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TSMC: Xbox 2 manufacturing plans are on schedule


Reassurance on next-gen development progress

A representative of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, the company tasked with fabricating the chips being used in Microsoft's next Xbox console, has told the media that the development of the console is proceeding to plan.

Speaking at a press conference, senior vice president Kenneth Kin said that the firm's manufacturing plans for Xbox 2 chips is "proceeding according to plan," scotching recent murmuring about a possible further delay to Microsoft's schedule for the system.

TSMC has been tapped to develop the core chipsets for the Xbox 2 platform, including ATI's GPU chip, which the graphics company said was nearing the end of its development stage earlier this month.

It's believed that Microsoft is planning to launch the Xbox 2 in late 2005, which would give it a significant headstart over its rivals, as neither Sony nor Nintendo is expected to have a new home console ready until 2006.

Xbox 2 - which is reportedly codenamed Xenon in the development community - will feature multiple IBM Power5 processors, an SIS motherboard chipset and the aforementioned ATI graphics unit. Early development kits for the hardware have already been sent to selected developers, based on Apple PowerMac G5 units running a custom version of the Windows NT kernel.


ok now it would be nice to get some reassurance from (probably) NEC that Revolution GPU manufacturing is also on schedule.



"I assure you Lord Vader, the Death Star is on track for completion according to plans"


well there would be no 'delay' since MS has not officially announced a release date, or the console itself, for that matter. even though Xenon is commen knowledge :)
Too soon. The Xbox is just now gaining steam and in a position to topple Sony in the US. Introducing the Xbox 2 this early might screw all that effort up.


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evilromero said:
Too soon. The Xbox is just now gaining steam and in a position to topple Sony in the US. Introducing the Xbox 2 this early might screw all that effort up.

Agreed. 2005 is too early. Go head to head is my opinion.


evilromero said:
Too soon. The Xbox is just now gaining steam and in a position to topple Sony in the US. Introducing the Xbox 2 this early might screw all that effort up.
I agree, but I think MS has already made its bed. They just don't have enough releases in the future to spread out till fall 2006, so I think We'll see it in 2005 or spring 06 at the latest.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Going head to head is the safe option. Releasing first is the risky option, but has the potential for greatest gains (and losses).

Everyone is taking a risk this next generation, I can't believe no one is playing it safe.


who the hell would want to go head-to-head with a socom3 or a metal gear solid 4 or possibly a new next-gen resident evil?

you cant go head-to-head with playstation, its suicide. releasing early is their best bet but the real question is how much early?


i like this strategy let me tell you a couple reasons why

-a GREAT majority of console owners are ps2 owners (duh). when xenon hits it will be such a graphical boost compared to their ps2 it will wow and amaze them. (it'll obviously be a big boost compared to any system but moreso with ps2.)

-you release head-to-head its suicide. im sorry its a deathwish. if ms puts up pgr3 and perfect dark against any of sony's major franchises they're done.

-you dont want to release a LITTLE early (6 months) because people will just wait for the ps3.

the only real negative i see is MS loses its biggest current selling point in that it has the best graphics.


Joe said:
i like this strategy let me tell you a couple reasons why

-a GREAT majority of console owners are ps1 owners (duh). when dreamcast hits it will be such a graphical boost compared to their ps1 it will wow and amaze them. (it'll obviously be a big boost compared to any system but moreso with ps1.)

-you release head-to-head its suicide. im sorry its a deathwish. if sega puts up sega rally and sonic against any of sony's major franchises they're done.

-you dont want to release a LITTLE early (6 months) because people will just wait for the ps2.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
If MS released alongside MS, they'd almost certainly gain ground. Maybe not THAT much, but a decent amount. Sure, the PS3 would still win, but that's ok, they can gain build on that the generation after.

But launching early is much more risky. If people percieve it as an early launch rather than the start of the next generation, it won't sell that well. MS will lose their main advantage this gen and what people associate them with: the best graphics.


