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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’

Not to derail your post or anything but Yeah that’s fake. There is nothing in the rulebook that says that. I just hate how this fake news keep getting passed on when we have the damn internet right in front of us which takes 15 seconds to fact check.

It's actually in the operations manual. But it says that they 'should' stand, not 'must' stand. The NFL has even come out and said it encourages players to stand for the anthem but they don't have to.
During the national anthem I either

Fast forward the TV
Make a cup of tea
Have a whizz
Watch something else

I'm going to get lynched aren't I?
So Trump went to Alabama to try and get people to vote for his guy and ended up causing a shitstorm with the NFL AND his guy lost. I would say it hasn't been a good last few days for him.
Packers Ask Fans To Link Arms During Anthem, Shift Focus From Diversity To "UNI-versity"

Packers said:
This Thursday during the national anthem at Lambeau Field, Packers players, coaches and staff will join together with arms intertwined—connected like the threads on your favorite jersey. When we take this action, what you will see will be so much more than just a bunch of football players locking arms. The image you will see on September 28th will be one of unity. It will represent a coming together of players who want the same things that all of us do—freedom, equality, tolerance, understanding, and justice for those who have been unjustly treated, discriminated against or otherwise treated unfairly. You will see the sons of police officers, kids who grew up in military families, people who have themselves experienced injustice and discrimination firsthand, and an array of others all linking together in a display of unity.

Those of us joining arms on Thursday will be different in so many ways, but one thing that binds us together is that we are all individuals who want to help make our society, our country and our world a better place. We believe that in diversity there can be UNI-versity. Intertwined, we represent the many people who helped build this country, and we are joining together to show that we are ready to continue to build.

Let’s work together to build a society that is more fair and just.

Join us this Thursday by locking arms with whoever you’re with, stranger or loved one, wherever you are—intertwined and included—in this moment of unification.

This is going to get/is getting out of control.
Wisconsin is one of the worst states for Black people and they are seriously pulling this crap?

Fuck man why didn't Abe Lincoln just lock arms with slaves, slave owners, and politicians from the North and South? The union would have been preserved without during a single bullet.


It's incredible how fast the point of this was diluted. It's barely recognizable.

That's one way for the NFL to squash this issue without banning it. Let's completely soil it with wishy washy vague bullshit like unity and be part of - woops! I mean take over - something that once meant something. Lets all take a knee before the anthem. Yeah get the old-ass team owner too! That old fart can afford new kneecaps. Can't wait to see the NFL endorsed t-shirts and merch. #takeakneeforunity!
Had a great conversation on Facebook(yeah I know) with a friend who has done many tours in Afghanistan and is currently in the service.
His original post looked like it was going to be a dump and run "Hooraahh! F' the kneelers" but I wanted more of a conversation about it and he was nice enough for a thorough reply.
I wanted to know his thoughts on other vets that disagreed with him. He says he has close friends in the service that are on both sides. In many more words he said he had to be true to himself and although he agrees they have every right to kneel and shouldn't be fired he has the right to be furious about it. I went on to tell him how I have black friends who do not believe in kneeling to the anthem in protest. You guessed right, they are republican.
The conversation was great even though we disagreed with each other and know neither of us will change our mind. We are getting together for a beer soon for the first time in 20 years. Should be interesting.
Racists and authoritarians have co-opted the people's cause and perverted it. The players have all of the power here, I hope more of them realize the time is now and use it.


Would the NFL fine them for not standing? Because the players will obviously eat the fine. Suspend? There are too many great players kneeling for them (owners of the teams) to risk their season on suspension. Does Jerry actually want to risk Dak, Zeke, and/or Dez taking a knee? Because that team is fucked without them.

Lol Dez Bryant? Mr I got family to feed Dez Bryant? Haha not happening, you're asking too much. Now the two sophomores tho
Racists and authoritarians have co-opted the people's cause and perverted it. The players have all of the power here, I hope more of them realize the time is now and use it.
If the (non) response to Bennett's attack proves anything, the players aren't gonna do shit.

Seriously, Michael's incident gave more reason than pretty much anything else can, and apart from his brother and like 1 dude nobody took a knee.


