How could anyone watch the more traditional Twin Peaks scenes this season, particularly those with returning characters, and think Frost/Lynch no longer know how to write for Cooper? Albert alone was on fire last episode with one liners that could've been from directly from the first 2 seasons, not to mention the Briggs family stuff, bobby opening the capsule, Frank Truman fitting into the show like a glove, Lucy's lunch break gag, etc. These guys know what Twin Peaks was, and could absolutely do the nostalgia run if they wanted to. Instead, they've chosen to reignite the flame of mystery in a post-"we know who Laura Palmer's killer is" world with Mr. C, while simultaneously seating the audience alongside Cooper through his journey back, step by step, piece by piece.
And if we do get Coop's awakening with episodes to spare, I expect him to be a character now carrying the scars of whatever he's gone through.