Both sides are the same. If Obama was saying stuff like this he would be thrown out so fast. Why do Republicans always get away with heinous shit? I don't get it.
lol good luck
No judge would let this shit happen
This headline I found says "Trump administration still considering how to make it easier to sue the media": https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...top-table-main_mediasuit-425pm:homepage/story
Very scary and dangerous direction the Trump administration wants to take the U.S. on.
I suppose I would be scared if Trump actually had a path to make it happen, but he doesn't nor is he smart enough to find one.
So this means we could bury Fox News in lawsuits? Along with Drudge Report, breitbart etc?
Man he really thinks he's king huh?
Exactly. Conservative media would immediately kill this behind the scenes. Some of the smart ones would realize this would open them up to untold damages. Especially since it's a fact that they rely on more unsourced bullshit to come up with their stories.This is why this will never go anywhere: the biggest GOP mouthpieces depend largely on being able to say whatever the fuck they want with no consequences to exist. It would backfire tremendously.
Overturning the current libel test would require replacing 5 Supreme Court seats with INSANE judges.
Moving forward it should be implemented that a required qualification exam to even become a candidate is needed.
Trump can't get a lunch order through Congress, are people really afraid he'd manage a constitutional amendment?
Trump can't get a lunch order through Congress, are people really afraid he'd manage a constitutional amendment?
Overturning the current libel test would require replacing 5 Supreme Court seats with INSANE judges.
His failures are to lull people to sleep then BAM! He sneaks in a constitutional amendment while no one expects it.
Doesn't that require a supreme court ruling?
why do we need libel reform?
News agencies should do more when it comes to retractions. They shouldn't be able to get away with tiny text buried deep in the paper or quickly glossed over mentions at odd hours on air.
If you post a bogus fact in bold letters on the front page the retraction should be in equally sized bold letters on the front page. If you spend an hour during Thursday prime time covering something that ends up being false then you should spend an hour during a Thursday prime time on the retraction.
Fascists trying to remove the ability to criticize their orange fuhrer, or just another day in Trumps America. Whoever succeeds this piece of shit, that is, if fair elections will still be allowed to be held three years from now, is going to have their work cut out for them undoing all the evil shit these nazi fucks have done.
Both sides are the same. If Obama was saying stuff like this he would be thrown out so fast. Why do Republicans always get away with heinous shit? I don't get it.
If you look closely, were only 1 away. Ending net neutrality together with strengthened "libel laws" would go a long way towards #6.
This will never, ever happen, but imagine the outrage if Hillary or Obama's camp had said this. Holy fuck.
I like how Trump thinks the news should be more responsible about what they say, when he vomits complete bullshit out of his mouth and then denies it 5 minutes later on a near-daily basis.he thinks "newspapers and news agencies need to be more responsible with how they report the news."