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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Kyle Maclachlan and Naomi Watts are doing a bang up job. And I don't want to exclude Tim Roth and Jennifer Leigh. Their addition are much welcomed.
Definitely Kyle as Bad Coop is awesome. As Dougie, I can't but be reminded about that scene from Tropic Thunder where they discuss actors acting 'slow'.


I thought Tammy was supposed to look awkward during that smoking scene. "I'm standing next to a grumpy ass woman who hates me and I don't know what to do with my hands, I better just try not to lose my composure and not show signs of weakness in front of Diane."
But she acts like that in pretty much every scene she's been in.
I thought Chrysta Bell was fine. If anything Lillard's slobbering ass was really over the top and distracting.

I'm reeling! I thought Lillard was absolutely on point in that.

I realize it's probably just a lack of acting experience, but for me Chrysta Bell's performance comes off more weird than bad, and that fits the vibe of the show for me so I'm okay with her. I don't know if anyone's noticed, but in the
interrogation scene
she was doing this weird thing where she was almost rocking back and forth in her chair, but the way she was doing it was so robotic that it looked like a looping idle animation in a game.


Kyle has been acting his ass off in this, just a magnificent job as everyone he's been.
This guy should have played batman/Bruce Wayne in something. I'm sorry if anyone is offended by my mention of super heroes, it's just that Kyle Maclachlan is terrific at playing a different version of the same character. It reminds me of Christopher Reeves as Superman.


No one said he "didn't get what he wanted". We're saying (or at least I am) that he fucked up by wanting it. Casting her was a bad decision.

First I have to say that I like Chrysta Bell's Tammy.

But yeah, I don't understand the "this is what Lynch wanted" defense at all. If that is acceptable in this case, why not in other cases too? Whenever someone is acting poorly in someone's opinion it could always be what the director wanted.

I'm sure that if we look at the movie and tv history and see what scenes and performances these people think are bad, many of those scenes and performances are actually just the way the director wanted them to be. It still doesn't mean they couldn't be seen as bad.

While I have no issues with Chrysta Bell whatsoever I think that whatever Lynch has wanted from Matthew Lillard in this season has been just about the worst acting the entire series has had. His overacting took me off the scene hard and I don't think I can find myself finding any excuses to like that performance. I think I understand Tamara Preston and I think I understand Wally Brando. I like them both. But I don't get Bill Hastings at all. The things that are said by him and about him are good, but the way he delivers the information is very hard to watch. Lynch wanting him to be that way doesn't make that performance any better. The only thing it affects is my view on Lynch's taste with this certain character.

As a side note I think one of my new pet peeves now is to see the word "Lynchian."


I just watched Fire Walk With Me again(first time in years) and I honestly totally forgot Leland/Bob ripped those pages out of Laura's diary.
First I have to say that I like Chrysta Bell's Tammy.

But yeah, I don't understand the "this is what Lynch wanted" defense at all. If that is acceptable in this case, why not in other cases too? Whenever someone is acting poorly in someone's opinion it could always be what the director wanted.

I'm sure that if we look at the movie and tv history and see what scenes and performances these people think are bad, many of those scenes and performances are actually just the way the director wanted them to be. It still doesn't mean they couldn't be seven as bad.

Intent matters because it's about how the art is meant to be expressed. Art is about creatively expressing a point of view. It's personal and highly subjective. There is no one way to paint, or sculpt, or act, etc. If the artist executed their art in a way that satisfied them then they didn't get it "wrong".

So you don't criticize heightened acting for not being natural. There was never a possibility it would be natural. You have to look at if the heightened acting was successfully realized. You criticize it for what it is, not what it isn't.

That doesn't mean you have to like it, of course. Style is very personal.
Did anyone else notice how Kyle Maclachlan totally made the Agent Cooper face before getting in the truck in the latest episode? It was hysterical.


Someone posted this on r/twinpeaks and it's hilarious:



Sailor Moon wall scroll
X-files poster
Laura Palmer blanket

Friends, I think this person entered the Lodge and came out in 1994


I have not seen anyone bring up the coincidence of 253 also being the distance in yards from Jack rabbits palace. Since the dates and times are tied to the stars (I think), the distance has me wondering.

Also didn't I read somewhere that 1 year of our time in the lodge was like 17 years? So 25 × 17 = Cooper being on a whole other level.

Why are some upset exactly with Tammy and her poor acting? I ask rhetorically somewhat since i don't even pretend to know the correct way she should act in regards to her character. Would an bonafide actor be that much better? Can't include established actors like Angelina Jolie based off of dynamic so you put in a unseen unknown Shakespearean hottie and now it's agreeable?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Is time really that different in the Lodge?

