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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’

No, he didn't. That's nonsense.

Of course he did. It doesn't take a political mastermind to understand the purpose, power and value of a straw man argument and its influence over the uneducated and under-informed. He's been dealing in false equivalencies, hyperboloe and straw man arguments his entire life. He is an expert at twisting truths spoken to make traps for the foolish. Ask Hillary.

This was right up his alley.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I was reading an article earlier today about a service member and war vet who resigned as the anthem singer in Baltimore due to the negative reaction some fans were having to the protests. Now I've read some ugly stuff in comments sections over the years but the comments to that article were mind blowing in the ferocity of the hatred on display. Now mind you, all of this furor is supposed to over disrespect to servicemen and women and the flag yet these same folks proceeded to disrespect this man in the ugliest terms imaginable because he dared to disagree with them.

I really wonder how it's possible to even be this blind and lack this level of insight. If your hatred of black people is consuming you to the point a lot if those commenters have reached then all I can say is get mental help before it's too late.
So let me get this straight..

A war vet.. and they hurled insults at him.

Kind of puts it all in perspective.
So let me get this straight..

A war vet.. and they hurled insults at him.

Kind of puts it all in perspective.

Let me give you a bit more perspective...the guy on the right is the singer



perhaps one of the best "my best friend is black" excuses ive ever seen that was said with complete sincerity:

In any other country sports stars or not, there would still be two sides of the argument. But it wouldn't be this dum hyper patriotic crap getting in the way of debate.
Where do they find the energy? Being this filled with hatred against an entire race of people has to be exhausting. I guess being mentally exhausted could explain supporting Trump though.

Sadly it's probably not exhausting for them since for many it's their default state of mind backed up by the conservative political ideology blaming black people for all of America's misfortunes since 1776
perhaps one of the best "my best friend is black" excuses ive ever seen that was said with complete sincerity:


My Best. Friend's. Daughter.

That's like two steps away from "How can I be racist when my cashier at Target last week was black and I suppressed my urge to tell her to go back to Africa?"

Like, it's seriously about as close to saying "How can I be racist when I tolerate the existence of black people" as you can get without saying exactly that verbatim.


The goal is to make sure that nobody is upset. As long as you pacify everyone you lose as little profit as possible.

We do need to understand that this is the end goal for the NFL, after all.
It shouldn't be the end-goal for the players, but they're almost all complicit.
I was reading an article earlier today about a service member and war vet who resigned as the anthem singer in Baltimore due to the negative reaction some fans were having to the protests. Now I've read some ugly stuff in comments sections over the years but the comments to that article were mind blowing in the ferocity of the hatred on display. Now mind you, all of this furor is supposed to over disrespect to servicemen and women and the flag yet these same folks proceeded to disrespect this man in the ugliest terms imaginable because he dared to disagree with them.

I really wonder how it's possible to even be this blind and lack this level of insight. If your hatred of black people is consuming you to the point a lot if those commenters have reached then all I can say is get mental help before it's too late.

These people's grandparents and greatgrandparents used to lynch Black men in uniform.

No one was more at risk of experiencing violence and targeted racial terror than black veterans who had proven their valor and courage as soldiers during the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. Because of their military service, black veterans were seen as a particular threat to Jim Crow and racial subordination. Thousands of black veterans were assaulted, threatened, abused, or lynched following military service.


They are inhuman vermin and theyve never cherished American values, they cherish subordination from non-Whites, while vociferously claiming higher morality and victimhood.


Saw it coming a mile away as soon as people starting throwing out the empty fucking platitudes on ‘unity’ and the flag. People can switch your narratives in no time flat. Same thing as when the people that would’ve wanted Ali dead in the 60s were eulogizing him with “He transcended race.”


It shouldn't be the end-goal for the players, but they're almost all complicit.

Thankfully Kaepernick has shown us that if anyone explicitly goes out of their way to create waves, they no longer get to be players. It works out really conveniently for the NFL in that way.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It shouldn't be the end-goal for the players, but they're almost all complicit.

You have to understand the position that some of them are in. If 80% of the team agrees to link arms.......are you going to be the 20% to say no? That you are AGAINST "unity"? How is that going to play?


You have to understand the position that some of them are in. If 80% of the team agrees to link arms.......are you going to be the 20% to say no? That you are AGAINST "unity"? How is that going to play?

That it's better to stand up for justice than a false peace.


If 20% said no, would the owners blackball 20% of the league? Fuck no. The only reason owners were able to blackball Kaepernick is because he's one person.


If 20% said no, would the owners blackball 20% of the league? Fuck no. The only reason owners were able to blackball Kaepernick is because he's one person.

If 20% said no it'd be like the group that took a knee initially and we'd go through this whole cycle again.


Which would actually probably be pretty effective. Point conceded, if you keep standing up people have to take notice.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If 20% said no, would the owners blackball 20% of the league? Fuck no. The only reason owners were able to blackball Kaepernick is because he's one person.

If 20% said no it'd be like the group that took a knee initially and we'd go through this whole cycle again.


Which would actually probably be pretty effective. Point conceded, if you keep standing up people have to take notice.

But that same 20% (someone did a study and found that it's literally 12% of the league is kneeling) is still kneeling. The only ones doing the "locking of the arms" only were NEVER going to kneel in the first place. Which is okay.


