(everything below is prefaced with "alleged," no one has been convicted of any criminal charges at this time, etc.)
-Mike Flynn takes bribes from Turkey in exchange for favors. Is under active investigation. Obama warns Trump not to hire him due to this. Trump immediately hires Flynn as National Security Adviser.
-United States confirms Russia influenced US election. FBI Director James Comey heads official investigation into Russia ties to Trump campaign.
-Trump tries three times in private meetings with Comey to get him to pledge loyalty and bury anything involving Flynn in Comey's investigation. Comey refuses each time, documents all of it extensively, shares documentation with aides at FBI HQ as it happens.
-Trump suddenly fires Comey as FBI Director. Official statement claims the firing was prompted by a recommendation by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein as to Comey's lack of fitness for duty. Soon to be relevant: Rosenstein is not pleased about how his involvement has been characterized.
-Lester Holt interviews Trump and, after pressing him repeatedly on the facts, Trump grandstands and, contrary to his original official statement, takes all the "credit" for deciding to fire Comey and claims he decided entirely on his own in order to put an end to the Russia investigation and that it wasn't influenced by any outside recommendations.
-Congress and the public: "?????????????????????????????????" Support grows for a special investigator take over the Russia investigation.
-DAG Rosenstein, fresh off Trump admin attempting to use him as a scapegoat for FBI Director Comey's firing, appoints Comey's mentor and predecessor, Sherlock Holmes x Judge Dredd x Living Embodiment of the United States Constitution, aka universally respected homing missile of justice former 12-year FBI Director Robert Mueller as special investigator into the Russia investigation and any associated corruption/collusion/obstruction/treason. Rosenstein does not consult with or notify Attorney General Sessions or the Trump administration before appointing Mueller.
-"Yes, a special prosecutor, I suppose that may be nece--wait, what? What just happened? Rosenstein did what? Mueller? Oh. My. Fucking. God."
-D.C. becomes Fyre Festival 2: Escape From Politician Island. Leaks flood out to press in 24/7 barrage as politicians and White House staff run for cover and implicate each other at every opportunity.
-NY Times and Washington Post: