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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Ford Prefect

beelzebozo said:
also--and i don't normally react this way to fictional people--i really find nate's girlfriend (brenda? barbara?) shockingly reprehensible.
I'd have to agree, but recent plot points suggest that maybe it's intentional (like she's just an anti-social, emotional-retard and is pushing him away or something). I don't know, I'll have to keep watching to see if she gets any better.


Ford Prefect said:
I'd have to agree, but recent plot points suggest that maybe it's intentional (like she's pushing him away or something). I don't know, I'll have to keep watching to see if she gets any better.

Rachel Griffiths is utterly stunning in that role, but Brenda's just batshit crazy no matter what way you look at her.

Do not expect leveling of emotional moods.


I finished season 6 of The Shield.

The wait for season 7 is agonizing. Don't know when the DVDs will be out and FX only airs two reruns a week (and it'll be another month before the rotation goes back to the beginning of S7).


Does Rugrats hold up for you, Darko? I'm afraid to go back and rewatch some of those because I don't want to ruin my childhood memories.


Costanza said:
Does Rugrats hold up for you, Darko? I'm afraid to go back and rewatch some of those because I don't want to ruin my childhood memories.

Its as good as I remember it, I originally stopped wathching when they added Dill (the little shit that ruined everything :lol )..


Jealous Bastard
started DEADWOOD last night.


i think i'm much better prepared to enjoy DEADWOOD now than i was when it first came on the air. that was before i'd watched THE WIRE, and my h.b.o. drama of choice was OZ. don't get me wrong--OZ is a great show--but it's also a show that is much less realistic in the interest of keeping the show moving at a steady clip. i also think i went into DEADWOOD the first time expecting tombstone, and the show sort of leads you to believe it might be that for a few episodes, with the whole bill hickock/seth bullock working together to hold down the law angle. so you can imagine i dropped off the last time i tried to watch it around the time
hickock gets shot down,
effectively ending my notions that it was anything like tombstone at all.

like many h.b.o. dramas, what's impressive here is the character work. obviously ian mcshane as al swearengen just runs roughshod over everyone else on this show. everyone is afraid of the guy, and you can sort of see why: his eyes are almost always full of rage, but the kind of controlled rage that comes from a guy who you know won't hesitate to cut your throat after he has a drink with you. i was also really pleased with john hawkes as sol star, who i recognized from the x-files episode "milagro", and the town's priest, whose optimistic spiritualism comes across as almost eerie in the shadow of how dark and shitty everything is in deadwood.

i really think the actress playing calamity jane is AWFUL though, at least two episodes in. it's so over the top that you just want to smack her when she talks. every line is like nails on a chalkboard.

so far so good though.
Deadwood is one of my favorites. Ian McShane is amazing in that role. Regarding Calamity Jane, I thought the actress playing her did a great job, though the character grates at times.


Jealous Bastard
maybe i'm just not used to female characters in westerns affecting that whole masculine exterior. it seems very put-on, but that could admittedly be part of the point. that theory is certainly supported in the second episode.

still, at the end of the second episode when she's crying and bumbling around with snot all over her face, i could hardly watch it.
beelzebozo said:
still, at the end of the second episode when she's crying and bumbling around with snot all over her face, i could hardly watch it.
Oh, she's a complete train wreck, and for me it's tough to watch because of that, but I think the acting delivers.


Jealous Bastard

"c. . . o, m, e. says come."
"you can read."
"i waddn't raised to lie, sir."


sure man. if you say so.

what a great character farnum is.


Jealous Bastard
DEADWOOD keeps getting better and better.

and cornballer, i see what you mean about calamity jane and the acting. i'm five episodes deep now, and her macheesmo has been toned down considerably. she seems much more real at this point than in those first two episodes.
I finished Mad Men season 1 yesterday. It was a solid piece of television, I just wish that less of the show was about how despicable and adulterous the characters are. The
pregnant Peggy plot line
towards the end was particularly awful. I'd prefer more focus on the advertising side of things.
The look and feel is very genuine though, the acting is good too, and I like the darkly subtle humour. Hopefully season 2 will improve on things, because for now I'm not really feeling it.

Also I'm 6 episodes into DS9 season 3. Unsurprisingly, I like it more than anything that has come before it already.


