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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Jealous Bastard
that's some fantastic news about the quality of mad men season 2. i just finished season 1 recently and it's some really rad television--some of the best you'll see, to be sure.

does anyone know when the s.2 dvd is due?


beelzebozo said:
that's some fantastic news about the quality of mad men season 2. i just finished season 1 recently and it's some really rad television--some of the best you'll see, to be sure.

does anyone know when the s.2 dvd is due?
Sometime in early summer I'd guess.
SundaySounds said:
See, that's kinda how I felt the first couple seasons. My ex tried to get me to watch it in the beginning, and I watched a couple episodes. I didn't much care for it. But then like, a month ago, My friends were watching the fourth season and I sat down and watched it with them. It's so much better. I couldn't believe it. Just watch the newer stuff, it's a lot better.
don't do this, beelze


Was sick this weekend, so caught up on Brothers & Sisters because it required zero thinking and balances drama and comedy nicely enough, and then did what I had told myself I wouldn't: watch the first five hours of 24 Season 7.

The result will eventually become a blog post, but I'm not hooked: I was entertained enough by it, but I've spent so much of the time between Seasons 6 and 7 ranting about how awful Season 6 was and how the formula had let them down that the sheer implausibility and, worst of all, broadness of the seventh season has lost anything close to engagement for me. I think the show has actually made some considerable improvements: the plot is smaller, the story is more personal, and the villain isn't trying to take over the entire world.

Unfortunately, at the same time, the very basis of the season is "OMG EVERYONE COULD BE A MOLE LOOK OUT JACK," which the writers are using as free license to raise numerous red herrings and dip into their well of paranoia and suspense a little too freely.

How'd S2 compare to S1? I haven't started the second season yet.

I find S2 to be much more confident in itself: the episodes are broader thematically, and the show stretches itself out a bit more which reflects the change in Betty's character most directly, but to an extent Peggy as well. There's some great stuff for almost every single character in there, it's really a great season. I don't LIKE to measure how good things are by my blog output, but I wrote something ridiculous like 29,000 words about Mad Men's second season, and never once questioned if it was worth my time. It's that bloody good.
extras seas2->extrassprecial->rickie gervis intreview larrydavid

mentioned sgt bilko on the larry david interview, always wanted to see it, borrowed the 3 disc set... it is very good, funny classic type show. just overview, no full seasons :/
maybe you do not like it or didnt heard of it but rickie gerivs, larry david, steve martin and phil hartman all fans of it and me too. we are all on the side of comedy justice

dont like hour shows too much-I like comedy shows, I like to laugh


I had the chance to watch the two recent episodes of Nip/Tuck since they were On Demand. I lost interest in the series due to the last two seasons, but these episodes have started to make me care again. I doubt that I'll tune in every Tuesday like I used to, but I'll watch if nothing better is on.


bafflewaffle said:
extras seas2->extrassprecial->rickie gervis intreview larrydavid

mentioned sgt bilko on the larry david interview, always wanted to see it, borrowed the 3 disc set... it is very good, funny classic type show. just overview, no full seasons :/
maybe you do not like it or didnt heard of it but rickie gerivs, larry david, steve martin and phil hartman all fans of it and me too. we are all on the side of comedy justice

dont like hour shows too much-I like comedy shows, I like to laugh

I started watching that on youtube, but only got a little bit into it because it started spoiling Curb episodes I hadn't seen yet.

Great stuff, though. I wish there were more opportunities for David and Gervais to be in the same room together.
bafflewaffle said:
extras seas2->extrassprecial

I was so disappointed by Extras season 2 I didn't even bother to watch the Christmas Special until a couple of months ago.... So of course the christmas special blew me away and gave me a new found respect for Gervais.

Also I have Deep Space Nine playing in the background. THE REST OF THE SERIES BETTER BE WORTH IT. I was excited for a second because I thought the episode was about Dax who desperately needs some screentime, but no its about Odo, who I like a lot. Still, Dax has like 5 lines an episode. :/
Blader5489 said:
I started watching that on youtube, but only got a little bit into it because it started spoiling Curb episodes I hadn't seen yet.

