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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


There's some nuance I'm missing here. I'm assuming you can't walk along the path straight - fair enough. But usually for ice it goes with a system of 'careen until you hit the wall', and that looks impossible. Can you move the rocks, maybe?

I'm pretty sure the ice cracks behind you and you have to walk on every tile on every floor before being able to access stairs to the next floor, or something like this. Basically step on every tile on the floor exactly once before you can progress type of puzzle.


Mossdeep must be chaos exemplified then:


There's some nuance I'm missing here. I'm assuming you can't walk along the path straight - fair enough. But usually for ice it goes with a system of 'careen until you hit the wall', and that looks impossible. Can you move the rocks, maybe?
Nope, you can only step on each tile of ice once, otherwise it breaks through and you have to start all the way over at the very beginning of the gym. That leaves an exact path that you must walk, and if you deviate from it even ONCE, you have to do it all over again.
The original game has a key item (2 actually) located within an area that must be traversed within 500 steps and with an entry fee each time. If you run out of money to pay the fee, you're essentially boned. It's being hacked to be passable in this emulator.
I think there is dialogue in the game for if you lack the entrance fee (IIRC you only get 10 safari balls as a consequence, which will be just as bad for this run as running out of balls means you're kicked out). The step limit is more of a problem though.

Thinking of the safari zone, does anyone remember if glitch city requires a soft reset? (I remember you need to save in the safari zone then try to leave which makes the game give the welcome dialogue instead so you can leave with the safari zone timer going down still)


Also loads of other spin-offs. Including an emerald one (nowhere near the choatic gyms yet though).


If you take a step, you'll slide until you hit a wall or rock

RSE's ice puzzle there was different. You have to step on every ice tile once before the path is revealed (those small barriers between the sections are supposed to be slops). If you step on any individual tile twice you fall into a cavern below where all the trainers are waiting.


There's some nuance I'm missing here. I'm assuming you can't walk along the path straight - fair enough. But usually for ice it goes with a system of 'careen until you hit the wall', and that looks impossible. Can you move the rocks, maybe?

You have to crack every square without breaking it, ie you have to choose a path that makes you step on every tile exactly once and leaves you at the next stairs. Missing a tile will leave the exit blocked, and hitting the same one twice will make it break, so you fall down and have to start over.


If you take a step, you'll slide until you hit a wall or rock

You just slide in the direction you input until you reach a wall or a rock, can't be changed until you stop.

So are the first two rooms just trivial? They look trivial.

Edit: Ah, yes. As I suspected in my previous edit. Solved all three, then, but I can see why it might be... inconvenient for Twitch.


There's some nuance I'm missing here. I'm assuming you can't walk along the path straight - fair enough. But usually for ice it goes with a system of 'careen until you hit the wall', and that looks impossible. Can you move the rocks, maybe?

To get from one small ice room to the next, you must step exactly once on every tile in that room. That requires planning and very precise input to do, so it's going to be downright impossible for a group of 50K users.

I was online just as the room did the whole Erika thing, which was amazing, and left shortly before they got the Eevee. It's sad to see ABBBBBBBK( go, but Jay wasn't particularly good at this point in the game, anyway.

Still, Flareon has been awful until 5th or 6th gen, so it'd be ridiculously bad now. Jolteon would be good, as would Vaporeon, though (surf user!).


Thinking about it, this is interesting while they are effectively playing Pokemon just with wild and crazy controls, but one important component of playing Pokemon is using the PC, and that's just too scary.

I'm thinking that a version of this simply hacked to make releasing impossible would open up the game in interesting ways. They're not going to fill all the boxes, after all.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
We're done for a long, long time now, I think. Not only has the purpose gone, but the fact the purpose has gone has become meta - people are deliberately try to push the fact the purpose has gone. Ordinary users are becoming trolls by the second.

EDIT: Also,



We're done for a long, long time now, I think. Not only has the purpose gone, but the fact the purpose has gone has become meta - people are deliberately try to push the fact the purpose has gone. Ordinary users are becoming trolls by the second.
Goddamn Eevee lovers did this. All of it.


We're done for a long, long time now, I think. Not only has the purpose gone, but the fact the purpose has gone has become meta - people are deliberately try to push the fact the purpose has gone. Ordinary users are becoming trolls by the second.

I think it's torn between people wanting to release Eevee and the trolls jumping on the moment for pure chaos. If Pidgeot ends up getting released the admin may as well stop the stream. That's the last viable Pokemon in the group.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Goddamn Eevee lovers did this. All of it.

The very fact there was a disagreement in the first place did this, regardless of which side you were on. The longer strife went on, the easier it became to perpetuate, the less people felt they could make useful contributions, and the more power the trolls had. If we'd either all backed Eevee, or all not, we'd have been fine - it was our division that killed us.


I just woke up, can I get a blow by blow of what happened the last few hours while I was asleep

#TeamEevee has turned the run into a giant clusterfuck. Abby and Jay Leno got released when they tried to use the PC.

They bought a Fire Stone and promptly tossed it.


The very fact there was a disagreement in the first place did this, regardless of which side you were on. The longer strife went on, the easier it became to perpetuate, the less people felt they could make useful contributions, and the more power the trolls had. If we'd either all backed Eevee, or all not, we'd have been fine - it was our division that killed us.
Eevee created the situation where there was no open slot for a Pokemon that could learn surf, except for those that held the ridiculous notion that they could somehow evolve it to Vaporeon. It completely destroyed the will of everyone who was trying to play the game seriously. There are only trolls and people who have no idea what to do left now.


#TeamEevee has turned the run into a giant clusterfuck. Abby and Jay Leno got released when they tried to use the PC.

They bought a Fire Stone and promptly tossed it.
Wasn't it anti-Eevee people that went to the PC?

Edit: nevermind, this makes sense.
Eevee created the situation where there was no open slot for a Pokemon that could learn surf, except for those that held the ridiculous notion that they could somehow evolve it to Vaporeon. It completely destroyed the will of everyone who was trying to play the game seriously. There are only trolls and people who have no idea what to do left now.
Still, this assumes that they'll ever have surf Kappa
I feel like all the copycats are just boring and take the novel concept and run way too far with it. If they win with only a very small audience, the success wont be all that satisfying. Oh well.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I feel like all the copycats are just boring and take the novel concept and run way too far with it. If they win with only a very small audience, the success wont be all that satisfying. Oh well.
I don't get back from my trip until tonight, but my copycat hope is that this could be amazing fun with some RPG Maker games, both of the horror and RPG variety. The one downside is I'd have to keep a closer eye on it as you can exit the game from the title screen, and reach the title screen from the menu or death, but the thought of people trying to work some of these game heavily amuses me.


Corporate Apologist
We just gotta move on. Ignore the Water Stone and lay to rest those who have departed. Lets kick team rockets ass, get done with the 5th gym, then worry about a water pokemon.


I went to sleep last night around the time they left the mall and before they used any stone on Evee. Can someone sum up what I missed please?
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