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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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I think you didn't detect my sarcasm, but that's okay. (though I do wonder how they'll resolve everything in 6 more parts).

I've enjoyed the series so far personally, and I'm happy it's 18 parts and not 9, but I think it wasn't made for 27 episodes either.

I wasn't sure if you were being serious or not, but I've seen people going "18 episodes isn't enough" and "I hope there's another season!" all over the place for the past month.

I still like Lynch overall, but Season 3 is a pretty sad display for him. For every good episode, we've had at least two mediocre/poor ones. When you add in the fact that a lot of people are staying on board believing that we'll be led to some grand resolution in the finale... putting faith in David Lynch's willingness to grant closure in an intentionally long and complex narrative... I think the odds are against this being remembered fondly when all is said and done.


About half of the episode was great and then it suddenly became really boring.

-I loved all the Gordon & Albert scenes. I'm amazed Gordon's weird-lips face hasn't yet become a meme. The whole long-ass French lady scene was great from the beginning to the end.

-As a super fan I really loved hearing them mention Chet Desmond.

-Sarah's scenes were amazing. She really has become mentally unstable and it's awesome. I loved to hear the freaky FWWM music!

-Loved the Dougie scene. It added nothing to anything except showed us that whatever we thought about him getting more Cooper-like we might be wrong. He has not gotten any better. It looks like the opposite actually. I mean, a kid throws a ball slowly and it hits Dougie's head and there is zero reaction from him. This could be a negative but as I like Dougie I put it in positives :)


-Wow, I didn't expect the first scene with Audrey to be one of the most boring scenes in the show so far. I got the joke, and in theory it was funny. But it REALLY needed the exposition to be actually interesting to us so that we could also be interested what is said on the phone and then disappoint when nothing is said. Now I just didn't care at all what was going on.

I Chuckled a bit at the anti-punchline but I really feel this scene will be fast forwarded in future viewings. I mean, none of what they said grabbed me in any way.

To go further with it, at one point I even thought that "hey this must be them actually rehearsing for a play or a tv show! This must be about Audrey trying to become an actress and soon they drop the charade and Fenn starts to act better and becomes interesting. This might be genius after all!" Then I remembered that oh, he called her Audrey and not some character's name. And then happened the "joke" and then it ended and it was all real.

-Little did I know that after Audrey's scene there will be perhaps even more uninteresting scene. It went a bit more interesting when the guy showed up but then it fell flat again. And it was the last scene of the episode.. There's a reason why the cliffhangers are used by nearly every tv show out there. This being really "a long movie" is not an excuse here. Lynch could've easily put some interesting scene from the next episode to close this episode by cutting a few minutes out. While this kinda is admirable as an artistic choice I feel my heart sink a bit every time a Twin Peaks episode ends with me being bored and not having the need to see how this will continue. Give me those boring feelings in the middle of the episode, not in the end of the episode. It's like having a box of candies and deliberately trying to leave the best tasting candies to be the last candies I eat from the box but then I realize I just ate the least good candy in the box and I notice that the last three candies are the same. It just leaves a bad taste. You can't spin it to be actually something genius.

-The Jacoby stuff is getting really old now. The three Jacoby scenes have been as if they had one day to shoot a scene with him and decided to get it in a few takes and tried different things in different takes, but Lynch loved them all and now wants them all to be part of the show. It's the same thing over and over again, but with a bit different words and some different backdrop somewhere. What makes it worse is that what he says isn't really that interesting. The "dig yourself out of the shit" was really funny the first time it happened and it was quite funny the second time too, and it STILL is somewhat funny but I feel I have to really stretch my sense of humor to actually get something out of it anymore.

But she returned in the worst way though. Mike Nelson had a better return scene than her lmao.

Lol, so true :D


The music playing when Sarah was in the store is the same from FWWM with me during the Jeffries/part of the Meeting Room scene, I think.

And in the scene where Desmond and Jeffries are investigating the body Teresa Banks and find the letter under her fingernail.

I've always loved that tune. It is still as haunting as it ever was.


No it's really not. Badly acted. Zero context for a viewer. Deliberately withheld information, and elongated one sided conversation. Zero relevance.

They teased out Audrey's return. She returns, married to a bald midget, yet it was a complete and utter waste. Could have tied it to her son and or her dad. Nope. Just a literal waste of 10 minutes. Just like the scene with the french prostitute.

