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Trump suggests pulling credentials from 'corrupt' media

I believe this is not the first time he said something similar about it. I do not think it will happen anyway so there is nothing to worry..


President Donald Trump complained Wednesday that his administration receives overwhelmingly negative coverage from network news outlets and floated the idea of pulling credentials from outlets whose reporting is deemed unfair by the White House.
Trump cited a study from the right-leaning Media Research Center that showed 91 percent of the coverage of Trump’s administration from network news outlets through the first four months of 2018 was negative. In a Wednesday morning tweet, Trump said the negative reporting about his administration is “fake.”
“The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake),” the president wrote online. “Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?”
Trump has complained often about the media and has on multiple occasions raised the possibility of taking retaliatory steps against the press, including canceling the daily press briefing and threatening to “open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money.”
That free press is a menace, most respected dict.. sorry honest world leaders would just put them in a cage and throw stuff at them.


I'd like to think his fans/voters are terrified at this tweet…but then realized many probably agree
So they will close down Fox News? That's good, but then what will the orange turd watch while stuffing his face with ice cream and diet coke?


And another piece of the First Amendment is eroded away. I guess people forgot its more than just Freedom of Speech.

The war on Fake News is more important than the Bill of Rights.
Does this really matter? I guess it matters for big news outlets, but press credentials are limited aren't they? Meaning that a lot of outlets are not given space. Unless I'm mistaken, isn't this just in regards to presence at the White House? So it's a matter of access to the president and his staff? So it's not limiting press rights and it's kind of selective and limiting in press participation anyways?

Please enlighten me a bit, dear knowledgeable americans..
I'd rather he just do away with the concept of "press credentials" and give everyone those privileges. Everyone ought to have them.


So they will close down Fox News? That's good, but then what will the orange turd watch while stuffing his face with ice cream and diet coke?
You are one lazy ass troll. All you have is " he is orange... And fat. Get him"! You sound foolish.

But hey you do you. Do you hate the color orange or something? I mean judging people by the color of their skin sounds like something someone on the alt right would say.
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Trump's ego is still getting the best of him I see. Let the fake news out themselves, people have pretty much lost all respect for these garbage outlets anyway... No need to ban them...
You are one lazy ass troll. All you have is " he is orange... And fat. Get him"! You sound foolish.

But hey you do you. Do you hate the color orange or something? I mean judging people by the color of their skin sounds like something someone on the alt right would say.

I didn't call him fat so I don't know who you are quoting there.


Unconfirmed Member
It's hard to argue that there isn't a problem with the news media these days. The NYT slamming Pompeo for being AWOL when he was rescuing political prisoners is a perfect example. That article wasn't news, it was a hit piece disguised as news and now the NYT has egg on its face.

If I were president Trump I wouldn't do away with press credentials, I'd just stop having daily press briefings. Issue a daily written press release and occasionally invite select news outlets to a private Q&A. Make the daily press release available on the WH Website so that the american public gets the exact same information that the news media does.

At times when a news conference can't be avoided just make your statement and walk away without answering questions.

There are plenty of ways to "punish" a dishonest news media without taking away their press credentials.
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If I were president Trump I wouldn't do away with press credentials, I'd just stop having daily press briefings. Issue a daily written press release and occasionally invite select news outlets to a private Q&A. Make the daily press release available on the WH Website so that the american public gets the exact same information that the news media does.

At times when a news conference can't be avoided just make your statement and walk away without answering questions.

There are plenty of ways to "punish" a dishonest news media without taking away their press credentials.

So be a fucking child? fits this president perfectly.


Unconfirmed Member
So be a fucking child?

It's not being a child, it's managing the press.

That said, I'll admit to being somewhat biased, as I think the news media is out of control and responsible for a lot of the racial/political/ideological division we see in the country today. I won't go so far as to call them an enemy of the people but they are close. They are too biased and are too willing to print stories whose only source is anonymous with no corroborating facts. How many times have we seen stories whose only facts being "a source close to... tells us that...." That's not news, it's (often biased) gossip disguised as news.


