Just earlier this month the congress completely ignored the last set of cuts proposed by Trump. I think these are going nowhere also. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/01/trump-budget-winners-losers-237844
Trump: The then-president-elect asked GOP lawmakers to punt on funding the government last December so he could put his imprint on the federal budget. But when he finally barged into the debate, Congress largely ignored his requests rebuffing his proposed $18 billion in cuts to domestic programs and giving him only half of the $30 billion increase in defense spending he sought. And while Trump got nearly $2 billion in new border security funds, not a penny of it will go to perhaps his biggest priority, construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Yeah. It's why I don't like the sneering "this is what they voted for" stuff. The people most affected by this either didn't vote at all or didn't vote Trump. Even in the red states. Especially in the red states.
Most republican politicians should.Yikes. The guy should be in a nursing home.
That means it will go through!People are going to die if this goes through.
This is what was said about the AHCA before it passed through congress to Senate. Don't underestimate stupidity, and greediness from the GOP held government.
My biggest problem with the "dignity of work" line is that republicans, given the opportunity, would make work the most undignified thing of all. Slave labor, bad conditions, no regulations, etc.
MacArthur rage quitted​
Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) on Tuesday resigned as co-chairman of the moderate Tuesday Group weeks after The Hill reported that some GOP colleagues were trying to oust him for cutting a deal on the ObamaCare replacement bill with the far-right Freedom Caucus.
MacArthur announced his resignation in remarks before the Tuesday Group.
"Dignity of work" sounds like a 1984 phrase.
"Dignity of work" sounds like a 1984 phrase.
"Dignity of work" sounds like a 1984 phrase.
The hair is real.Go ahead and fuck off, you rich fat fake hair orange fuck
Mulvaney is a ghoul.
Jesus fucking christ. This is incredibly disgusting.
The. 👏Budget. 👏 Does. 👏 Not. 👏 Need. 👏 To. 👏 Be. 👏 Balanced. 👏
This is what was said about the AHCA before it passed through congress to Senate. Don't underestimate stupidity, and greediness from the GOP held government.
It's a shame you don't understand that tough choices must be made.
I mean think of the huge burden we've left our kids and grandkids in 2017 due to all this debt. $19,846,167,124,114.08 and counting!
nahTake a good look around you. Unemployment is sky high.
The stock market is down.
Businesses are closing. The US economy is on the verge of collapse any day now because of runaway spending.
The reality is we can avoid the inevitable moment that we run out of money and go bankrupt by making massive cuts now to virtually every program outside of defense. We have to ween ourselves off the credit card.
It's a shame you don't understand that tough choices must be made.
I mean think of the huge burden we've left our kids and grandkids in 2017 due to all this debt. $19,846,167,124,114.08 and counting!
Take a good look around you. Unemployment is sky high. The stock market is down. Businesses are closing. The US economy is on the verge of collapse any day now because of runaway spending.
The reality is we can avoid the inevitable moment that we run out of money and go bankrupt by making massive cuts now to virtually every program outside of defense. We have to wean ourselves off the credit card.
It's a shame you don't understand that tough choices must be made.
I mean think of the huge burden we've left our kids and grandkids in 2017 due to all this debt. $19,846,167,124,114.08 and counting!
Take a good look around you. Unemployment is sky high. The stock market is down. Businesses are closing. The US economy is on the verge of collapse any day now because of runaway spending.
The reality is we can avoid the inevitable moment that we run out of money and go bankrupt by making massive cuts now to virtually every program outside of defense. We have to wean ourselves off the credit card.
It's a shame you don't understand that tough choices must be made.
I mean think of the huge burden we've left our kids and grandkids in 2017 due to all this debt. $19,846,167,124,114.08 and counting!
Take a good look around you. Unemployment is sky high. The stock market is down. Businesses are closing. The US economy is on the verge of collapse any day now because of runaway spending.
The reality is we can avoid the inevitable moment that we run out of money and go bankrupt by making massive cuts now to virtually every program outside of defense. We have to wean ourselves off the credit card.
It's a shame you don't understand that tough choices must be made.
I mean think of the huge burden we've left our kids and grandkids in 2017 due to all this debt. $19,846,167,124,114.08 and counting!
Take a good look around you. Unemployment is sky high. The stock market is down. Businesses are closing. The US economy is on the verge of collapse any day now because of runaway spending.
The reality is we can avoid the inevitable moment that we run out of money and go bankrupt by making massive cuts now to virtually every program outside of defense. We have to wean ourselves off the credit card.
It's a shame you don't understand that tough choices must be made.
I mean think of the huge burden we've left our kids and grandkids in 2017 due to all this debt. $19,846,167,124,114.08 and counting!
Take a good look around you. Unemployment is sky high. The stock market is down. Businesses are closing. The US economy is on the verge of collapse any day now because of runaway spending.
The reality is we can avoid the inevitable moment that we run out of money and go bankrupt by making massive cuts now to virtually every program outside of defense. We have to wean ourselves off the credit card.
That line made my blood boil. I have debilitating nerve damage in my leg and get SS Disability. I would if I could, but I can't work. So their solution is to cut my disability payments which I guess is supposed to make me pull on my bootstraps. Then my shitty predicament will just magically disappear. Or, you know, not.