If people percieve it as an early launch rather than the start of the next generation, it won't sell that well.
i really dont think Joe Average gives a damn. he just wants to play games and having next-gen graphics a full year ahead of sony is an advantage.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Joe said:
i really dont think Joe Average gives a damn. he just wants to play games and having next-gen graphics a full year ahead of sony is an advantage.

Well if that was true the DC would still be around.

Gamers don't just jump on the first system to come along. If they think the PS3 will have the same games and more, and better graphics (plus it's cooooooool), they can hold out that long.

It COULD work, the Genesis did.


btw, the technical advantage that PS3 will probably have over Xbox2 should in all likelihood be smaller than the advantages PS2 had over Dreamcast

...and yes in some areas DC was better than PS2, just so you know that i know :)


Joe said:
releasing early was the absolute last of dreamcast's problems.

But it was still a problem. People were holding out for the PS2, which compounded Sega's rather dire financial situation.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Joe said:
releasing early was the absolute last of dreamcast's problems.

Of course, but it doesn't change the fact that the average joe gamer didn't jump on the first system to come along with next-gen graphics.

The main similarity though is that gamers waited for the cool system with the games they wanted. It has less problems than the DC, which is why I'm saying they could either do really well or really fuck up rather than just the negative, but it's still risky.
I dunno about this XBOX 2 stuff, but, IMO, DC's main problems were not that it released early (though the system's capabilities were less than the PS2)...they didn't have great software support that pulled in enough people to sustain it. If, for example, EA had given the system support, as well as others, it would've surely done much better than it had and may have even been around this long. MS doesn't have this problem, nor do they have a looming financial crisis like Sega had. Personally, I think releasing 8-12 months earlier than Sony is the best bet. The difference in capability will be fairly negligible and the time in the market to itself will be more than worth it if they can deliver the right kind and amount of marketing and software to entrench before going head-to-head.


Releasing early has possitives & negatives of course.

Comparing the next X-BOX releasing early to DC is a bit silly here as MS is in a much better state business wise and mindshare wise than Sega was...people will find a rich company more reliable than a company who's had problems in the past...However, even with reliability & mindshare on their side MS may stumble in mindshare due to the fact they're cutting short the current X-BOX and prematurly starting the "next generation" possibly too soon. Early adopters will be interested, especially PS2 owners who saw that alot of the same kind of games are on X-BOX only with better graphics/features, but without backwords compatibility that sorta kills it for "PlayStationers" who expect this (in their eyes) industry standerd feature. Not to mention those who were interested in X-BOX exclussive games but only owned a PS2...to them, they'll see the lack of BC as a bad thing and Nintendo & Sony will be right there to say: "looky looky, our next systems will have it...just wait". People will see that GAMECUBE & PS2 are finnishing out their life-cycles more completly next year while, again, MS will be ramping up for the next X-BOX instead...the reliability of the MS name is there, but what about people who want to play X-BOX games on the next X-BOX?, what about people who just had bought an X-BOX and are seeing projects being moved from it to the next one?...the value suddenly isn't so reliable. Speaking of value, PS3 (and possibly "Revolution") will have better graphics *and* newer media formats...while that's still not a nail in the coffin it does hurt the next X-BOX's chances at gaining ground. I mean, look at GAMECUBE, it having a smaller capacity disc & no DVD really hurt it in alot of people's minds, will MS be amune to this? The X-BOX was built on the fact that it was technically the best system hardware-wise...people just see/feel/know the power edge is on the X-BOX...but the next X-BOX loses this due to the earlier launch of the system.

Loss of midshare value, loss of features, no HD, no BC, no power edge and possibly a premature launch? Hmmm...I just don't see how it's going to be THAT much of a gain to merit an earlier launch? Certainly what matters is the games and surely MS's money/power/influence will play it's part, but why are people ingoring the glaringly bad things and calling it overall good? The only thing benificial I see is that the hardware architecture is alot like GAMECUBE's giving MS more bang for their buck and a heck of alot more chances to profit next generation, but how is that going to topple Sony?
Going head to head against Sony = Doom.

Let's see here. Would the PS3 outsell the Xbox 2 four to one or five to one during the Christmas rush.