More concerning should be that he views all negative news as fake.
That's not the concerning part. We already knew he's an egomaniac, we knew that in November 2016. The concerning part is how he could eat a taco for lunch and it becomes 3 days of coverage on CNN...


Unconfirmed Member
I don't see how anyone GOP or DNC could support this notion on our 1st amendment rights

This isn't a first amendment issue.

The first amendment allows for freedom of speech, it does not guarantee the press freedom of access to the president or any political figure. Press credentials are a privilege, not a right and there would be nothing illegal or unconstitutional if they were to be pulled/cancelled/denied.
If I were president Trump I wouldn't do away with press credentials, I'd just stop having daily press briefings. Issue a daily written press release and occasionally invite select news outlets to a private Q&A. Make the daily press release available on the WH Website so that the american public gets the exact same information that the news media does.

At times when a news conference can't be avoided just make your statement and walk away without answering questions.

There are plenty of ways to "punish" a dishonest news media without taking away their press credentials.

Ensuring that there's no favorization. That's a pretty interesting idea. They probably should and it could allow for smaller outlets to shine in the private Q&A's as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Ensuring that there's no favorization. That's a pretty interesting idea. They probably should and it could allow for smaller outlets to shine in the private Q&A's as well.

I think the "favorization" would come in the form of only inviting news agencies that report the news accurately with little to no bias shown in their reporting. They don't have to always be favorable to the President as long as they are unbiased and fair.
Ensuring that there's no favorization. That's a pretty interesting idea. They probably should and it could allow for smaller outlets to shine in the private Q&A's as well.
I have my doubts about that as I am 100% percent he is talking about cnn, msnbc, the Washington post, or the new york times. Any news outlet who talks against him
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I have my doubts about that as I am 100% percent he is talking about cnn, msnbc, the Washington post, or the new york times. Any news outlet who talks against him

Well, the discussion was more about what should be and it wasn't about Trump pulling credentials, but there being a non-favorising system where press briefings were removed and most information was released through press releases and questions answered in private Q&As where the news outlet being invited would be randomized amongst a pool. Thus ensuring an equal level between news outlets. There'd have to be some measurement of standard in regards to what constitutes a news outlet of course, though I'm unsure exactly what that'd be. This would affect Fox News as well, so it's not about specific outlets.
Well, the discussion was more about what should be and it wasn't about Trump pulling credentials, but there being a non-favorising system where press briefings were removed and most information was released through press releases and questions answered in private Q&As where the news outlet being invited would be randomized amongst a pool. Thus ensuring an equal level between news outlets. There'd have to be some measurement of standard in regards to what constitutes a news outlet of course, though I'm unsure exactly what that'd be. This would affect Fox News as well, so it's not about specific outlets.

This is information/narrative control and doesn't lead to higher quality news because it limits access.
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I have my doubts about that as I am 100% percent he is talking about cnn, msnbc, the Washington post, or the new york times. Any news outlet who talks against him

That's what I was getting at with simply getting rid of press credentials - just make these conferences open by putting them on the internet, or by having some random lotto of people attending. Allow journalists, any journalist, who wants to attend register for the lotto, have a minor background check, and randomly invite X of them for press briefings a month ahead of time.

I honestly don't have a problem with goofy people like Info Wars going - they have a right to access too if NBC does. Everyone is part of the press if they want to be.
That's what I was getting at with simply getting rid of press credentials - just make these conferences open by putting them on the internet, or by having some random lotto of people attending. Allow journalists, any journalist, who wants to attend register for the lotto, have a minor background check, and randomly invite X of them for press briefings a month ahead of time.

I honestly don't have a problem with goofy people like Info Wars going - they have a right to access too if NBC does. Everyone is part of the press if they want to be.

Conferencing with Q&A isn't bad, but I prefer reporters asking questions themselves though.
This is information/narrative control and doesn't lead to higher quality news because it limits access.