Downright insulting and wasting time. Half the series so far if not more has been wasted on that director pointless bullshit.

This return would have felt stretched out at 9 episodes. Clearly with 18, an old horny bored director looks for new excuses to run the clock each episode.

Jeez. If all you want is story then just read wikipedia when it's done.


I'm beginning to feel like this season is going to end with Dougie meandering towards the lodge in the woods for 20 painful "GET ON WITH IT" minutes and then he will trip and land face first in a pile of shit dropped by Jerry while he was lost in the woods, followed by CUT TO BLACK // CREDITS with no music and we just hear the flies buzzing around the shit pile.


I wasn't sure if you were being serious or not, but I've seen people going "18 episodes isn't enough" and "I hope there's another season!" all over the place for the past month.

I still like Lynch overall, but Season 3 is a pretty sad display for him. For every good episode, we've had at least two mediocre/poor ones. When you add in the fact that a lot of people are staying on board believing that we'll be led to some grand resolution in the finale... putting faith in David Lynch's willingness to grant closure in an intentionally long and complex narrative... I think the odds are against this being remembered fondly when all is said and done.

We've only had two 'eh' episodes, and even then they've been far better than 95% of everything else on TV. Everytime we don't have a part 7 in terms of plot progression or part 8 in terms of wow, y'all flip out. This will definitely be remembered fondly.


The pacing in this season is so weird though. One episode you're like oh shit this is really ramping up, then the next episode Dougie is getting hit in the head with a baseball and Audrey is yelling at her husband for 10 minutes.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Audrey's scene is so off, Im wondering if she's still actually in a coma and imagined it.



So we had Albert and Sarah that were really good, and a brief Dougie scene. I guess Ben Horne and Truman was pretty good too.

Sadly they were all in the beginning.

Which means we had to deal with soap parody for 30 minutes and honestly, maybe because of the hype, it felt like torture.

I doubt Audrey is going to matter at all in the season, since this felt like it was to show her life went on as a soap opera character and not really connected to the new Twin Peaks, despite her being obviously the mother of Richard. (that difference in tone was intentional)

Meh. I mean, I could get behind that in theory but I felt like it was handled in a weird way.
The warden I think..

Thanks guys.

Was a pretty weak episode to me overall.
Which is weird, because I like Sheriff Truman and more Ben Horne, liked the Jacoby stuff before (i guess it was kind of redundant + the reused? Nadine shots), love all of the Albert/Gordon stuff normally, and I'm glad Audrey showed up, her husband was pretty funny at the end there.
Yet, I was honestly really bored throughout. Felt much slower than the rest of the season, which I liked being slow.


SHoTP spoiler related to Part 12:

Shouldn't Tammy know most of what Gordon tells her after reading the dossier? I don't expect Lynch to adhere to much of the book, but that's kind of a bigger thing to ignore.

Or maybe Tammy was supposed to do more 'understanding nods' in that scene but Bell forgot.


SHoTP spoiler related to Part 12:

Shouldn't Tammy know most of what Gordon tells her after reading the dossier? I don't expect Lynch to adhere to much of the book, but that's kind of a bigger thing to ignore.

Or maybe Tammy was supposed to do more 'understanding nods' in that scene but Bell forgot.

In my head canon there's another T P because Bell can't sell her role for shit.
For how much story they're covering, this could have easily been a 9 or even 6 episode season.

Everything is so slow...It's like a deleted scenes compilation that just keeps going.


SHoTP spoiler related to Part 12:

Shouldn't Tammy know most of what Gordon tells her after reading the dossier? I don't expect Lynch to adhere to much of the book, but that's kind of a bigger thing to ignore.

Or maybe Tammy was supposed to do more 'understanding nods' in that scene but Bell forgot.

Seems like she hasn't read the dossier yet. I wonder if they'll mention it on screen.


If anyone cares, the song at the end of this episode was the chords to "Saturday," which is normally sung by Ida No, of Glass Candy. It's a great tune.
Something occurred to me tonight; it's been assumed for a while that Richard is Audrey's kid, but given that Ben is also Donna's father, Richard could be her kid.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Yeah that was a dud for me. Sarah Palmer stuff is great, but that's it.

Edit: I take that back. Karl is amazing as always.

