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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End

I never expected anything relating to a happy ending from this show but I’m pretty satisfied with how it ended. Still would have liked a little more exploration of Sarah Palmer and her whole face thing
Sarah is Judy.

That seems to jive. She is fake Jeffries. She is smashing the photo that is supposed to not still exist (was that in the earlier scenes?).

But Cooper got got.

(I really liked 18)


So basically Twin Peaks is the story of how Cooper thinks he has a handle on the situation, but then doesn't.

That's how Season 2 ended and now Season 3
I'm so glad I started using my old Sennheiser headphones for the last few episodes, my word the sound mix comes alive and pulls you in. All the dark ambient playing across that whole stretch with Diane and Coop in part 18 plus the Laura driving scenes was bliss. Just wrap me in that decadent night dreamtime, Lynch.


Bitches love smiley faces
That finale is god damn insane. For half the episode you don't even know what the baseline reality is. I guess we're in an alternate universe? or time?

Give us that season 4 plz.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I need to rewatch Fire Walk with me, had no memory of the woodsmen being in it.

Weird fucking finale, I have no idea wtf happened.
There were so many characters, so many plots, so much set up and investment... and this is how it ends.

My fiancé and I are big Lynch fans. We know how "Lynch works" and we don't need a "what did you expect!?" speech. But this finale was all we needed to be honest with ourselves: we didn't like season three. We are deeply unhappy with it. Not just how it ended, but all the time and effort we put into the season along the way.

So much of the show feels completely pointless, especially in retrospect, and I don't know what it might take for our feelings to change about it. I am sure there will be lots of complex tear-downs of the season and there will be some kind of mysterious answer that gives everything we watched meaning, but I don't think it will be enough.

I think, for us, Twin Peaks still ended 25 years ago.

Even if we say Episode 17 was a better finale than 18, the journey to that episode was torturous and still fails to explain or explore a lot of what the show seemed to promise.

Why was Audrey even in this? That's the thing that sticks out the most to us right now.


What about Audrey? The only connection I can think of is that we got again that "the little girl who lived down the lane" line that Charlie said back in Part 12 or 13.


I think people will come around on 18 after a while. There was a lot of expectations and not all of them were met. I absolutely loved it.

Moment to moment it was absolutely mesmerizing, but I would feel better about it if I knew it was a season finale, not a series finale.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I don't know if I loved the ending, but I still liked the last episode. It was far from the worst one — there were some fucking dreadful episodes in this season. It should have been 12 episodes at most.


Not Wario
18 does make the Final Dossier interesting- which history of Twin Peaks are we getting? How many different histories of Twin Peaks are there? Is the Secret History canon or not anymore?


I think the marriage of the FWWM Laura scene to the newly shot stuff in Episode 17 and the Coop saves Laura retcon might be the highlight of the season for me. Made me profoundly emotional.
The thing with time travel stories is people have the Back to the Future mentality in their heads more often than not. As much as I was hoping for a happy ending to wrap everything up, you can't cause a change that big - saving Laura, a girl with so many intricate connections to the residents of Twin Peaks - and not expect to cause a massive ripple effect. That's Cooper's ultimate tragedy. He tried to do good but he was messing with forces beyond his control.

At least that's what i'm getting out of the finale.
The finale has left me upset, drained and confused. In other words, it worked as intended.

I'll need some time to process it, but for now: whew


So, wait now. Cooper went back in time to try to save Laura, because "Laura is the One".

Something goes wrong, she disappears.

Cooper meets up with Diane at the "curtain call".

They drive to some sort of place where they know, once they cross, things will be different.

So, I'm guessing by interfering in the past, Cooper changed the future, and he and Diane literally drove into the new timeline, finding themselves, perhaps, as Richard and Linda.

Either way, he tracks down Laura in her new timeline life, and tries to take her back to confront Sarah/Judy, because Laura is the One, and so she needs to do this.

But he fucked himself over, because the new timeline means Sarah/Judy no longer lives at that house.

Would we be happy if there was resolution and happy endings? If we didn't have a whole mind fuck and we weren't trying to piece all these broken things back together.


Episode 17 was SO good and Episode 18 felt like such a comedown by comparison. Expected a
troll ending
so not disappointed by that.

Also my stream died for about 30 seconds in Episode 18, can someone bring me up to speed.
Coop was outside Laura's home asking her about things, my stream died and he was in her house and some dead guy was on the couch. Was this explained?
So basically Twin Peaks is the story of how Cooper thinks he has a handle on the situation, but then doesn't.

That's how Season 2 ended and now Season 3

Basically wanting to fix the past
Just let go Cooper, let things stay the same

I still think that old couple were Andy and Lucy

Big One

Moment to moment it was absolutely mesmerizing, but I would feel better about it if I knew it was a season finale, not a series finale.
I really wouldn't rule it out especially if Lynch wants to do it, and according to Sherilyn Fenn he does. Though if he does do a season 4 there's going to be a lot of explaining to do, lol.
episode 18 is not a fitting ending to the series because lynch pretty much just retconned everything from season 1-3, and in my opinion, that's a poor way of ending a beloved series.

-wtf happened to audrey?
-why does sarah and laura's faces come off?
-where tf is The Experiment, who created the Glass Box, and how does The Experiment use it?
-Is that really the Cooper we all know and love at the end?
-richard and linda are cooper and diane in another reality? what was the purpose of them existing?
-Judy was just the name of a diner?...
-where is the jumping man?
-is the white lodge really gone like wyndham earle had said?

big ander

Sheryl Lee has the best most terrifying scream of all time. Laura disappearing in the woods in part 17 was maybe the most horrifying thing I've seen on television
It is kind of hilarious in a dark way that Coop/Bad Coop's final line/epiphany is tantamount to a bumbling Marty McFly moment of setting his "time machine" for the wrong year.

Carl Rodd's line from an earlier part of "it's a fucking nightmare" holds even more weight at the end of this, especially with Laura's awakening/scream.
Sheryl Lee has the best most terrifying scream of all time. Laura disappearing in the woods in part 17 was maybe the most horrifying thing I've seen on television

the scene in 18 inside the palmer house with the noises and then the stabbing of the picture was the most terrifying for me

Big One

So, wait now. Cooper went back in time to try to save Laura, because "Laura is the One".

Something goes wrong, she disappears.

Cooper meets up with Diane at the "curtain call".

They drive to some sort of place where they know, once they cross, things will be different.

So, I'm guessing by interfering in the past, Cooper changed the future, and he and Diane literally drove into the new timeline, finding themselves, perhaps, as Richard and Linda.

Either way, he tracks down Laura in her new timeline life, and tries to take her back to confront Sarah/Judy, because Laura is the One, and so she needs to do this.

But he fucked himself over, because the new timeline means Sarah/Judy no longer lives at that house.

Since Cooper "saved" Laura then the new timeline would likely look completely different. I dunno for sure if I'd describe it was a "new timeline" but who knows at this point.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
I....what? It's like the entire story evaporated into nothingness by wrapping in on itself. I kinda like the audacity of it tbh.
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