Wikipedia page for The Mitchell and Webb Sound said:The series became adapted for television as That Mitchell and Webb Look in 2006.
Tell me about Oz, the TV show.
The idea of a show in a prison and the idea of JK Simmons being there is kind of enough to sell me, but that's all I know about that show. What's the tone even? Is it like, fucked up? Did the quality stay consistent throughout it's run or not?
Just finished season 1 of Startrek DS9. Really enjoyed it. Digging the characters. If this is the shows worst I can't even fathom how great the later stuff will be. Been watching like 3 a day and I can't stop lol
Banshee. Man, what a great show. Along with The Americans easily the best new show I've watched this year. It just captures silly action movies down to a tee. The fights are lengthy and extremely violent, the characters are fun and it's just incredibly entertaining. I nearly gave up after the rather poor second episode, but it just gets better and better starting with episode 3. Really satisfying season arc too with a great finale. Now that I'm done I'm going to check out Strike Back.
He chose to experiment “because it was HBO, and they said you could do anything you want. I had written so much in the broadcast form, and I thought, ‘Why not make each episode like a little collection of short stories?’ Some weeks, the Beecher story would be five minutes, and some weeks it would be 15 minutes. The freedom to be able to do it differently every week, and decide what order they were coming in, was very liberating from a storytelling point of view. You weren’t bound by, ‘Oh, I’ve got to get to this point by the commercial so that I can get them back from the commercial,’ or ‘I haven’t serviced this character in the second act.’ None of the old rules applied, and it was wonderful. ‘Oh, you can just tell the story for the length of time it needs to be told in this episode.’”
“One of the great things about the guys who did the first couple of big drama and comedy series on HBO is almost all of them had a lot of schooling on network series,” says Strauss. “They knew the rules of series television. They knew how to tell stories, knew the rules they needed to keep and knew the rules they could throw out. They had a lot of fun with that. There was a lot of esprit, in terms of going at it in a whole new way.”
“Chris is not only leaving me alone,” says Fontana, “he’s encouraging me to be incorrigible. He was literally saying to me, ‘Go as far, take as big a risk as you possibly want.’ He never dictated any specific thing, but every time we spoke of the show and he had read a script or seen a screening, he was absolutely encouraging about the risk-taking.”
Fontana says the only time in the run of the series when an HBO executive strongly objected to the content involveda flashback to an inmate who had murdered an entire family, including two young children. Strauss didn’t even have an issue with the crime itself, but on how long the scene dwelled on the killer pointing a gun at the kids.
“So I just sped up the amount of time it was pointed,” Fontana says. “I figured one note every five years, I’d be an asshole not to change it.”
Finishing the first episode of Fringe. So far it seems kind of....dumb. Is this really worth continuing? And is it basically a modern day X-Files?
I am about to start on Life OR Homeland. I remember Life being cancelled so I wonder if it atleast has some decent ending?
Watch the first season of Homeland and then stop. I haven't seen Life (outside of a few godawful clips on youtube) so I can't really comment there, though I can't say that I've ever really heard anything good about it. Why are you considering Life in the first place? Big Damien Lewis fan?
I'm re-watching Pushing Daisies with my girlfriend, who'd never even heard of the show before I'd introduced her to it. Fucking...did this show have to get canceled after two seasons?![]()
Spy - not afraid to let their characters grow up
While most secundary characters didn't, I felt like the two main ones did evolve.Huh? The characters on the show barely grew up at all; in fact, I'd say they regressed in many ways going from season 1 to 2. The show was verrrrrrrrry hesitant to let the characters change or develop at all. That was one of my biggest problems with the show.
Omg Rashida Jones in Parks & Rec is so hawt! And Christina Hendricks in Mad Men... I have a constant boner watching that show. The amount of sexism in Mad Men is crazy though. Was it really like that back then or is it exaggerated because TV show?
Almost through with my first rewatch of the sorpanos, I need to start a new series.
Was thinking either The Shield, Scrubs, or finally starting Breaking Bad or Mad Men.
Almost through with my first rewatch of the sorpanos, I need to start a new series.
Was thinking either The Shield, Scrubs, or finally starting Breaking Bad or Mad Men.
Almost through with my first rewatch of the sorpanos, I need to start a new series.
Was thinking either The Shield, Scrubs, or finally starting Breaking Bad or Mad Men.
So I gave Fringe another shot. I watched the pilot when it originally aired and was turned off by the procedural nature of it and the overwrought acting, and the following episode continued the formula. So I never watched any more of it after that since it was just uninteresting to me.
Fast-forward 5 years or so, and I'm going into the series with an open mind. What everyone basically says about the show is it gets much better as it goes on, after a shaky start, so I figured I'd try to see it through till at least that point. The entire series is available on both Netflix and Amazon streaming.
Right now I'm near the end of season 1. There's clearly a pattern (hyuk hyuk) developing - all of the episodes that center around the overall mythology are much more interesting than the standalone monster-of-the-week ones. It's always the same with those - Walter Bishop did some sort of research in the past, someone took it to the next step, and Bishop comes to some last second Dr.House-esque epiphany that saves the day.
I'm still confounded by the pacing and style of the show. The mix of standalone and serialized means that you'll have major developments in one episode that are completely ignored in the next one.and it isn't mentioned again for another 3 episodes.Jones escapes from prison by literally being teleported out
But it's still fun, and I'll keep going with it. The main crew has grown on me, there's a surprising amount of deliciously gruesome body horror, and certain moments of interactions are very well done (i.e. The Observer or Jones with anyone else).
Not sure what the consensus is on best or worst specific season, but I think the general standing is: 1-3 (maybe 4) are excellent, (maybe 4) and 5 and 6 dip lower a bit, 7 is rejuvenated and amazing. I wouldn't say there's any one point it shoots up or down in quality, all of its changes in quality are pretty gradual. 30 Rock so consistently packs a crazy number of jokes into 21 minutes that I think the amusement just compounds over time.Needed a new show to fill the sitcom hole in my TV watching. Started 30 Rock.
10ish episodes in and I'm liking it. I expected to have to go through a season full of junk before they figure out what the show is, but it only took a couple episodes before they settled in a rhythm that works.
What's the consensus on the overall thing? Best/worst season? Keeps getting better/worse?
Despite being a card carrying member of the once great nation of Creepy GAF, I never actually watched an episode of Victorious until today, and I have to say, I do not hate it. The acting teacher is actually quite entertaining, and there's enough random funny moments in there to make it pretty watchable. I don't know that I'll be sticking with it or anything, but it's really not horrible.
Almost through with my first rewatch of the sorpanos, I need to start a new series.
Was thinking either The Shield, Scrubs, or finally starting Breaking Bad or Mad Men.