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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


I'm fucking disgusted at what Kaep's protest has morphed into. Shame on all of them.

And where were all of you when I was getting shitted on by most of the people in my topic about how bullshit Sunday was? :(

Where's the thread? I'm interested in knowing what people have said
The message I am getting from all of the bs that went down this weekend is unity and what about my feelings. I am actually disgusted with the unity stuff. How are people supposed to be unified when people are still being oppressed? That is like asking Trayvon Martin's parents to be unified with George Zimmerman or Tamir Rice's parents and family members to be unified with the officer who killed Tamir. People are still being thrown in jail unjustly and serving long prison sentences for minor crimes. Police officers are still out here killing people and not getting punished for it at all.
My least favorite thing about what people say about Kap is his upbringing. Had a guy at work say something along the lines of. Idk why he kneeling to protest about that stuff anyway he was adopted his parents are white. Pissed me off


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It's for the best given the cover isn't doing anything but further diluting Kaep's protest anyway.

The message that's being perpetuated is still very much about patriotism rather than racial injustice and they know that and they're doing it purposely and intentionally

If you put Kaep on that cover where steph is lets say, you're making the deceleration that all these people stand with Kaep in his protest for racial inequality and even though im sure some of them do (i.e. Lebron James) i'm damn sure that some of them don't (I.e. Goodell)


They knew exactly what they were doing by not having him on the cover. I would be shocked if Kaep and why he was kneeling gets more than a few lines.

I mean, are we witnessing the creation of fake news?
The President Continues To Babble About The NFL

Trump said:
In my opinion, the NFL has to change, or you know what’s gonna happen? Their business is gonna go to hell. Okay?

We have to respect our national anthem, we have to respect our country, and they’re not respecting our country. And most importantly, the fans agree with me—I mean largely the fans agree, but we have to show total respect for our national anthem for our flag, for our country, we have to do it.

And you can, there are plenty of places, and there are plenty of—personally when they’re protesting during the football game. I think they can find better places, but they cannot do it during the national anthem.

[Is asked question]

I’m going to see, I’m looking at that very closely, I am not happy with it, I will tell you I am not happy with it.


I was reading an article earlier today about a service member and war vet who resigned as the anthem singer in Baltimore due to the negative reaction some fans were having to the protests. Now I've read some ugly stuff in comments sections over the years but the comments to that article were mind blowing in the ferocity of the hatred on display. Now mind you, all of this furor is supposed to over disrespect to servicemen and women and the flag yet these same folks proceeded to disrespect this man in the ugliest terms imaginable because he dared to disagree with them.

I really wonder how it's possible to even be this blind and lack this level of insight. If your hatred of black people is consuming you to the point a lot if those commenters have reached then all I can say is get mental help before it's too late.
I was reading an article earlier today about a service member and war vet who resigned as the anthem singer in Baltimore due to the negative reaction some fans were having to the protests. Now I've read some ugly stuff in comments sections over the years but the comments to that article were mind blowing in the ferocity of the hatred on display. Now mind you, all of this furor is supposed to over disrespect to servicemen and women and the flag yet these same folks proceeded to disrespect this man in the ugliest terms imaginable because he dared to disagree with them.

I really wonder how it's possible to even be this blind and lack this level of insight. If your hatred of black people is consuming you to the point a lot if those commenters have reached then all I can say is get mental help before it's too late.

They don't actually care about the anthem, the flag or veterans. They just don't like black people protesting. It's why they use words like ungrateful.


Here's a clip of Lou Holtz talking about the protests. Deadspin tried to put a clever headline together, but you really can't do that with just how batshit stupid this is


Lou Holtz... man, please stop giving him a microphone. There was not one coherent thought involved here.

"I was given a ticket because I was coaching at a rival school." Totally the same, buddy. Totally.
They don't actually care about the anthem, the flag or veterans. They just don't like black people protesting. It's why they use words like ungrateful.
That much has been obvious from minute one. What I don't get is how it's possible that these folks don't see through their own racism? Like when it gets to the point that you're hurling threats and racial slurs at a military veteran because he's saying he fought to give these players a right to protest at what point does your mind not wrap back around to the fact that your behavior is exponentially worse than that of those you hate?



This was literally posted on facebook in a response to that news reporters great take which I posted.

but but but chicago, abortion genocide, black on black crime, etc.

Oh and his best friend as a teenager was black.
That much has been obvious from minute one. What I don't get is how it's possible that these folks don't see through their own racism? Like when it gets to the point that you're hurling threats and racial slurs at a military veteran because he's saying he fought to give these players a right to protest at what point does your mind not wrap back around to the fact that your behavior is exponentially worse than that of those you hate?

Because they don't actually care that he's a military vet. These people don't care about veterans anymore then they care about people of color.


That much has been obvious from minute one. What I don't get is how it's possible that these folks don't see through their own racism? Like when it gets to the point that you're hurling threats and racial slurs at a military veteran because he's saying he fought to give these players a right to protest at what point does your mind not wrap back around to the fact that your behavior is exponentially worse than that of those you hate?

I can't remember the specifics, but it's something psychological. Basically, our minds refuse to make us admit we're wrong or something like that. It's why people get so defensive when someone else is trying to prove them wrong.


So the NFL has taken Colin's protest about police brutality and murder against minorities and changed it into some stance about unity against what Trump said and patriotism.
That much has been obvious from minute one. What I don't get is how it's possible that these folks don't see through their own racism? Like when it gets to the point that you're hurling threats and racial slurs at a military veteran because he's saying he fought to give these players a right to protest at what point does your mind not wrap back around to the fact that your behavior is exponentially worse than that of those you hate?