(Although the last episode of Season 2 did seem to have some time shenanigans)


Is time really that different in the Lodge?

I think that's always been an expectation, with the whole Annie warning Laura thing. Time is circular, in the old Lodge at least. Nowadays? I'm not smart enough to know.

I have not seen anyone bring up the coincidence of 253 also being the distance in yards from Jack rabbits palace. Since the dates and times are tied to the stars (I think), the distance has me wondering.

How could the double reference of 2:53 be a coincidence in this episode? 2:53 is clearly intentional *point* to remember between Coop/Briggs and beyond.


How could the double reference of 2:53 be a coincidence in this episode? 2:53 is clearly intentional *point* to remember between Coop/Briggs and beyond.

It's 3 connections. The reference from the giant is 253. Then there's the time that bad coop was called back, plus the time in the note plus the distance.

What I'm specifically talking about is the distance and the time being the same.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I didn't know Laura Palmer was in Inland Empire.


"Brutal fucking Murder"

It's 3 connections. The reference from the giant is 253. Then there's the time that bad coop was called back, plus the time in the note plus the distance.

What I'm specifically talking about is the distance and the time being the same.

Didn't the Giant also talk about the number 430?

"Remember... 430... Richard and Linda... Two Birds with One Stone"


Didn't the Giant also talk about the number 430?

"Remember... 430... Richard and Linda... Two Birds with One Stone"

Yea there's a focus on numbers for sure. 430 I think is the key for Cooper to "come back". It's interesting that the kill part of the two birds idiom was left out.

315 was Dale's room number at the great northern, when he was coming back he originally almost went through 15 on the electrical portal, then after no eyes flipped the switch, it turned to 3.

And who knows why pill mama said 119 over and over when Cooper came through the next door house. A reverse... call for help?
Is anyone watching Ep 11 at Comic Con next week under NDA, or will the rest of us be in danger of spoilers for a couple of days?

Seems odd to do an early screening when they've generally been so tight-lipped about the whole thing.

Looking forward to Ep 10, I think we're due for a Twin Peaks town heavy episode. Lots of threads and new characters that need tying up there. Red! Richard Horne! Johnny! Shelly & Bobby! The Hurleys! Etc.

All interspersed with a Hutch murder spree.


Is anyone watching Ep 11 at Comic Con next week under NDA, or will the rest of us be in danger of spoilers for a couple of days?

Seems odd to do an early screening when they've generally been so tight-lipped about the whole thing.

Looking forward to Ep 10, I think we're due for a Twin Peaks town heavy episode. Lots of threads and new characters that need tying up there. Red! Richard Horne! Johnny! Shelly & Bobby! The Hurleys! Etc.

All interspersed with a Hutch murder spree.

They're for sure going to be NDA'd, Comic Con has done that almost every year for early screenings since they've started doing them.


Did anyone else notice how Kyle Maclachlan totally made the Agent Cooper face before getting in the truck in the latest episode? It was hysterical.
While it didn't necessarily register as an "Agent Cooper" face, it did stand out in such a way as an expression that seemed more at-home with Dale Cooper :)


I'm just hoping that, when Good Coop does return, it's hammed up as much as possible. I want Badalementi music, I want Cooper doing the thumbs up, I want him eating cherry pie and drinking coffee almost immediately. Make it happen, Lynch.
I'm just hoping that, when Good Coop does return, it's hammed up as much as possible. I want Badalementi music, I want Cooper doing the thumbs up, I want him eating cherry pie and drinking coffee almost immediately. Make it happen, Lynch.

I think that's what's missing during the Andy and Lucy scenes right now. It's still pretty funny but it needs that classic cheesy jazz track that used to always play during all the fuckery moments in the old series

It augments the humor.
I think that's what's missing during the Andy and Lucy scenes right now. It's still pretty funny but it needs that classic cheesy jazz track that used to always play during all the fuckery moments in the old series

It augments the humor.

I hadn't really considered it until the past few parts, but the music isn't just important for the sound of the show. It's also crucial to the rhythm. I think when people talked about how much they missed the music, I took it as a superficial thing. But they were right with how important it was to feeling like Twin Peaks. Scenes are forced to be edited a certain way with that Badalamenti score. Of course, it makes sense that it was absent and has been slowly seeping into the show.
I think that's what's missing during the Andy and Lucy scenes right now. It's still pretty funny but it needs that classic cheesy jazz track that used to always play during all the fuckery moments in the old series

It augments the humor.

And I have no idea why they didn't use the cheesy jazz track. Doesn't make sense to me.
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