The awkwardness factor was dialed up to 11 this time just for the hell of it. Repeat scenes, super long holds, super short sequences, no payoff in anything. Rough outing, especially after last week's episode.
Something occurred to me tonight; it's been assumed for a while that Richard is Audrey's kid, but given that Ben is also Donna's father, Richard could be her kid.

I always forget about this until someone brings it up. It seems likely that Richard's parentage is being kept ambiguous because Dopple Coop is the father, but that could be a red herring for the less dramatic but more surprising reveal that Donna is the mother.
I've been loving this series so far, but this was not a good episode. I get that Lynch likes to play with audience expectations and subvert them, but with the exception of the Diane, Sarah Palmer, Carl and Ben Horne scenes this whole episode just felt like a long "fuck you" to the audience. If I didn't know otherwise I could believe that Lynch was reading opinion pieces about the show and it's perceived misogynistic themes and crafted this episode as a reaction to that. He is knowingly giving us this re-introduction to Audrey to completely undermine everything fans related to and found appealing about the character, and the scene with the French prostitute was completely self indulgent in an annoyingly winking at the camera way.

I'm starting to feel like I'm on both sides of the fence about this show now. Some episodes, and some moments are some of the best work Lynch has ever done, but on the other hand; the show is designed to frustrate the audience. At this point I want to see what the intent is in obfuscating most of the interworking of the plot and dragging out the pacing of shots to be tediously long. I'm fine with the nebulous dream logic of the series. It is a Lynch project after all, but the constant toying with audience expectations to seemingly no effect; especially in this episode is starting to seem needless, and counter productive to the narrative.


Well, that was disappointing. This episode was called "Let's Rock" how can it be bad? Oh, that's how.
Blue Rose stuff was great. At least I got some Desmond and Jeffries name drops. Tammy is lame she is supposed to be this amazing agent and we just don't ever see it. I should probably stop expecting Chet Desmond's return. Just setting myself up for disappointment. Albert and Gordon are always awesome. French woman was funny. Diane saying "Let's rock" probably has some significance.
Sarah Palmer was amazing. The FWWM music. Kept thinking shit was going down but I guess we will have to wait for that. Only Lynch can make me afraid of a fan. Fuck that fan. Just go in the damn house Hawk something is obviously wrong.
Liked cheeto gal and Roth killing that guy. God damn brutal.
Never liked Audrey that much. Like her even less now. Don't care about you or Billy. The actor her plays her husband is a good character actor I always like seeing that guy.
Not falling for these hype tweets anymore. These people don't know jack shit. I'm half convinced they were talking about another episode. Wasn't Candie supposed to have some big scene? Maybe I misunderstood that.

Tron 2.0

I'd be curious to know if there were actual episode-length scripts written, or if arcs were devised for each character and written as distinct entities with the "episodes" being found in the editing room

And next episode should we expect Hawk, Sheriff Newman, and Bobby to follow the map? If we each episode as a day, that should be the case, right?
I thought the episode was funny and enjoyed it, but it was disappointing after episode 11.

It is pretty clear that this entire season is about subverting the audience' expectations, I am fine with that and enjoy this season for what it is. I can also see that when it comes to subverting expectations like this there is a line that can be crossed.

Saying that, feeling very angry or like you have been spit in the face probably means you should stop watching.


Honestly most of the disappointment seems to be from the hype moreso than the episode itself. Granted it wasn't a great episode at all, but I'd still say part 3 has been my least favorite.

People were building up this one in particular cause of "let's rock" for a while, so I get it.


I feel like an info dump is coming and those expecting Hawk and bunch to possibly meet with Gordon and crew will be disappointed. Also, I am not too optimistic that Dougie will be discovered by Gordon.

Im convinced that Lynch is pulling a Toriyama.


I was personally hyped because I was like "Oh shit. Let's rock! Chet Desmond returns! The Arm! derp" Obviously that was foolish and of course Lynch likes to subvert expectations. Then I saw those hype tweets and was like "Oh yeah. Total validation. It's happening. etc." Yeah, that's on me. Oh well pretty sure the next ep is going to kick ass and we will all be happy again.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Honestly most of the disappointment seems to be from the hype moreso than the episode itself. Granted it wasn't a great episode at all, but I'd still say part 3 has been my least favorite.

People were building up this one in particular cause of "let's rock" for a while, so I get it.