Of course he did. It doesn't take a political mastermind to understand the purpose, power and value of a straw man argument and its influence over the uneducated and under-informed. He's been dealing in false equivalencies, hyperboloe and straw man arguments his entire life. He is an expert at twisting truths spoken to make traps for the foolish. Ask Hillary.

This was right up his alley.

The one constant of Trump is that he never knows what he's doing.

Team owners knew what they were doing, perhaps, in trying to bridge the gap between players and angry fans, but Trump doesn't know what he's doing.

I'm still on the side that it's working as intended, even if the knee is being diluted.

Like i said the other day, we watched the understanding of the purpose change in real time.

Trump and friends made it about the issue they wanted it to be about instead of the actual issue because they could win the former argument without having to ever acknowledge or engage in the later which people want to avoid by default. The flag "disrespect" becomes a convenient excuse to do just that.

Rarely do you get to see a straw man take form and become the chief narrative in a discussion. Enjoy the experience, folks. Controlling message and focus on said message is a skill that must be mastered.

Even when he changed the narrative he still technically lost, because everyone else pushed back against him.

Also straw men wouldn't be a big deal if people weren't so stupid and had the memory of an infant. All they had to do is research the reasons why Kaepernick kneeled, but instead got their cliffnotes ftom biased news media.
I wish I hadn't even read this now, because I know why Kaepernick kneeled, and now I learn there is some weird alternate narrative? How does this even happen?
And wtf is "University instead of Diversity" just, it makes my head hurt!


Ya know, with all the Russian bot stories breaking today and outlining how they used ads and bots to sow chaos, I wonder if this out of nowhere attack on the knee was planted in his head by someone in the know or direct marching orders or something. Certainly sowed chaos. I wouldn't be surprised anymore anyhow.
I remember yeaterday when everyone was like hell yea jerry jones. Now they realized what he was doing.

Those people were stupid, he specifically designed it to have zero links with Kaepernick (he was protesting Trumps comments and kneeled before the anthem), and said it himself, that there was no reason to "disrespect the anthem/flag" completely missing the point of what the kneeling meant.


Those people were stupid, he specifically designed it to have zero links with Kaepernick (he was protesting Trumps comments and kneeled before the anthem), and said it himself, that there was no reason to "disrespect the anthem/flag" completely missing the point of what the kneeling meant.

I mean i think he knew the point, but by changing it he is in his mind difusing the conflcits, which is bad for business.


I saw this slowly happening on Sunday and was in awe at how well the whole meaning was turned on its head

It was impressive on some level

Disgustingly so.

Just heard a CNN panelist say that Trump just created 100s of Kaepernicks now that so many players are kneeling so the joke is on him

These people's grandparents and greatgrandparents used to lynch Black men in uniform.


They are inhuman vermin and theyve never cherished American values, they cherish subordination from non-Whites, while vociferously claiming higher morality and victimhood.

Why is so much of America's racial history a horror story? :(

Thanks for sharing this though, my own great-granddad was a WW1 veteran but he died when I was so young that I never spoke to him about his experiences. He fought with the British army though so his life as a black soldier may have been easier, even if not by much.
Not sure if this has been posted, but 49ers safety Eric Reid gave a long press conference today and we finally get to hear about some of the actual issues that Kaep had originally brought up. Reid talks about the bail system, misconceptions on black-on-black violence, and brought up systemic racism in general. He also provided some insight on how Colin felt about Sunday's protests. So glad to see an athlete actually speak on the issues instead of having to deflect accusations of hating on the flag.

Eric Reid's Presser
Nobody in this busted ass country wants to ACTUALLY deal with the ACTUAL elephant in the room.

It's easier to hold hands and sing kumbaya and pretend we all learned a valuable lesson about tolerance and love and friendship.

Black people dying didn't matter to them before Kaep, don't matter when he was kneeling, and sure as shit don't matter now. They did this to get people to finally shut up and finally stop talking about it.

Because it makes them uncomfortable. And we can't have that, we can't have their collective white guilt make them feel bad. I don't think it's impressive how they turned the narrative, because that's what the narrative always was to them. They done already turned it they just needed an excuse to justify "Black lives matter" being anathema to their lily little lives.
Why is so much of America's racial history a horror story? :(

Thanks for sharing this though, my own great-granddad was a WW1 veteran but he died when I was so young that I never spoke to him about his experiences. He fought with the British army though so his life as a black soldier may have been easier, even if not by much.

hundreds of years of slavery and an unrepentent, unapologetic nation desperate to allow people to feel like they have power will do that.

America has been a horror story for black America. In fact, Gen Y might be the first generation where it isn't a horror story. Just not good. Depends on what happens with criminal justice reform.
Not sure if this has been posted, but 49ers safety Eric Reid gave a long press conference today and we finally get to hear about some of the actual issues that Kaep had originally brought up. Reid talks about the bail system, misconceptions on black-on-black violence, and brought up systemic racism in general. He also provided some insight on how Colin felt about Sunday's protests. So glad to see an athlete actually speak on the issues instead of having to deflect accusations of hating on the flag.

Eric Reid's Presser

This was a great watch.
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