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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


Just let #TeamEevee try to buy their precious stone, let them fail, and get it over with.

Yep as long as we leave with a drink in our items it doesn't matter. It is probably better to try and get a water stone because anything is better than using a PC


Good luck everyone, I gotta get some sleep. Hopefully by tomorrow morning we'll be at Saffron or... maybe even gotten through Lavender Tower.
You misunderstand me. I thought getting an Eevee would maximize our chances for this not progressing smoothly. That's why I advocated getting it.

That, and it's cute.



What happened for the last 7 hours? Did they beat the gym?

yep beat the gym, pidgeot soloed

just now it was a #teameevee vs #teamlapras thing. We ended up getting the eevee and we purchased a fire stone and drinks. Now we are stuck cause theres no consensus on what to do.


Eevee is the manifestation of chaos and anarchy

I bet this wouldn't have happened if we'd picked him up before Erika


I saw they've made it through Rock Tunnel and actually made a lot of progress. GG Twitch! And :lol at the Pidgeot avatars.


Eveee haters really just hate freedom because Eveee has so many options in what it can become. Stop restricting its freedom. Don't tread on it.
All we have to do is walk one screen to the right and hand over the drink to the thirsty guard, then we could try for the stone again, but nope #TeamEevee would rather us toss/sell them in order to TRY and get a Water Stone and the manage to use it without tossing it instead of the fire stone.

This. Just get the guard event over with before #TeamEevee throws all the drinks away.


it's ok, you're all right now
This is crazy. Someone could do a study on this. "Lagged mob intelligence and its success at solving complex problems."


From the subreddit...
Helix is our God.

Pigeot is his deliverer.

Jay Leno follows the true path.

Lapras will rise as the new prophet.

Eevee the betrayer shall fall from grace.

Drowzee forms the vanguard against all revenants.

Abby shall smite our foes with the most powerful growl.

Rattata will stay in place and never bother us in our holy crusade.
Wow, Pigeotto managed to evolve? What sorcery is this?

Also, lol at the RNG. It needs to cut down the tree and fight Surge with it's level 7 Magikarp and level 50 Charizard.


Wait how the hell did Pidgeotto evolve with 40k+ people inputting commands?

Optimistic answer: Everybody was inputting A or a direction instead of B at the end of the battle, and the lag delay prevented the trolls from the stopping the evolution in time while it was happening.

Cynical answer: The streamer cut them off for a minute so it could happen.
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