrait of Obama. Very interesting read: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/07/21/making-it

If he ever wrote a book on Obama's presidency, I'd pick it up in a heartbeat.
So just how many chickens have come home to roost?

Like All the Chickens. Think Chicken run and thats basically it.

We need a month of Clinton polling up 20, then I will sit back and laugh and laugh.

I'm still terrified the Democrats might find some way to screw this up.

They have all the pieces put in place for a great win. A volatile nominee, a campaign staff that is close to going ballistic, and the rest of the repub party considering support to the Democrats. This should be easy as pie. And I also hope the Dems do well too, oh do I hope.


Looks like Trump case against his University is going to happen.

Dude is gonna lose it. Whatever there is left to lose.
Looks like Trump case against his University is going to happen.

Dude is gonna lose it. Whatever there is left to lose.

Only downside is that it'll keep Trump in the news and continue to enable his anemic campaign fundraising efforts.

But as long as he's not the one controlling the narrative, then fine by me.
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