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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End

I think Part 18 is Cooper's fate for what he did in Part 17, he tried to rewrite history and change the past, and he did. He saved Laura, but by saving her she never existed. And because she never existed, things never happened.

Laura is the dreamer, I think.

Also this, also it's more or less the epilogue after the climax in 17.
I think what happened is Laura and Cooper were written out of history, also the beginning with Mr. C in the chair on fire I think why Cooper was acting weird is because he reemerged with Mr. C, so it was half him and half Mr. C in one person. I think why Diane saw a doppelganger of herself is because she was seeing the her she would become, aka Linda. The phrase "two birds with one stone" meant that Cooper and Laura would be 'saved' from their fates with a sacrifice to destroy BOB in the past, so this all never happened.

Just my immediate post-watch thoughts before I eventually re-watch the series at some point and take more in.

but that doesnt explain the "Laura!" we heard from within the house in the last scene. that's really unsettling to me


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Just cancelled Showtime. Feels good man.
Anyone care to do a bullet-point summary of the finale for those of us who can't watch?


You're in dust if you don't understand why someone doesn't like 18. You're entitled to like it but you have no idea what a human being actually is if you can't understand what's not to dislike.
I'm not saying why someone wouldn't like 18, I'm not even sure what to think of it. I just wanted to know his opinion
Everything. I know Lynch is Lynch and he's going to subvert expectations and do his own thing, but I felt like Episode 17 ended things perfectly in the same way the S2 finale did. Then 18 felt like strangeness and mindfuckery for the sake of it.
Yeah, it felt like he tried to do what he did in Mulholland Drive, but maybe not as successful. Everything about it was off, from the sex scene to Cooper, to the headlights from the car they thought was tailing them. It was done well, but I dont know what this means for the characters and plotlines.

DJ Gunner

The end with Sarah calling to Laura felt like she was hearing it in a dream. And then Laura screamed like she was waking up from a nightmare.
Wow wow wow. The last part was so so good, the sense of entering another time and place was immense, the sound design was remarkable throughout. Last part best part hands down.

You know it's incredibly surreal seeing those scenes with them in front of the Palmer house after having been there for the shoot, like, I had some sense based on their movements and the obvious importance of the characters that it was a momentous, somewhat final scene, but really didn't expect it to be the actual final scene. Felt like I journeyed through time and space from seeing that night shoot from 2015 and now seeing the culmination of it at the end.

The pacing and atmosphere of part 18 was just so fucking good, the entire "switchover" scenes with Diane and Coop (bad coop?) reminded me of parts of Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, and FWWM bundled together. That scene in the diner with the hicks was fantastic too.

I was looking at the time remaining thinking "you've gotta be kidding me, they're really gonna go out on a cliffhanger/ambiguous ending", but honestly, I think that fucking works splendidly. There's a part of me that half expects Lynch or Showtime to pull another part out as a surprise, or perhaps a feature length conclusion released theatrically, but I know that's wishful thinking.

This has been a remarkable journey, one of, if not the finest I've experienced across both TV and film. I'm very happy with the conclusion, though good lord I want SO much more. Make it happen Lynch and Showtime!
Guys we were fools to even think that we could predict that this episode would wrap up nicely and be the end of Twin Peaks. We have not been able to predict one single episode so far let alone should we have been able to predict what would have happened in the end.

Man I am actually shaking after that last scream at the end. I was watching it alone in the dark with the sound turned up really loud.


I don't know what to think.

17 might be my favourite episode of television ever, but if 18 is really the end of Twin Peaks forever then....



So if we do get a theoretical S4, where do we go from here? Wouldn't all the other characters we know and love either not exist, or be completely different, in this altered timeline?


I never expected anything relating to a happy ending from this show but I’m pretty satisfied with how it ended. Still would have liked a little more exploration of Sarah Palmer and her whole face thing


there is joy in sucking dick
So if we do get a theoretical S4, where do we go from here? Wouldn't all the other characters we know and love either not exist, or be completely different, in this altered timeline?

It'll be a rated R Sliders of Coop and Laura trying to get back to their reality
I really like it. It’s very bittersweet. As much as we wanted it (especially after part 16), we knew that Lynch wasn’t about to give us a happy reunion ending. If Lynch and Frost have any desire to make another season, then great, beautiful. But either way I’m really happy with the ending, and more importantly I think we just saw one of the greatest shows/seasons of television. I can’t wait to rewatch it.

Probably my only criticism is that I just don’t buy or understand Cooper and Diane’s brief romance. Sure they now have a lot in common, but it just feels abrupt is all. Maybe there’s something I missed.


I think Episode 17 is right up there with the S2 finale and Lonely Souls for the best in the entire series.
I will say Lynch might have gone to that sex-scene-leading-to-a-break-in-reality well one too many times.