Great stuff, though. I wish there were more opportunities for David and Gervais to be in the same room together.
gary shandlign one is good too, but very awkward, its a carw wreck

QUOTE]-yes the part when the silly comparing things was used for the emotion was very good


Wow GAF is unstable tonight.

Anyway I've started watching Veronica Mars thanks to recommendations around here. WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW! I've seen the first 8 eps. and have the dvd set coming in the mail ;). Seriously - I love this show. I have a habit of not watching the good shows until they're cancelled. You guys can blame me! ha. BTW, anyone know somewhere to get season 2 or 3? I hear they're not as great so I'd like to see them before buying.

Speaking of that I also got into Arrested Development and have watched all the eps. off of Hulu and I can say with confidence that it is my favorite show of all time. So genious. Bought all 3 seasons!

I'm starting to get into Fringe and am a current fan of Chuck, Scrubs, House and Greek.


beelzebozo said:
and is really the first indicator that both of them are actually investing subconsciously in the relationship; and, of course, the nice touch of his noticing that she doesn't like olives on her pizza, and following up on that at the end of the episode.

There are a lot more great relationship building moments like these, both overt and subtle, on the way, good sir!


Jealous Bastard
The Storyteller said:
Maybe I should give Chuck another go. I usually agree with you guys, but I wasn't overly impressed with the first couple of episodes.

me neither. but by the end of episode 4, you start to get why it's something special, or at least has the potential to be something special. as i said, more than other shows i've watched lately you can see the show maturing episode to episode.


xcrunner529 said:
Speaking of that I also got into Arrested Development and have watched all the eps. off of Hulu and I can say with confidence that it is my favorite show of all time. So genious. Bought all 3 seasons!


The Storyteller said:
Maybe I should give Chuck another go. I usually agree with you guys, but I wasn't overly impressed with the first couple of episodes.

It gets exponentially better. By the middle of season 1 its really in a groove, and S2 has been light years beyond even that.
Thanks for the heads up on S2 of Mad Men. I'm definitely looking forward to watching it at some point. I have it on my DVR in SD, so I'm not sure if I want to hold out for DVD/Blu-ray this Summer. I'll probably watch it before that. If there's any reason for a delay, it'd be my current addiction to FNL along with all of the returning shows.
The Storyteller said:
Maybe I should give Chuck another go. I usually agree with you guys, but I wasn't overly impressed with the first couple of episodes.
As long as you didn't absolutely hate the first few, it's worth continuing because it gets a lot better. I was skeptical at the beginning, just like you.
The Storyteller said:
Also I have Deep Space Nine playing in the background. THE REST OF THE SERIES BETTER BE WORTH IT. I was excited for a second because I thought the episode was about Dax who desperately needs some screentime, but no its about Odo, who I like a lot. Still, Dax has like 5 lines an episode. :/
Don't worry, they give me more lines.
The Storyteller said:
I was so disappointed by Extras season 2 I didn't even bother to watch the Christmas Special until a couple of months ago.... So of course the christmas special blew me away and gave me a new found respect for Gervais.
Exact same experience as me. Season 2 had some real duds, though also had a couple great ones. I was put off and didn't get around to The Christmas Special until recently. HOLY CRAP it was amazing! Perfect way to end it. I will never doubt Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant again.

Continuing Chuck. Up to ep 8 or so. It's really finding its groove at this point. Enjoying the crap out of it so far.

Peep Show continues to own the shit out of me. I have never laughed or cringed this hard before. They have perfected the first person elements.


Jealous Bastard
watched another great episode of chuck last night: "chuck versus the spicy shrimp." again, the stronger parts of the show continue to be the relationships that are developing between the principle cast members; is this the first time that we realize, at the end of the episode, that chuck and his sister were abandoned by their mom? just curious. it adds an interesting element to their characters, and explains a bit why they're so close, and why she would be so protective of him and get upset when he misses dinner.

i've also been watching my regular batch of cooking shows: tyler's ultimate, jamie at home, good eats, and so on. i watched jamie oliver make some incredible looking welsh rarebit the other day, and so i whipped that up.


i think for anyone who doesn't watch a lot of food tv but wants to learn to cook, this is a great avenue to take. in essence, i think television cooking shows have become a form of free culinary school, and all the basic techniques that a person would need to make great home cooked food restaurant quality are out there if you pay attention and mimic accordingly. guys like tyler florence and alton brown really go out of their way to make the recipes accessible and incorporate basic techniques, and they're really the ones who taught me everything i know.

television rocks so fucking hard.


