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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm starting to form a weird theory. Anyone notice everytime Billy disappearing is mentioned something weird happens? Audrey forgetting, the diner people changing, and now the conversation just looped.

Maybe something about speaking about Billy's disappearance is like... causing a disruption in reality?

And there's these characters we've never seen mentioned a few times now, but whenever they are strange things happen.


I'm really liking how Twin Peaks (the town) looks and feels like this disorienting nightmare this entire season. I'm assuming it's gonna be like this until Dale appears.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
As people were saying from the leaks, I can understand why that episode in particular was a terrible episode to accidentally air early. XD

It also had a LOT more plot progression and interesting elements than I expected. Only four parts to go now.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So some thoughts:

-The guy bleeding in the cell I think was the father of the girl talking at the end, that or people bleeding continuously acting like nothing is wrong is somehow spreading.

-There is something seriously wrong with the town and these weird scenes are starting to come together. I think there's a point we've never seen Billy or the characters mentioned with him, I actually think they might be super important to the story but the fact they seemed to have disappeared and no one has seen them, and whenever they're mentioned something weird happens. The first time Billy is mentioned, the scene in the Diner with people switching happens, Audrey who seems close to Billy seems to almost be breaking down, and right now when they were talking about it their conversation began to loop and the second girl began to get out of it. There's also a theme running alongside this with the sickness people are experiencing, the girl talking at the end began to link Billy and his disappearance, the weird things happening in the town, and the sickness we are seeing in these episodes but the conversation oddly looped before she managed to say anything.

-I think the girl in Part 8 was Sarah, why she would have something horrific like that inside of her just suddenly.

-The Glove story was interesting, curious how it'll play out.

-Janey-E is Diane's half-sister. Didn't see that coming.

There's a lot more, but jeez that's a lot to process.

Big One

To be honest I don't see how all of this is gonna be outright resolved by the end of the season. I think Cooper is coming back, but I feel like with all of these new lodge spirits and elements introduced there's gotta be more to take care of the mysteries of the Twin Peaks world. Then again, that might be the point, lol. You guys think Lynch and Frost would be up for a season 4?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
To be honest I don't see how all of this is gonna be outright resolved by the end of the season. I think Cooper is coming back, but I feel like with all of these new lodge spirits and elements introduced there's gotta be more to take care of the mysteries of the Twin Peaks world. Then again, that might be the point, lol. You guys think Lynch and Frost would be up for a season 4?

They've confirmed this was always intended to be one season, and this won't end on a cliffhanger or anything.

But Lynch has also said after making this season he's open to more, but they have said they're having no discussions on more episodes until this season is finished airing and we all have a chance to see all of it and respond to it as a whole.


If according to the popular fan theory Audrey is in a coma, what if those girls are the nurses that are taking care of her or something? And she hears all that shit about Billy etc and dreams about it while comatose?


Big One

They've confirmed this was always intended to be one season, and this won't end on a cliffhanger or anything.

But Lynch has also said after making this season he's open to more, but they have said they're having no discussions on more episodes until this season is finished airing and we all have a chance to see all of it and respond to it as a whole.
Yeah put keep in mind Lynch always intended Twin Peaks to be about mystery above all else, so not having any sort of loose ends wouldn't really make it Twin Peaks in the first place, lol. That's part of what makes the product so engaging. The lingering plotline may have a resolution (Cooper's return) but that doesn't mean the evil that exists in the world of Twin Peaks will ultimately be taken care of or resolved in some way. Then again, that might be the point, but it still leaves a LOT open for more content.
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