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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!

But again the only reason they were able to catch up is because nobody was playing. What makes this stream so remarkable has been the struggle every. step. of. the. way.

I'm not denying the validity of the struggle. I'm just saying that this will add new depth and even more struggle to both games in an epic race.
It's too bad that teaching TMs is such a bitch. It's actually pretty easy to roll through the game using Flareon + (what I think is) Double-Edge. Massive physical attack.


the fact that a stadium's worth of people is participating in something this completely stupid warms my heart in ways I can't explain


Twitch reaction to Eevee.

Someone in chat brought up the idea of dumping a Pokemon at the daycare. Chances of releasing based pidgeot by accident are pretty much nil then, right?


relies on auto-aim
Evolutionary stones may be used at any time, and cause instant evolution in the Pokémon they are used on, which cannot be canceled.
Well that's good
Someone in chat brought up the idea of dumping a Pokemon at the daycare. Chances of released based pidgeot by accident are pretty much nil then, right?
Won't be able to afford taking it out unless we do so instantly, so that's a good idea.

But chat will just #yoloPC


We'll be lucky to even get an evolution period. If we do though, ANY evolution is about as good or better than anything in our current party, even Pidgeot.


I've been watching since day 2. Hilarious stuff! Especially the recent Eevee drama. I was in #TeamEevee. If (and that's a very big if) they get a Jolteon, they'll be set. Vaporeon would be OK, and Flareon is a waste with no physical fire move.
I've been watching since day 2. Hilarious stuff! Especially the recent Eevee drama. I was in #TeamEevee. If (and that's a very big if) they get a Jolteon, they'll be set. Vaporeon would be OK, and Flareon is a waste with no physical fire move.

Chances are we'll be blowing all our money buying Leaf stones.
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