Raylan Targaryen
Someone tell Donnie that taxing 1% of the top 1% probably will give you way more money than taxing the poor.
yeah but gop would rather take $5000 from each poor person than $500,000 from each wealthy person.
Someone tell Donnie that taxing 1% of the top 1% probably will give you way more money than taxing the poor.
Because their "small businesses!" rhetoric is their bullshit attempt to seem sympathetic to the little guy.I thought conservatives didn't like regulations that hurt small businesses.
Yes. It also puts small town grocery stores in a place where they can't accept food stamps, but the Walmart or chain store that opens up down the street can accept them because they can afford to eat that cost.I dont understand. Why tax them more? To discourage stores from taking in food stamps?
On another note, in how many hours is the Comey hearing today? I want him to tremble and tweet himself into a hole.
I thought conservatives didn't like regulations that hurt small businesses.
I dont understand. Why tax them more? To discourage stores from taking in food stamps?
Food stamps prevent people from starving to death. It's pretty obvious why this is very much "fuck the poor".So when a merchant swipes a credit card, Visa/MC/Amex/Discover get a cut, the company that provides the services gets a cut and the issuer of the card (i.e Chase, Wells, etc) gets a cut. This is Trump attempting to treat the SNAP benefits as a card issuer and he wants in on the fees.
Mind you, I think it's a terrible idea, but think beyond the "fuck the poor" refrains, understand the underlying logic, and attack it from there.
I hope people are okay with this, since, you know, they didn't feel energised to vote for Clinton.
Great job my Christian Republican friends. What type of Bizarro Jesus do these voters worship? #Pray4theRustbelt
Great job my Christian Republican friends. What type of Bizarro Jesus do these voters worship? #Pray4theRustbelt
So when a merchant swipes a credit card, Visa/MC/Amex/Discover get a cut, the company that provides the services gets a cut and the issuer of the card (i.e Chase, Wells, etc) gets a cut. This is Trump attempting to treat the SNAP benefits as a card issuer and he wants in on the fees.
Mind you, I think it's a terrible idea, but think beyond the "fuck the poor" refrains, understand the underlying logic, and attack it from there.
I don't really get this. Isn't it the government that reimburses the stores for accepting food stamps? That's how it would work in my country. It's social welfare.
YEP. NYC has lots of neighborhoods like this as well.Imagine the impact in the worst areas of inner cities where the corner stores are virtually the only store within a reasonable distance. You can drive through vast parts of Detroit and not find a grocery store. Eliminate corner stores from accepting food stamps and suddenly large groups of people will face hard(er) times
I guess the GOP championing things like homophobia, anti-women's rights, racism, and GUNS GUNS GUNS still works like a charm. Get those bases covered and they'll let you rob them blind.This and then Karen Handel's "I do not support a livable wage" answer from yesterday's GA-6 debate, all those poor deep red states continue to fuck themselves over by voting GOP.
I hope people are okay with this, since, you know, they didn't feel energised to vote for Clinton.
I guess the GOP championing things like homophobia, anti-women's rights, racism, and GUNS GUNS GUNS still works like a charm. Get those bases covered and they'll let you rob them blind.
Lyndon B. Johnson said:Ill tell you whats at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man hes better than the best colored man, he wont notice youre picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and hell empty his pockets for you.
God damn.LBJ knew it.
Food stamps prevent people from starving to death. It's pretty obvious why this is very much "fuck the poor".
No. Trump has not earned the benefit of the doubt. And has a very clear and established track record of screwing those beneath him.
This makes no sense?
Like really, this helps no one.
How on earth can you spin this? It doesn't look good from any angle, unless it's a simple misunderstanding, and he's charging stores that DON'T take food stamps.
Haha Poor People Tax.
Let me try this again-- it's a terrible idea that will never see the light of day.
Now that that part is out of the way, note that I'm not disagreeing with either of those points. What I am saying is this is battle that can easily be fought and won in terms of dollars and cents.
This foolish plan's side effect is fucking the poor unquestionably. This plan can be defeated before side effects ever come into play. That's why understanding the logic, foolish as it may be, is equally important.
Make more sense?
Studies show 98.5% of poor people have refrigerators.
This seems like some of the anti-poor shit, bootstrap, Randian bullshit that Paul Ryan blasts loads over. And Trumps hearing these loads being blown down the hall and he's like, "Paul, there's come everywhere!"
And the Ryan is all, "I just thought of a new way to screw the poor over! We'll tax food stamp use so stores have to charge the poor more! That'll get those xbox playing losers into the coal mines."
And Trump says, "I usually come a lot more when I get those ideas, Paul. My ideas are better, too. The best ideas. "
"Oh yeah," says Ryan as he approaches Trump.
"Yeah, I bet I can fuck the poor over harder and come twice as hard as you'll ever hope to."
They cross their erections as they stand face to face.
...To be continued.
They say they do. They say they support the troops while cutting funding on programs to help them. They say "it is not a gun issue, it's a mental health issue" and then cut funding to mental health programs. And on and on, and they just keep getting elected.I thought conservatives didn't like regulations that hurt small businesses.