Free Turtle Beach $20 Code for the first person that tells me the best Metal Gear Solid game.
Free Turtle Beach $20 Code for the first person that tells me the best Metal Gear Solid game.
Hmm, I can't think of any ballsy placements of the logo around here that wouldn't result in at least a misdemeanor.
Yay wii-sports challenge, I actually have that
New Perks, $20 off Starhawk and Ghost Recon Future Soldier preorders.
lol so bad. no thank you.
Also did anyone else get a huge boost in XP? I was at level 36, nearly level 37 maybe 800xp out. I logged in today for the first time in 4 days and I'm at level 37 nearly 1/4 in. I didn't have any outstanding challenges or anything like that..
I just leveled up out of nowhere. Not going to complain though.
Mister J said:Amendments have been made to re-sync all members XP rates, and attainment thereof. Increases to player totals can be seen as a beta bonus for suffering through the slow changes.
$20 off games I have no interest in. Sweet.
At the very least, it should've been $20 off anything.
The new perks are terribad :S
Only 1 hardware to win and 20% off games I don't give a damn about.
$20 off games I have no interest in. Sweet.
At the very least, it should've been $20 off anything.
Probably gonna stop soon if this is what they're gonna do. At least I have a efw friends who want Starhawk probably...
Daily:what would molydeux
Probably gonna stop soon if this is what they're gonna do. At least I have a efw friends who want Starhawk probably...
Daily:what would molydeux
Idunno man I hadn't been on the site in days =P I don't really do challenges unless they're something I own and actually would want to do. Haven't gone outta my way for anything yet.
Do you really expect multiple $450 prizes to be handed out for free?
Just like Lockerz.comNo but I expected a monthly hardware perk with more than 1 "winner". The headphones were for March and now the perk for April is one 360? They said they were stretching the period for the headphones because they had issues distributing the codes and that they added 200 more codes but this perk wasn't popular anyway. After 3 weeks there were 70+ left and there were less people with the required level 25 than the number of headphones available. Pretty sure they are doing this because they don't have a decent prize for April either.
During the first 1-2 months I joined I got : 10% off any preorder, 50$ Cinemanow Credit, 100$ 3DS and a Free game. Now it seems there hasn't been something worthwhile for 2 months :lol
They also offered nice deal for the Vita and the PSTV before I joined too.
Now it takes forever to get new prizes and they're fairly disappointing. They're not even updating the dailies anymore either it seems.
I sure won't keep leveling to have a chance to win 1 of 2 steam codes or one xbox among 1000 members.
If you keep replaying the prologue chapter 5 times with a second controller, less than 20 minutes I suppose. Or you could just blow through the game via matchmaking.How long would the Gears 3 challenge take?
Anyone want to do the Gears 3 challenge? I know it can be done solo, but I'd like to do it with another human.
Send me a friends request: GT Quadratic80 and send me a PM or xbl message when you would like to do the challenge. I'm home all day Easter Monday.
Guess I'll have to start up my Windows partition for some minesweeping. Definitely a doable challenge.
What about the Shank 2 one? Easy? Hard?
...and did anyone actually do the Wii Boxing one?