No, it's not. It functionally removes bias in selection. As long as the act of selection in regards to the pool and those chosen in the pool, is functionally randomized, then it's not information control. There's no "narrative" to control unless you mess with the selection. Again, anyone can report as they always do, it just allows for equal access to everyone to pose questions, instead of prioritizing some. It hurts the big ones and helps the smaller and marginalized ones.


This isn't a first amendment issue.

The first amendment allows for freedom of speech, it does not guarantee the press freedom of access to the president or any political figure. Press credentials are a privilege, not a right and there would be nothing illegal or unconstitutional if they were to be pulled/cancelled/denied.

Oh so Trump only wants news from Fox and Friends to be legit... I get it.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh so Trump only wants news from Fox and Friends to be legit... I get it.

Sounds like a bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome kicking in because no one has said that.

You'll remember that Obama went after Fox News pretty hard. One of his staffers said "We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent, We don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave."

Bush and Clinton didn't particularly care for the White House press corps either.

Point being, the White House going to war with the press isn't anything new or uncommon. It's just news now because President Trump is in office.


Trump's ego is still getting the best of him I see. Let the fake news out themselves, people have pretty much lost all respect for these garbage outlets anyway... No need to ban them...

Exactly! This is nothing more than an ego thing. The disapproval of msm is going down while the approval of Trump is going up. He just need to leave it alone and let them destroy themselves from within.
Sounds like a bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome kicking in because no one has said that.

You'll remember that Obama went after Fox News pretty hard. One of his staffers said "We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent, We don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave."

Bush and Clinton didn't particularly care for the White House press corps either.

Point being, the White House going to war with the press isn't anything new or uncommon. It's just news now because President Trump is in office.
Calling to repeal aspects of the free press is not a normal thing. I refuse to normalize it and I'm not going to let you or people like you attempt to normalize it as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Calling to repeal aspects of the free press is not a normal thing. I refuse to normalize it and I'm not going to let you or people like you attempt to normalize it as well.

No one is repealing aspects of the free press. See my other posts in this tread. The press are not guaranteed access to anyone or anything and no one is limiting what they can or can't print.
No, it's not. It functionally removes bias in selection. As long as the act of selection in regards to the pool and those chosen in the pool, is functionally randomized, then it's not information control. There's no "narrative" to control unless you mess with the selection. Again, anyone can report as they always do, it just allows for equal access to everyone to pose questions, instead of prioritizing some. It hurts the big ones and helps the smaller and marginalized ones.

Trump only cares about the narrative. He's not a free speech or unbiased news guy.

Obama and Fox News, really now? There is simply no universe to where Obamas issues with Fox compare to the verbalized tactics against so many unfavored news sources.
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Trump only cares about the narrative. He's not a free speech or unbiased news guy.

Except he can't make the press write whatever he wants. He can only grant access to outlets to ask questions, that's all. And he can do that already, like he's suggesting in the thread title.
In fact, his control of narratives is stronger with opposition from the larger press organizations. It allows him to show off and paint the "big guys" against him, giving him absurdly a pseudo-underdog status.
Your objections just didn't make any sense.
Up until he actually does anything, I don't dislike the spirit in this threat and yeah he should fight back. You don't take shit from nobody, I much prefer this mentality than his excessively diplomatic predecessor.

If he actually does it, then that's a legit catastrophe.
Except he can't make the press write whatever he wants. He can only grant access to outlets to ask questions, that's all. And he can do that already, like he's suggesting in the thread title.
In fact, his control of narratives is stronger with opposition from the larger press organizations. It allows him to show off and paint the "big guys" against him, giving him absurdly a pseudo-underdog status.
Your objections just didn't make any sense.