And those that invest in a PS3 would be less likely to buy an Xbox 2 in the same year.


MightyHedgehog said:
I dunno about this XBOX 2 stuff, but, IMO, DC's main problems were not that it released early (though the system's capabilities were less than the PS2)...they didn't have great software support that pulled in enough people to sustain it. If, for example, EA had given the system support, as well as others, it would've surely done much better than it had and may have even been around this long. MS doesn't have this problem, nor do they have a looming financial crisis like Sega had. Personally, I think releasing 8-12 months earlier than Sony is the best bet. The difference in capability will be fairly negligible and the time in the market to itself will be more than worth it if they can deliver the right kind and amount of marketing and software to entrench before going head-to-head.

Okay so Sega being in debt, having a bad history with gamers due to their shaking hardware past would've suddenly "pulled through" or "been around" if it had more support? Yet, Nintendo, with their huge cash resserves, bigger fanbase and more reliable past isn't even considered a factor? Saying that the next X-BOX being on the market "by itself" for 8 to 12 months? Yeah, right, like Nintendo (let alone Sony) is going to let them go unchallenged THAT long...I can see Sony holding out 'cos they're the market leader and they'll be focussing on trying to get PSP some marketshare, but Nintendo (who, again, is in a much better state than Sega) would likely step into next generation. MS will be first and have that first holiday season to themselves, but I don't think they'll be alone for 8 to 12 months while Sony & Nintendo sit by and let them. I think MS will go first chance they get (holiday 2005) so they can turn profits as fast as they can by ditching the first X-BOX, Nintendo will go when their games & revolutionary features (early to mid 2006) will be ready and Sony will go (mid to holiday 2006) once their Cell, PSP, UMD & BR plans are in place.


Xbox 2 coming out in 2005, 4 years after Xbox, is not really early. at least not from MS's view. because, during Xbox's public unvieling in 2000, MS said during one of their phone Q&A conferences that they would not change hardware for 4 years, when Xbox comes out.


MS has a decent chance because momentum seems to be shifting as of late but they need to do well with solid software right away.

One of the main reasons people waited for PS2 over Dreamcast was the DVD player. Just remember that 4 years ago having DVD playback out of the box was a BIG deal and DVD players were $300 at the time. That was one of the things that sealed the fate of Dreamcast along with a lack of support from EA.

Hardware wise you can't really argue that PS3 will be noticeably stronger than XB2 because as the gens go on the graphics seem to be closer between platforms. XB2 needs a HD, many gamers have gotten use to the ease of use and saving with the HD. Memory cards are a pain in the ass and a rip off in general.

XB2 will have almost a year to get solid software out for the system and that will be quite a bit of motivation for those thinking of picking up a PS3. If all the EA sports titles launch with XB2 MS will be off to a great start. If the next gen Madden looks that good and of course will be on Xbox Live people will want it. Who would want to play a graphically inferior Madden on PS2?

All signs point to a pretty decent fight next gen between PS3 and XB2, but lets just wait to see what happens.


E3 2005 will be very interesting. I suspect that the next X-BOX will have already been unveiled before then and that they'll use E3 to show off actual further along software. But I think Nintendo and especially Sony will try to outdo them by having impressive tech demos and early exclussive games locked up and shown. People will be impressed with the next X-BOX and since it's coming first they'll be excited, but Nintendo & Sony should be right there breathing down their neck...DreamCast didn't really have that problem, at least not so out in the open or so soon.

Does anyone know the order in which they're going to do their pre-shows next year?

I think most people are expecting Nintendo to present "Revolution" as something gimmicky, colorful and toy-like...but I think they'll be surprized and if Nintendo does it right they can really turn around how people veiw them...from silly to serious.


WordofGod said:
So N Revolution has already lost the war?

Nintendo doesn't care about a console war as long as they are making bank. So no, I don't expect Nintendos position to suddenly shift next gen.


OIC, Xenon is just a graphics card for PCs :) Anyone know when other parts of the machine will be ready, like oh - the CPU that is coming from IBM?
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