I'm watching Dexter season 1 and it's great! I didn't expect I'll like this show because I'm not that into serial killer type movies.


Jealous Bastard
Riddick said:
I'm watching Dexter season 1 and it's great! I didn't expect I'll like this show because I'm not that into serial killer type movies.

dexter is a really good show. i actually enjoyed the second season more than i enjoyed the first, actually--there's a great f.b.i. character played by keith carradine who comes on board and has this very zen-buddha thing going on, and i just really loved the portrayal.

is dexter one of the best shows on television? no. but it's compulsively watchable, and michael c. hall does a really nice job in the lead. i don't understand the complaints about the actress playing deb, either. i think she does a great job of staying in that character all the time, even if her decisions can seem a bit inscrutable every now and again.

anyway, glad you're enjoying it, and i think you have much to look forward to with the second season if you think the first is strong.
I've finally finished DS9 season 2. Thank fuck. They are so lucky I love nearly all the characters, otherwise I would've quit a while ago, that and the knowledge that season 3 onwards is a vast improvement.

Season 3 openers written by Ronald D Moore! Yes! This is what I've been waiting for.


Jealous Bastard
loving characters on ds9 is the very reason to watch! i love the pace of the show, how simple some of the stories can be. . . all that stuff. it's the very opposite of what many other iterations of star trek tried to do with their pacing, and i laud them for it.

in fact, i sort of wish they hadn't switch to the storylines involving the defiant and all that jazz in later seasons, as i loved the focus on the station early in the show's life. it really made it something wholly unique.
I really like Dexter. I'm slowly working through S3 right now. I can understand some of the problems people have with it, but it's still compelling television.

Props to those of you watching Chuck. Those of you who are caught up - we're getting new S2 episodes starting Monday. :)

I'm still tearing through FNL S1 at the moment. 'Tis a great show. Does anyone else think Tim Riggins and Bryce Larkin look somewhat similar? Maybe it's the hair.
The Storyteller said:
I've finally finished DS9 season 2. Thank fuck. They are so lucky I love nearly all the characters, otherwise I would've quit a while ago, that and the knowledge that season 3 onwards is a vast improvement.

Season 3 openers written by Ronald D Moore! Yes! This is what I've been waiting for.
What were your favorite episodes from season 2?


I'm completely hooked on 24 now. I've seen 5 and 6 when they aired originally and have kind of forgotten to appreciate Bauer's awesomeness up until now. I've over the last weeks watched season 1 and 2. Now that season 7 is starting where I live, I'll watch that and meantime continue my way through season 3 and 4.


Jealous Bastard
Dax01 said:
What were your favorite episodes from season 2?

i know you were asking him, but mine were:

rules of acquisition - i'm a sucker for comedy episodes featuring ferengi.
necessary evil - again, ferengi action. i also really dig any episode in which odo plays detective; i just watched the third episode of the series last night, actually, in which he's both the lead detective (so to speak) and the primary suspect. great stuff, but a little hammy with the resolution.
whispers - when o'brien is being fucked with on deep space nine, you're in for a good episode.
shadowplay - a great episode that showcases one of the great strengths of sci-fi: when is a person a person? this is the one in which the inhabitants of this village all start disappearing one by one, and it turns out they're all holograms. i like that it tries to deal with the typical "when can we call robots people" question in a very different way, and on a mass scale. instead of something tangible, can even the intangible be people?
the wire - i've mentioned it before, but the emotional climax of this great garak episode stands toe-to-toe with the series' greatest moments.

i really dislike vedek bareil, so any episode featuring him prominently i just want to be over most of the time. or rather, i just want him off screen. there's still things to like in those episodes, but i was never compelled by him.


beelzebozo said:
i know you were asking him, but mine were:

whispers - when o'brien is being fucked with on deep space nine, you're in for a good episode.

the wire - i've mentioned it before, but the emotional climax of this great garak episode stands toe-to-toe with the series' greatest moments.