Jealous Bastard
i actually found myself pitying a lot of the characters in MAD MEN by the end of the first season. everyone seems very trapped in the social mores and expectations. even peter campbell, who is truly a despicable fuck 90% of the time, is only following the cultural avenues he understands to be accepted to become a success. the writers seem very invested in the notion that the early 60s were very oppressive, confusing times to live in.
beelzebozo said:
i actually found myself pitying a lot of the characters in MAD MEN by the end of the first season. everyone seems very trapped in the social mores and expectations. even peter campbell, who is truly a despicable fuck 90% of the time, is only following the cultural avenues he understands to be accepted to become a success. the writers seem very invested in the notion that the early 60s were very oppressive, confusing times to live in.
That's a really good point. Makes me feel better about it, but its hard to like and also be compelled by any of the characters when they are all such stupid arseholes. It reminds me of why I had such a hard time with Rome. Same deal, despicable moronic characters who had little to no redeeming qualities, it really made me feel distanced from the show like it does here.

Although its no surprise that the characters I like the most are Attia and Marc Anthony in Rome and Joan in Mad men. All jerks, but at least they have a sense of humour about it.
Still working my way through S1 of FNL. I'm a little over halfway through now.
Saracen, you idiot! How dare you screw things up with Julie. :(

Also, Chuck starts up again tonight with the 3D episode.

beelzebozo said:
i actually found myself pitying a lot of the characters in MAD MEN by the end of the first season. everyone seems very trapped in the social mores and expectations. even peter campbell, who is truly a despicable fuck 90% of the time, is only following the cultural avenues he understands to be accepted to become a success. the writers seem very invested in the notion that the early 60s were very oppressive, confusing times to live in.
Definitely. It made me think a lot about my parents growing up in that time period and how different things are now.


beelzebozo said:
veronica mars just showed up in DEADWOOD! and she's turning tricks!

Kristen Bell is on Deadwood?!?!

I guess I'll watch it (already have the DVDs) after I finish Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Curb is so fucking funny.. I wish I got around to seeing it sooner.


Jealous Bastard
this is the furthest i've ever watched in the show, and it really gets much better around episode four or so. right after
hickock gets shot,
it's like the next episode they really started to do a lot more interesting things with the characters, and the pacing picked up really nicely. not a breakneck speed or anything, mind you--but it's much less plodding.
I remember watching those Deadwood eps while i was watching Veronica Mars Season 1. She plays snivelling bitch so darn well! Kinda tainted my love affair with her... you'll know what i mean. *shudder*

beelzebozo said:
this is the furthest i've ever watched in the show, and it really gets much better around episode four or so. right after
hickock gets shot,
it's like the next episode they really started to do a lot more interesting things with the characters, and the pacing picked up really nicely. not a breakneck speed or anything, mind you--but it's much less plodding.
Yep, same feelings. That's where the show clicked for me. It's very deliberate in its pacing.


Jealous Bastard
nothing can make me swoon over kristen bell less. i still secretly intend to marry her, but only with the added agreement that she includes rob thomas feeding her dialogue for the duration of our lives. i want witty banter.


Jealous Bastard
i wonder why it is that i can watch MAD MEN and sympathize with the characters. i actually had a greater amount of disdain for the self-sorry characters in SIX FEET UNDER, to call forth the spirit of that show again.


Jealous Bastard
good eats is so good. i've culled so many great recipes and even more cooking knowledge just from watching that wonderful nerd. truth be told, he's probably mostly responsible for any interest in cooking i have.
The Kristen Bell episodes on Deadwood were pretty awesome.
beelzebozo said:
good eats is so good. i've culled so many great recipes and even more cooking knowledge just from watching that wonderful nerd. truth be told, he's probably mostly responsible for any interest in cooking i have.
I used to watch a lot of America's Test Kitchen, but now the only cooking show I regularly watch is the Bittman online vids from the NY Times.


Jealous Bastard
you should try and catch jamie oliver's show JAMIE AT HOME more often. they only play it right now at 7:30am on saturday mornings (i know, wtf) but if you've got a tivo, you should set it to record.

or, alternately, pick up the JAMIE AT HOME cookbook. it's probably the finest i've bought since i scored alton's I'M JUST HERE FOR THE FOOD or tyler florence's TYLER'S ULTIMATE.