Because, quite simply, you never go full racist. Look at Trump, Milo, Bannon, Alex Jones, Coulter, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, Lahren, Gorka - through their statements and actions, they clearly have some sort of issue with black people, but because they don't come out and say it, they are still respected.

On the flip side, look at Richard Spencer, someone so reviled by the right that he was kicked out of CPAC, and they let almost all of the above speak. Why? Because he's an unabashed racist. And yet, I'd argue his thinking is more in line with the above than people think.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
That much has been obvious from minute one. What I don't get is how it's possible that these folks don't see through their own racism? Like when it gets to the point that you're hurling threats and racial slurs at a military veteran because he's saying he fought to give these players a right to protest at what point does your mind not wrap back around to the fact that your behavior is exponentially worse than that of those you hate?

Racism preys on ignorance and emotion. People who have been conditioned to feel disgust at someone for their ethnicity aren't thinking rationally in the first place. They only care about justifying, and reinforcing, their feelings of hostility and hatred.

I can't remember the specifics, but it's something psychological. Basically, our minds refuse to make us admit we're wrong or something like that. It's why people get so defensive when someone else is trying to prove them wrong.

The Backfire Effect. If someone is emotionally invested in a belief, they experience outrage at the suggestion they're wrong about it. Presenting contrary facts inspires the subject to rationalize harder and take even greater leaps of logic to justify the belief.
Because they don't actually care that he's a military vet. These people don't care about veterans anymore then they care about people of color.
Where do they find the energy? Being this filled with hatred against an entire race of people has to be exhausting. I guess being mentally exhausted could explain supporting Trump though.
I can't remember the specifics, but it's something psychological. Basically, our minds refuse to make us admit we're wrong or something like that. It's why people get so defensive when someone else is trying to prove them wrong.
Is that really true? I think that usually when presented with evidence most folks will begrudgingly admit that they are wrong. When it comes to race in America though you see people reaching Twilight Zone levels of cognitive dissonance to retain their worldviews about African Americans.
The Backfire Effect. If someone is emotionally invested in a belief, they experience outrage at the suggestion they're wrong about it. Presenting contrary facts inspires the subject to rationalize harder and take even greater leaps of logic to justify the belief.
OK, this is something I've never read about. I do remember reading a quote a long time ago to the effect of "it's better to have ideas than beliefs because ideas can be changed.". Racism really is a belief system then.


He measures in centimeters
I'm fucking disgusted at what Kaep's protest has morphed into. Shame on all of them.

And where were all of you when I was getting shitted on by most of the people in my topic about how bullshit Sunday was? :(

Hey I've been saying the standing-arms-linked thing was a betrayal of what Kaep was all about ever since the Seahawks did it last year. Yeah, the perversion of the gesture and the message is pathetic.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Oppression of marginalized people is not " a different point of view"

"PoC should not be shot in the street like dogs"

How can you have an alternative view of that?

And to activity promote and engage in that shit is some sick shit.

There are alot of white people that view that as "collateral damage" when the innocent get shot. The same way most of America views dropping bombs in the Middle East to "defeat" terrorism.


Like i said the other day, we watched the understanding of the purpose change in real time.

Trump and friends made it about the issue they wanted it to be about instead of the actual issue because they could win the former argument without having to ever acknowledge or engage in the later which people want to avoid by default. The flag "disrespect" becomes a convenient excuse to do just that.

Rarely do you get to see a straw man take form and become the chief narrative in a discussion. Enjoy the experience, folks. Controlling message and focus on said message is a skill that must be mastered.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Out of all of this, if Obama merely called someone in the NFL a "son of a bitch" there would be hell by the GOP.

Seeing the deluded Aunts and Uncles derping "disrespecting the country". What ever happened to the "I disagree with you, but I'll die fighting for your right to say it" GOP?
perhaps one of the best "my best friend is black" excuses ive ever seen that was said with complete sincerity:



Without even scrolling down too far I saw a retweet about it being "really scary" if some Obama-era spying is true and a retweet about feeling sorry for Trump because of the "rotten bastard" McCain not supporting Trumpcare.


Is that really true? I think that usually when presented with evidence most folks will begrudgingly admit that they are wrong. When it comes to race in America though you see people reaching Twilight Zone levels of cognitive dissonance to retain their worldviews about African Americans.

Nope. It's all true. It's why we still have Anti-Vaxxers, despite having mountains of evidence that proves them wrong. Like mentioned before, it is called the Backfire Effect. When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
perhaps one of the best "my best friend is black" excuses ive ever seen that was said with complete sincerity:


Bitch probably doesn't even have a passport. Only way you could be ignorant enough to have this belief and not be racist.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ugh, this was bad enough before but seeing most of my relatives in the KY/TN area regurgitate Trump's talking points makes it extremely embarrassing.

trump knew exactly what he was doing

Sure, but Trump is an amateur if he expects the long term results to stick like they did during his business career. His downfall will be absolutely tremendous, let me tell you TM.


Nope. It's all true. It's why we still have Anti-Vaxxers, despite having mountains of evidence that proves them wrong. Like mentioned before, it is called the Backfire Effect. When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.
I must be doing it wrong, when presented with evidence that my deeply held views are wrong I inspect my views and try to figure out where the contradiction lies.
Ugh, this was bad enough before but seeing most of my relatives in the KY/TN area regurgitate Trump's talking points makes it extremely embarrassing.

It's the simplest form of understanding of what's happening and provides the added benefit of shielding people from having to talk about the actual issue at hand. What reason does your average white person have to think any further than "but the flag"? The alternative is being forced to confront an uncomfortable discussion about race and injustice. One that they tend to side with the police and the George Zimmerman's of the world and don't want to have to explain why. One that segregation has left them unequipped to discuss and unprepared for the realities of.

It was always going to work.
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