I don't remember S2 too well but I do remember these two episodes. Both were among my favorites. I really love O'brien heavy episodes in DS9, good stuff.
Dax01 said:
What were your favorite episodes from season 2?

I so can't remember particular episodes, but anything involving Garak was awesome. To be honest I don't think there is any stand out episodes, most of it was the usual Star trek dreck.

There were a heap of great character moments though, which is what my attraction to DS9 is. It's pretty rare for me to actually like characters in a Star Trek series let alone almost the entire cast of characters.

Thankfully I know things improve as I've seen episodes from later in the series and they've been genuinely good. These first two seasons felt like Babylon 5 season 1, mostly shit, but the characters are engaging and you can see the seeds for later plot lines being planted.


beelzebozo said:
i'm trying to remember. . . does gul dukat show up in any of those first season/second season episodes?
Every episode with Gul Dukat.
    • Emissary (3 January 1993) - Gul Dukat
    • Duet (13 June 1993) - Gul Dukat
    • The Homecoming (26 September 1993) - Gul Dukat
    • Cardassians (24 October 1993) - Gul Dukat
    • Necessary Evil (14 November 1993) - Gul Dukat
    • The Maquis: Part 1 (24 April 1994) - Gul Dukat
    • The Maquis: Part 2 (1 May 1994) - Gul Dukat
    • Civil Defense (7 November 1994) - Gul Dukat
    • Defiant (21 November 1994) - Gul Dukat
    • Explorers (8 May 1995) - Gul Dukat
    • The Way of the Warrior (2 October 1995) - Gul Dukat
    • Indiscretion (23 October 1995) - Gul Dukat
    • Return to Grace (5 February 1996) - Gul Dukat
    • Apocalypse Rising (30 September 1996) - Gul Dukat
    • Things Past (18 November 1996) - Gul Dukat
    • In Purgatory's Shadow (10 February 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • By Inferno's Light (17 February 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Ties of Blood and Water (14 April 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Call to Arms (16 June 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • A Time to Stand (29 September 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Sons and Daughters (13 October 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Behind the Lines (20 October 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Favor the Bold (27 October 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Sacrifice of Angels (3 November 1997) - Gul Dukat
    • Waltz (8 January 1998) - Gul Dukat
    • Far Beyond the Stars (11 February 1998) - Officer Ryan
    • Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night (1 April 1998) - Gul Dukat
    • Tears of the Prophets (17 June 1998) - Gul Dukat
    • Covenant (25 November 1998) - Gul Dukat
    • Penumbra (7 April 1999) - Gul Dukat
    • Til Death Do Us Part (14 April 1999) - Gul Dukat
    • Strange Bedfellows (21 April 1999) - Gul Dukat
    • The Changing Face of Evil (28 April 1999) - Gul Dukat
    • When It Rains... (5 May 1999) - Gul Dukat
    • What You Leave Behind (2 June 1999) - Gul Dukat
The Storyteller said:
I so can't remember particular episodes, but anything involving Garak was awesome. To be honest I don't think there is any stand out episodes, most of it was the usual Star trek dreck.

There were a heap of great character moments though, which is what my attraction to DS9 is. It's pretty rare for me to actually like characters in a Star Trek series let alone almost the entire cast of characters.

Thankfully I know things improve as I've seen episodes from later in the series and they've been genuinely good. These first two seasons felt like Babylon 5 season 1, mostly shit, but the characters are engaging and you can see the seeds for later plot lines being planted.
The Wire, okay.

What about "Necessary Evil?" The first three episodes of season 2? The season finale?


Neo Member
Ive just started watching The Wire, got the full season set from Amazon for $82 a few days back, its so very very good so far, I can see how its probably HBO's best, but I still love Six Feet Under.

Little side note, It cost me $125 Australian to get the set, and ive just noticed that Kmart has the sets individually for $15 each in case any aussies have not seen this and want to give it a try. Thats like $10 US a season for the Wire, great deal.


Jealous Bastard
wrote up at length my thoughts on MAD MEN season 1 in a post on my blog, in case anyone's still on the fence about checking it out. feel free to check it out if you're interested.