Cornballer said:
The Kristen Bell episodes on Deadwood were pretty awesome.
I used to watch a lot of America's Test Kitchen, but now the only cooking show I regularly watch is the Bittman online vids from the NY Times.

have you tried bittman's thrice-cooked ribs?
beelzebozo said:
have you tried bittman's thrice-cooked ribs?
Nope. I'll give it a shot sometime. I've been using his new cookbook a fair bit, and in general his contribution to my cooking style has been to get me to loosen up and improvise a bit off the recipe these days.

Oh, Jamie at Home is good, too. I watched a couple episodes at my sister's place and tried the recipes - quite good and simple provided you have quality ingredients.


Jealous Bastard
here's the video of him talking about the ribs.

increeeedibly tender.

as far as JAMIE AT HOME goes, what i like most about it, i think, is that the food follows the aesthetics of the show: it all has this very homespun feel. so while he's out cooking on a little hot plate by his herb garden, the dishes are really simple but are, again, like something your grandma would toss together and not overly pretentious in the presentation or the flavors.

the idea is just, "make good food, make it taste fucking good."


Jealous Bastard
finished DEADWOOD season 1 yesterday.

the character arcs in this first season were fantastic. one thing i kept waiting on through the whole first season was to sympathize a little--just a LITTLE--with al, and by the end of the twelfth episode, i did. powers boothe as cy has really come into his own by then, too, and the guy who plays his craps dealer--the dude who did the narration in magnolia--is really great, too.

kristen bell's two episode stint is dark. DARK. and well worth the cost of the set alone, if you ask me.

anyway, i loved it, and can't wait to get to seasons 2 and 3.

just got BATTLESTAR GALACTICA SEASON 1 in the mail today.


Just picked up Firefly on DVD and loving every minute of it. I can't wait to see Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse. Fox put it on Friday so it's doomed to fail. I hate Fox so much.


Jealous Bastard
yeah, i've actually watched the miniseries, and the first three episodes. i sampled with a friend's dvd set before i picked up my own. i definitely enjoy the pace of the regular episodes more than the miniseries, but that could be because there was so much back story to establish with that initial 2 hour pilot.

and i can see DEADWOOD getting better and better in the seasons to come, as at the end of season 1, the world seems to expand and get larger with the arrival of the military, and more attention being paid to factors taking place outside deadwood that may influence what happens in the camp. to feel the universe getting larger and full of more possibilities is exciting as hell now that i've latched onto it.


I finished both seasons of Californication and I really like it. David Duchovny makes that show, he's so good at it.

Started watching Weeds too, like it too.


Jealous Bastard
does duchovny look as rough on californication as he did in the new x-files movie? something about how fucking old and grungy he looked in that movie put me off--i couldn't accept him as mulder again, weird as that sounds.


beelzebozo said:
does duchovny look as rough on californication as he did in the new x-files movie? something about how fucking old and grungy he looked in that movie put me off--i couldn't accept him as mulder again, weird as that sounds.
No, I don't think so. He's just really smooth, relaxed dude. Very funny. Never seen The X-files (except for 2 or 3 episodes) so I've never followed him but Californication turned me into a fan. He plays a very cool, likeable, funny pussy-magnet.



Jealous Bastard
sounds great tieno. a friend recommended this show to me, and i'm going to check it out when i get a chance. i have such a glorious fuckton of great tv to watch that it may be a while though.


beelzebozo said:
sounds great tieno. a friend recommended this show to me, and i'm going to check it out when i get a chance. i have such a glorious fuckton of great tv to watch that it may be a while though.
My brother recommended it to me a few months ago, but never got around to watch it. Few days ago I watched the first episode and instantly got hooked, which usually takes a few episodes. Just don't wait too long.


GuessWho said:
anybody ever hear of Jekyll? Apparently ts great, thinking of getting season 1.

Yeah, I rented it from netflix and stopped watching midway through the second episode. Really hated what I'd watched so far and had to interest to keep with it.


I finished The Shield last night. What an incredible show. The finale was equal parts brilliant, satisfying, sickening, sad, and depressing. It was so dark that I think it kind of cast a shadow over the rest of the show for me. Probably one of the few times a TV show has left such an enormous emotional impact on me.

Still watching Doctor Who, still not really liking it...is there something I'm not "getting"? With the exception of "Father's Day," which I liked, all of the stories have been kind of boring so far.
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