Also Diane was surprisingly game considering she remembers being raped by a Cooper

Big One

Holy hell that was a lot to take in. That last episode is gonna be talked about forever, lol. So let me get this straight:

- Cooper entered into another reality, correct? That's what it seems. What if Cooper in this reality is a Doppelganger for Richard in his own reality, hence why Diane!Linda was so uneasy around him?
- How does this reality tie into the series?
- What's up with Audrey? is Audrey the "dreamer" of the original Twin Peaks reality and she finally woke up from her dream?

My thought process here is that the Twin Peaks "universe" so to speak might be a series of interconnected dreams and concepts of sorts. So, you know how reality is all about perception, right? What if everyone's dream in the Twin Peaks universe a separate reality all in of itself? What if the Audrey from the Carrie Page reality is the "dreamer" that dreams Twin Peaks? And someone from Twin peaks dreams the Carrie Page reality.

Some really mindfuckery going on here. I dunno how to digest this yet. Episode 17 was fantastic, but Episode 18 really felt like the start of a new season all together.


Ok, lol, god damn lol, I saw this in a dream:

...of what we have seen footage being filmed, and that scene in fact was just something that happened during the end credits of the final episode and was only made as a cliffhanger to the season :D

Now it didn't happen during the end credits but for fucks sake I saw a dream of that scene being the cliffhanger of the season, and I laughed the idea off as just something they would never do :D
(not counting the whispering as the cliffhanger because we have already seen that scene)


Damn. I want someone smarter and more analytical than myself to tell me there's information to grasp at here for a bigger picture, but I just don't see that being the case. Episode 17 was wonderful, though.
The more I think about it, I think I might actually like this finale.
The finale was incredible. Come to think of it, it is actually genius.
David Lynch is going to have us wracking our brains for months if we will ever see a proper end to Twin Peaks just like he did at the end of season 2 or will we be left with the rest of our lives with the scream of Laura Palmer echoing in our heads never knowing what will happen in the end.
I'm genuinely unsure of how I feel about this. I enjoyed the scream at the very end (because it's Laura clearly remembering herself and the house) but the majority of this episode was just so... meandering. I'm left feeling very conflicted. I never expected Lynch to wrap up everything up in a neat little bow at the end but this just feels so open in a way that I can't help but feel like they have plans for more which feels counter to what I thought the original intentions were for the season.

Also, getting zero closure on the Audrey plot thread is most definitely the thing that has me feeling the most conflicted about this ending. I feel like that character deserves something a little more concrete. I just wonder how they follow this up (if at all). Showtime seemed wishy-washy about doing another season as it seems like this season has done well but maybe not as well as they were hoping? I think I would feel better about this ending if I knew there were something planned.

Lynch cast aside a lot at the end of season 2 but it felt like it was done in the name of getting the show back on track. Here, I feel like he and Mark cast aside a lot but it's hard to tell why... which is frustrating.


Not Wario
I'm not a huge fan of 18, but I might have actually liked it more than 17. I still can't get over Bob being defeated in a Punchout match. That seriously feels wrong given the otherworldly nature of his menace and threat. The rest of 17 was pretty good, though.

18 is unsatisfying as the final episode of the series, but were it a season finale to a show we knew was going to get more episodes, it'd be brilliant.

Very hard to piece together all the timelines of the season. My brain hurts, so I look forward to letting someone on Reddit do the work and put it out there.

Season 3 overall was fantastic. Right up there with the Wire season 4 and Fargo season 2 for my favorite television season of all time. Really happy I discovered this show this summer and I'll definitely miss it now that it's done.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Also, there's a reason we saw the "is this future, or is this past?" scene again, and why the stuff for the finale were in the first episode. I think Cooper had to intervene in a specific way. The intro was the same, except The Arm said the thing that Charlie said in an earlier part about the girl who lived down by the lake. Charlie said to Audrey earlier if he'll have to end her story after saying that.

When Mr. C entered Twin Peaks, he went to an area that looked like the Black Lodge entrance, but wasn't. He then was teleported and then ended up in front of the Sheriff's Station. Every other time we've seen that it's been to another world, so does that mean the place Mr. C was the whole season was not the world Twin Peaks exists in? The whole season had to do a lot with reality breaking, and some decisions like the diners moving, things looping, and other oddities have a big feel that something is breaking, or not real. Character we never meet directly seem to have a profound ripple, Audrey seems to be in a space that's not real, there's disease happening and as the Log Lady said, electricity is dying. "What will happen when it goes out?"

Jeez, maybe I'm completely off and I need more time to process and probably a whole series rewatch at some point down the line, but I feel there's a lot planted through the whole season. Also remember Cooper to get to this scene went to Jeffries who changed the Twin Peaks/Owl Ring logo into an infinity symbol with a black thing going in circles around it right before this all happened and Cooper went back to the past.

There's a lot to process. And I think by letting Dougie exist, there can't be two Cooper's in the same reality, so Cooper became Richard in another reality. I think going to the spot 430 miles from the Lodge entrance was a place where Cooper and Diane slipped into another reality and became someone else.
I think people will come around on 18 after a while. There was a lot of expectations and not all of them were met. I absolutely loved it.
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