"victims of our times: MAD MEN season 1 review"

the upshot is that i think it's a brilliant show with extremely complex characters who are hard to fully like or dislike; i also touch a little upon the constant smoking, the effect it seems to have on your subconscious opinion of smoking as you watch, and how that lines up with the central theme of advertising and how devious it can be.


xcrunner529 said:
Wow GAF is unstable tonight.

Anyway I've started watching Veronica Mars thanks to recommendations around here. WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW! I've seen the first 8 eps. and have the dvd set coming in the mail ;). Seriously - I love this show. I have a habit of not watching the good shows until they're cancelled. You guys can blame me! ha. BTW, anyone know somewhere to get season 2 or 3? I hear they're not as great so I'd like to see them before buying.

Speaking of that I also got into Arrested Development and have watched all the eps. off of Hulu and I can say with confidence that it is my favorite show of all time. So genious. Bought all 3 seasons!

I'm starting to get into Fringe and am a current fan of Chuck, Scrubs, House and Greek.

hiiiiiigh-five girl-friend! :lol But seriously, I used to watch an episode here and there and wasn't too attached to VM.... but on my trip, finished Season 3 and loved it, so I bought the first two and kind of been watching it On Demand.... I'm sure I"ll rip open the season sets and just watch 'em that way.

Catching up on Dexter Season 3, which is getting really good again. Let's see how Dexter copes
with private time versus family!!!


I just finished season 5 of The Wire, which I'd rank below seasons 2, 3, and 4, but above 1.

Overall though, this is the best show I've ever seen on television.
Now watching episode 5, these pop culture references are hilarious.

First "Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by..." and now Lo Pan :lol

Ford Prefect

Watching Seasons 1 of both Six Feet Under and Flight of the Conchords. Flight is holy shit brilliant (especially when baked), and Six is pretty good, but I don't know if I'd call it wonderful yet. My friend said the series finale is his single favorite work in all of entertainment, though, so I'm sure it ramps up.

Oh yeah, I also watch an ep. of Veronica Mars' first season every now and then (very sporadic these days... maybe once a month, and only when I'm working out). It's still pretty good, though. The Christmas episode is my favorite so far.

CajoleJuice said:
After 3 episodes of Chuck, I'm hooked. I can see myself ripping through the entire first season this weekend.
I may have to check this out some day.

still haven't seen Always Sunny :((((((


Jealous Bastard
i don't know if i'll ever be able to give six feet under another chance. i tried to watch the first season a few months ago, and i think alan ball's bullshit retreading of "suburbia/families that seem perfect have dark secrets waiting to bubble to the surface" just triggers my gag reflex. everything seems so melodramatic and corny to me, and i couldn't get through five episodes.

also--and i don't normally react this way to fictional people--i really find nate's girlfriend (brenda? barbara?) shockingly reprehensible.


CajoleJuice said:
After 3 episodes of Chuck, I'm hooked. I can see myself ripping through the entire first season this weekend.

WOOOOOOOOOO! I knew you'd love it! And the good news? The show is still relatively "weak" at that point. It only gets better from there. S2 will blow your pants off.

First Speed Racer, now Chuck. Im batting 1.000 with you so far, Juice! Keep us posted on your progress thru S1.
Ford Prefect said:
Watching Seasons 1 of both Six Feet Under and Flight of the Conchords. Flight is holy shit brilliant (especially when baked), and Six is pretty good, but I don't know if I'd call it wonderful yet. My friend said the series finale is his single favorite work in all of entertainment, though, so I'm sure it ramps up.

Oh yeah, I also watch an ep. of Veronica Mars' first season every now and then (very sporadic these days... maybe once a month, and only when I'm working out). It's still pretty good, though. The Christmas episode is my favorite so far.

I may have to check this out some day.

still haven't seen Always Sunny :((((((
I haven't watched FotC stoned, but after seeing one episode, I knew it was a show that would be 10x better in that state.

As for Sunny, the first season is amazing and is still the best, but then it just gets more and more inconsistent and ridiculous from there. There are still plenty of awesome episodes in seasons 2 and 3, but the fourth (most recent) season is easily the weakest.

It seems I really need to watch KoH, Solo.
CajoleJuice said:
It seems I really need to watch KoH, Solo.
I still have that sitting here on blu-ray, too. :lol

Glad you're enjoying Chuck. There's one particular episode in the 2nd season that I know you'll love.
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