If he was advantaged by this structure of reporting he wouldn't seek to change it. Controlling the narrative is important to do, and Trump isn't skilled enough to get that done because he's so polarizing, so he must apply bruter force. This is a strategy, it's not, say, a policy to be debated and compromise on (as we're treating it, but that's a ruse considering his consistent stance).
Up until he actually does anything, I don't dislike the spirit in this threat and yeah he should fight back. You don't take shit from nobody, I much prefer this mentality than his excessively diplomatic predecessor.

If he actually does it, then that's a legit catastrophe.
Trump support in a nutshell.
If he was advantaged by this structure of reporting he wouldn't seek to change it. Controlling the narrative is important to do, and Trump isn't skilled enough to get that done because he's so polarizing, so he must apply bruter force. This is a strategy, it's not, say, a policy to be debated and compromise on (as we're treating it, but that's a ruse considering his consistent stance).

Sorry, but Trump is more skilled at controlling the narrative than you imagine. Despite a largely negative press against him, he still manages to grow in approval. He managed to turn "fake news" against the news networks proposing the word even. Had he had some self-control with some of his tweeting, he'd be slaughtering them completely.
He's advantaged, but adding an additional punch against certain news outlets for attention is a big win, while allowing the rest to "stay under his mercy". The fact that he's airing these things are again for the attention of it, to bring on the reactive media and make his underdog status seem more apparent.
Sorry, but Trump is more skilled at controlling the narrative than you imagine. Despite a largely negative press against him, he still manages to grow in approval. He managed to turn "fake news" against the news networks proposing the word even. Had he had some self-control with some of his tweeting, he'd be slaughtering them completely.
He's advantaged, but adding an additional punch against certain news outlets for attention is a big win, while allowing the rest to "stay under his mercy". The fact that he's airing these things are again for the attention of it, to bring on the reactive media and make his underdog status seem more apparent.

I agree with the effectiveness wheRe it has been, but disagree on the continuous improvement and long-term strategy. His strategy is only divisive, and lacks true power. You treat it as a legit "progressive" proposal, and I treat it as a strategy.


Sounds like a bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome kicking in because no one has said that.

You'll remember that Obama went after Fox News pretty hard. One of his staffers said "We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent, We don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave."

Bush and Clinton didn't particularly care for the White House press corps either.

Point being, the White House going to war with the press isn't anything new or uncommon. It's just news now because President Trump is in office.

It's news because no one else says FAKE NEWS 1000 times a day!


I wonder who is more hated, Trump or Bush the 2nd?

I remember during Bush's run he was really really hated. The guy was made out to be the devil.

Trump is pretty hated, but it doesn't seem as much as Bush, especially internationally.


Good grief. What a litany of words being thrown around in this thread with no understanding of what they mean, or are outright terrible for discussion.

Orange turd
Authoritarian dictator
Repeal the free press
1st amendment rights(what?)

This is about the press briefing and that's a courtesy from the president/white house.


This is a very cool read showing how these press briefings came to be and how the president communicates with citizens.

The president, nor the White house are obligated by law to have press briefings, answer questions, or hold press events. The press secretary is not beholden to the U.S. Senate as its an appointment by the president and they serve at his pleasure.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the libel law portion. That's a dangerous road to go down and that could curtail reporting but I have very little fear as that would never hold up to scrutiny.

The white house is free to pick and choose which outlets it grants passes to, and always has been.


Does this really matter? I guess it matters for big news outlets, but press credentials are limited aren't they? Meaning that a lot of outlets are not given space. Unless I'm mistaken, isn't this just in regards to presence at the White House? So it's a matter of access to the president and his staff? So it's not limiting press rights and it's kind of selective and limiting in press participation anyways?

Please enlighten me a bit, dear knowledgeable americans..

I thought you were a historian? Shouldn't you know this? Also as someone who is fearful of authority, you don't seem to have a lot of problems with this.
Oh yeah you really got me there. But honestly imagine you're Trump and the press fucking hates you, what do you do in his situation? Play dead?
You get off Twitter and do your job as President of the United States. The idea that this is some alpha chest thumping move against his enemies instead of the rantings of an overgrown baby is a fucking joke.
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