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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


Go team Eevee. We need more pokemon on our team that can pull their weight. Pidgeot cannot carry everything by himself. If there are PC shenanigans in the future, oh well.
Drowzee is tailor-made to beat the Ghost types we will have to deal with (Channelers, Agatha) because it hits supereffective. All we have to do is level it up and it will pull its weight. It helps that Drowzee's current movepool isn't that bad; Disable can hit attacking moves, Hypnosis is free turns, Confusion is the reason we're using it, and Pound sucks but at least still deals damage.

Eevee is useless until we evolve it AND level it up. AND we risk having a full party without Surf.

Eevee is bad news. I was really enjoying the thought of Jolteon+Lapras until I realized that the PC is a potential black hole.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Excellent move, Twitch. Once again, majority opinion prevails upon a sensible conclusion. #TeamEevee.
Welp there it is. Now to pray that somehow it gets evolved to Vaporeon or it's a mandatory trip to the death-PC.

Also hope all the money isn't blown on stones before getting a drink for the guard.
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