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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Hmn, I'm noticing multiple characters in the past couple parts have mentioned people appearing in their dreams. Wonder if that's hinting towards anything.


Tears in the rain
After what was the best TP episode of the season since 8, I can't fucking believe they only nudged the story like a centimeter and not even in enjoyable way lol.

Nope. If you wanted something huge that is on you. I was here loving the fuck out of the weirdness. Of the directing. The acting.

I love these slow burners. It's pure David Lynch. And I am now hoping Coop never returns just to see the salt.


Well I laughed at the Turnip joke, actually all the Gordon and Albert stuff was great. The rest of the episode I think I could have skipped.


yeah i didn't really like much about this episode. some stuff was interesting - the stuff with sarah and the scene with ben and frank, but most of this episode was just nothing happening at all. the long scene with audrey and her husband where they are arguing about looking for someone who, i think, we've never heard of, and talking about a bunch of people we've never heard of was boring. the long scene where albert went to gordon's room, nothing really happened there either and worse, it wasn't funny either when it was trying to be.

man this episode stank! you really never know what you're getting with this show. last week's episode, while not that eventful, left me feeling really nice and i liked every scene. this week i just felt nothing, except being kind of irritated.
Episode was real good apart from Audrey.

I never wanted Audrey to come back because she's a shitty character who offers nothing. I like her husband though he's quality.

Sarah was fantastic. Very impressed with her.


Nope. If you wanted something huge that is on you. I was here loving to fuck out of the weirdness. Of the directing. The acting.

I love these slow burners. It's pure David Lynch.
Its not even good Lynch. It was good until that 30min mark where it wasted so much time trying to be weird but felt wasted. We've already had enough, it's time to move the story and don't pad your time with lame stuff when you could be doing more interesting characters, dialogue.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I liked the opening touching on several things about Blue Rose, the Gordon & Albert scenes, all the scenes with Sarah Palmer were wonderfully off and kind of creepy (she delivered a great performance), I liked the scene of Tim Roth and the Cheese Queen sniping the warden while contemplating Wendy's, and I enjoyed the scene with Sherrif Truman and Ben Horne, but I also wouldn't say it was like a favorite episode either.


there is joy in sucking dick
I liked the opening touching on several things about Blue Rose, the Gordon & Albert scenes, all the scenes with Sarah Palmer were wonderfully off and kind of creepy (she delivered a great performance), I liked the scene of Tim Roth and the Cheese Queen sniping the warden while contemplating Wendy's, and I enjoyed the scene with Sherrif Truman and Ben Horne, but I also wouldn't say it was like a favorite episode either.

Yeah there was a lot of worthwhile scenes here. I'm still laughing at Next stop, Wendys!
Charlie is fantastic, I hope we can all agree on that at least.

Clark Middleton is really great in The Blacklist. I was always thrilled when he showed up as Glen.

And yeah, what the fuck was up with Audrey. Looking forward to seeing her all season and then that happened. :/

Loved the short Dougie scene, though. I missed him this episode!


What a bizarre episode! I was thinking how odd it was that we didn't even get a Cooper scene (good or evil) until I remembered the super brief baseball scene. Glad that the Sheriff's Department seems to finally be taking some action on Richard Horne, though.

If Richard is Audrey's son, it was odd that she was more concerned about Billy's whereabouts than Richard's. You'd think the police would have contacted her before Ben.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Albert's death stare. So good. I'm going to miss Miguel Ferrer, I'm glad he's getting so mich screen time.

I am too, Lynch's interview a month or so ago touches well on Miguel Ferrer's involvement, Albert has always been one of my favorite TP characters and I'm glad he gets so much screentime this season.

Entertainment Weekly: There are scenes in the first four parts involving tender moments with the Log Lady (Catherine Coulson) and Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) that are even more poignant knowing the actors have since passed away.

David Lynch: I fell in love with Albert on this trip through Twin Peaks, and I just loved working with Miguel. This relationship between my character, Gordon Cole, and Albert is so important to the story. Now knowing that he’s gone, I’m even more grateful we did this and it was captured on film. It’s just really sad he’s gone. And I’ve known Catherine since 1971, and I see her on the screen, and it’s… well, it just doesn’t seem right that she’s not here.
Just a fine episode. Weakest Part so far. I'm guessing, like Part 10, there will be some payoffs on Part 13.

Good to have Audrey back. Always like Dr Amp. Cooper not understaning catch was funny. Albert always kills it. Yay for a Chet Desmond reference.

Also interesting that many of the the Blue Rose agents are played by musicians: Bowie, Issacs, and now Bell.


I actually think the Audrey scene worked really well as its own little thing. The hype surrounding this episode was distracting and unfortunate. It'll play better on a rewatch.


I can't believe they just cut to Audrey like that, caught me so off guard.

There was like... a lot of trolling this episode. Name dropping Phillip Jeffries, Chet Desmond, Blue Rose explanation... Then so many super drawn out scenes.

Def think the pre-hype set up a little disappointment.


Not Wario
Albert might actually be the standout of the whole season to me.

Edit: As a character. Kyle's triple threat performance is amazing from a single actor, though.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
These positions may change as I have more time to reflect/rewatch once the whole series is over, but at this very moment here's my rankings of the first 12 episodes (and trust me, I know my opinion isn't strictly the popular one)

Part 8 > Part 11 > Part 6 > Part 3 > Part 5 > Part 2 > Part 9 > Part 7 > Part 10 > Part 1 > Part 12 > Part 4

However, I've liked every episode and some of these positions may shift over time with reflection, rewatches, time, etc.


I actually think the Audrey scene worked really well as its own little thing. The hype surrounding this episode was distracting and unfortunate. It'll play better on a rewatch.

I mean you're probably right that people were expecting something more because of some tweets, I guess, but I just plain didn't like the episode. I would've been totally fine if nothing much happened if the individuals scenes were entertaining, but I feel like Gordon came off as a horny old jackass, Audrey was annoying and talking about a bunch of crap I don't care about (yet), there wasn't any progress with Diane, who's schtick was already getting a little bit grating, and all of this took up half the episode, then it ended with another random conversation between two unknown women which normally I wouldn't mind except I was already kind of thinking 'this episode is bad' and so I was left feeling absolutely nothing except, just thinking 'well this week was a wash, maybe next time'.

That's not to say everything in the episode was bad - I liked the scenes with Sarah Palmer and Frank/Ben, but they were surrounded by stuff that did nothing for me.

Definitely the worst episode so far.


Nono don’t start ep ranking shit or whatever I got questions.

What was with Diane spelling out coordinates+2?
What does “renege” mean?
Why is Tammy the best character?

The twitter people who hyped up this ep are all laughing at your “weakest ep ever” ratings :p
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