The episode had some great moments. Sarah Palmer knocked the shit out of the park. Her scenes were heartbreaking and off-tilt. Even the Ben Horne scene was pretty great., heck even Jerry running out of the woods. Love the trailer park scene. The Blue Rose stuff? Awesome, except for Tammy huffing her own farts as usual. Pity they cast Lynch's masturbatory aid instead of an actual actress. Diane stuff went nowhere, again, Zero development. Dr AMP copy and paste waste. Audrey waste. French prostitute insulting waste.

Episode has maybe 10 minutes of actual good content.


I don't think it's not that much about subverting expectations or Lynch crafting something to deliberately tell "fuck you" to anyone.

If there are bad scenes in something Lynch does it doesn't necessarily mean it's the result of a creative genius who is deliberately toying with the viewers or making any statements. It could be that he just has written and directed those parts badly. It's not impossible. Same goes to Frost for writing.

I think Lynch genuinely thought the scenes many here think were awful in this episode were good and interesting.
I think he thought the Audrey scene was good. And to some it was good. But to many it wasn't. There's nothing more to it. He has just made a scene that for many was poorly made. Nothing less, nothing more.
this episode was really fucking lame. The beginning was kinda cool, then it went to shit fast. Really boring stuff in this one.

Such a bummer after last weeks was amazing


I don't think it's not that much about subverting expectations or Lynch crafting something to deliberately tell "fuck you" to anyone.

If there are bad scenes in something Lynch does it doesn't necessarily mean it's the result of a creative genius who is deliberately toying with the viewers or making any statements. It could be that he just has written and directed those parts badly. It's not impossible. Same goes to Frost for writing.

I think Lynch genuinely thought the scenes many here think were awful in this episode were good and interesting.
I think he thought the Audrey scene was good. And to some it was good. But to many it wasn't. There's nothing more to it. He has just made a scene that for many was poorly made. Nothing less, nothing more.

Yeah, I dunno where people are getting this 'lol lynch is a master troll' nonsense from. He doesn't give a shit about any of that, I doubt the guy pays any attention to the online opinion of his work at all, and he isn't some kind of cynical hack who just likes to fuck with his audience to the point of intentionally putting stuff out people won't enjoy. Every time I've seen him interviewed about his work, sure he says as little as possible, but it's clear he operates from a genuine place. He just makes stuff people consider 'weird' and I think people are just projecting their own reactions onto the intention behind it.

Do people actually think David Lynch sat and wrote some of the scenes this week thinking 'heh by ep 12 people will be dying for cooper to return so i'm gonna put a really long boring scene with audrey, who people will also have been waiting to see, which isn't entertaining and adds nothing to what is going on otherwise. the salt will be especially tasty because I'm gonna organise some people on twitter to put fuel to the hype in the days before it eventually airs'

Nah, he's telling a story he cares about and this part of it just happened to kind of blow.

Tron 2.0

Tammy is one of the best characters in the show.
Tammy is so terrible that I now look forward to her appearances for comedic reasons. Another example of the Dougie Effect.

Basically this entire season is like Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes. It's fun, then goes on for too long and becomes terrible, but then continues on long enough to come back around to being fun again.
I don't think it's not that much about subverting expectations or Lynch crafting something to deliberately tell "fuck you" to anyone.

If there are bad scenes in something Lynch does it doesn't necessarily mean it's the result of a creative genius who is deliberately toying with the viewers or making any statements. It could be that he just has written and directed those parts badly. It's not impossible. Same goes to Frost for writing.

I think Lynch genuinely thought the scenes many here think were awful in this episode were good and interesting.
I think he thought the Audrey scene was good. And to some it was good. But to many it wasn't. There's nothing more to it. He has just made a scene that for many was poorly made. Nothing less, nothing more.

No, he is deliberately fucking with people with the Audrey scene, c'mon. You don't re-introduce a character in a scene like that after 7 episodes of leading us to believe she was left perpetually comatose from being in the middle of a building exploding just cause you think it'd be a cool shot. I don't even have a problem with it per-se, but I suspect it's just going to be another scene involving the old cast that is essentially a narrative shell game he is playing with the viewers. I suspect that all of what goes on with what she and her husband are discussing might just amount to nothing ultimately in regards to the overarching narrative.
Just like Wally Brando.
They definitely built this season to coincide more seasons right?

I feel like they introduce characters left and right who seem important and then we never really hear from them.
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