These people want everybody to stand for the national anthem, like they don't have a choice, they have to do it. If not, you're not American. The same people that value freedom of speech above all else because the government should never be able to control what you say. So they want that sense of freedom, without control in their lives, but others better stand for the damn anthem, because if not you are violating their idea of freedom. It's such a hypocrisy to me. Nazis? Freedom of speech! Kneel for the anthem? Fuck you.
Had a great conversation on Facebook(yeah I know) with a friend who has done many tours in Afghanistan and is currently in the service.
His original post looked like it was going to be a dump and run "Hooraahh! F' the kneelers" but I wanted more of a conversation about it and he was nice enough for a thorough reply.
I wanted to know his thoughts on other vets that disagreed with him. He says he has close friends in the service that are on both sides. In many more words he said he had to be true to himself and although he agrees they have every right to kneel and shouldn't be fired he has the right to be furious about it. I went on to tell him how I have black friends who do not believe in kneeling to the anthem in protest. You guessed right, they are republican.
The conversation was great even though we disagreed with each other and know neither of us will change our mind. We are getting together for a beer soon for the first time in 20 years. Should be interesting.

This to me is just frustrating. I mean good on you guys for having a civil conversation and your friend is to be respected for the tours he did and has earned the right to do what he wants.

But it seems like this whole situation just reeks of the fact that no one wants to listen or admit they're wrong. The players have told you a million times why they're doing this, people in support have told you a million times why they're doing this, but for some stupid reason it always comes back to the sanctity of the flag and the troops.
These people want everybody to stand for the national anthem, like they don't have a choice, they have to do it. If not, you're not American. The same people that value freedom of speech above all else because the government should never be able to control what you say. So they want that sense of freedom, without control in their lives, but others better stand for the damn anthem, because if not you are violating their idea of freedom. It's such a hypocrisy to me. Nazis? Freedom of speech! Kneel for the anthem? Fuck you.

That's just the excuse in this particular case.

They don't believe POC deserve a voice or a right to protest in any way, shape or form. It's all wrong to them, because to them POC deserve every injustice and inequity, i.e. Michael Bennett deserving police brutality because the police have a difficult job and Bennett 'looked like the perp'. Then they'll browbeat you with tales of how great the country is and you should be more grateful.


***EDIT*** I have changed the wording of my first point to more accurately address the protest, as pointed out by other members. I am not above admitting error and have made the proper adjustment.

As a current police officer and a veteran I can say this:

1. I don't personally agree wth the kneeling in protest during the national anthem.

2. I fully and completely understand why people are protesting and support their decision to do so.

3. I find it absolutely disgusting that Trump is behaving in the manner that he is and the stance he's taken on this issue.

4. The fact that people are demanding these players stand or face consequences goes against every single fiber or our constitution, specifically that thing called the bill of rights.
As a current police officer and a veteran I can say this:

1. I don't personally agree wth the kneeling in protest of the national anthem.

2. I fully and completely understand why people are protesting and support their decision to do so.

3. I find it absolutely disgusting that Trump is behaving in the manner that he is and the stance he's taken on this issue.

4. The fact that people are demanding these players stand or face consequences goes against every single fiber or our constitution, specifically that thing called the bill of rights.

I've always said, you don't have to agree with kneeling. But as long as you understand why and you're okay with the why, then that's all those protestors can ask for.
As a current police officer and a veteran I can say this:

1. I don't personally agree wth the kneeling in protest of the national anthem.

2. I fully and completely understand why people are protesting and support their decision to do so.

3. I find it absolutely disgusting that Trump is behaving in the manner that he is and the stance he's taken on this issue.

4. The fact that people are demanding these players stand or face consequences goes against every single fiber or our constitution, specifically that thing called the bill of rights.

It's not a protest of the national anthem, though. The national anthem just so happens to provide the appropriate backdrop for making a statement that there is something deeply wrong with the country that needs to be addressed.


I'm completely lost now, and I can't tell if kneeling people are protesting racial injustice, or protesting in favor of peoples right to protest.
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