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Twitter being rebranded to “X”, bird logo going away


Perpetually Offended
I'm not a hater of anyone (well, one person but it's personal and he isn't famous or anything)... I call out idiocy when I see it. Elon has become successful, no doubt. He's one of 5 richest people in the world. He's obviously highly intelligent.

But Twitter was a MISTAKE to buy. His worst tendencies have taken hold on there and he's turned everything into a culture war... He gets into public spats ... Is regularly threatened with lawsuits over VERY preventable actions he's committed (like the disabled employee and not paying rent)... Being brash and running off advertising (he better thank his new CEO they're back... Has she even started working there yet?)...

SpaceX and Tesla are amazing companies... I just hope he doesn't tank Twitter with more examples of his "IDGAF" attitude.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You been seething and coping ever since Musk bought twitter, please stop projecting. Anyway, this argument has degenerated to the point of "copium lol" posts so I'm outta here
Seething and coping? I have been laughing my ass off at circus just like everyone else what the hell are you talking about?

It's cute though you try to draw the line at "copium" after just accusing me of "seething and coping" like that is any less cringe lol
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
It does now though.
The activity right now on there is irrelevant. The rollout did exactly what they hoped it would do and proved that people are willing to move to something new. They are just playing the catch-up game with features and UI improvements. Once it does that it will be a real threat to Twitter. Especially if Twitter continues the current nosedive in quality.

The only hitch is that Threads needs to do that sooner rather than later.


It seems the forced sign up notification has stopped, and i noticed there hasn't been a lot of new posts since they brought that in on feeds i use to look at, i wonder if that's a coincidence.
It seems the forced sign up notification has stopped, and i noticed there hasn't been a lot of new posts since they brought that in on feeds i use to look at, i wonder if that's a coincidence.
What you're seeing now isn't up to date. For whatever reason, now if you're signed out you see an assortment of posts from two or three years ago.


What you're seeing now isn't up to date. For whatever reason, now if you're signed out you see an assortment of posts from two or three years ago.
Fair enough, i rarely view it anyway, i've never created an account. but before it was just the sign up constantly, which makes more sense than allowing posts from years ago, what's the point of that.
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Elon is a genius that can’t do wrong tbh. He will make X great again and if he doesn’t it was his plan all along to own the libs by driving it into the ground.

I call this shrödingers social media company.


"Muskies"? What is this cringe? Btw he himself predicted that many advertisers will leave since most of them are part of the aforementioned cult of pearl-clutching pussies. To counteract this he had a plan that requires the expansion of twitter in other territories which is exactly what he's doing. He also fired like 80% of useless staff that were only there to censor and sit on their asses. Whether the whole endeavor is a succes we won't know for years, the fact that you revel in every bullshit article and half truth you read from the journoid morons says more about you than what Musk is doing.

Embarrassing post lol


Elon is a genius that can’t do wrong tbh. He will make X great again and if he doesn’t it was his plan all along to own the libs by driving it into the ground.

I call this shrödingers social media company.
Twitter or X has never been worse than it is right now. I’ve used Twitter for years for investment stuff and news. It’s a pile of shit right now. Anyone claiming otherwise is emotionally attached to Elon or some other issue. It’s objectively shit. I barely use it now which sucks bc I don’t have a main source for financial/stock news now.


Honestly did not know Elon Musk had fanboys. I'm an old man out of touch with the world
If there's one thing I've learned has not changed despite our age of increased surveillance and more public foibles of celebrities and socialites, its this: if you have a lot of money, people will flock to you for literally no reason at all. You dont have to be smart, talented, or honest and can do pretty much anything and get away with it just because you are rich, so that must mean you did something right.
Elon is a genius that can’t do wrong tbh. He will make X great again and if he doesn’t it was his plan all along to own the libs by driving it into the ground.

I call this shrödingers social media company.

Musk exists in the same space as a celebrity where you can project whatever you want onto him. I'm still convinced the emperor is naked though, because I've seen no evidence to the contrary.


Gold Member

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Can we get Zuck to dress up as a caveman and Musk as an astronaut? Ya know, settle two debates with one stone so to speak?



(I have no idea what the AI did there... is he a human snail with a shovel?)

Scotty W

Who do you think will win the fighr? Zuck is obviously a lot more fit, but I recall Elon saying in the Babylon Bee interview that he was in many fights as a kid in SA, which is probably not true of Zuck.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Who do you think will win the fighr? Zuck is obviously a lot more fit, but I recall Elon saying in the Babylon Bee interview that he was in many fights as a kid in SA, which is probably not true of Zuck.
Zuckerbeg is younger, fitter, and actually trains on a regular basis. Musk is overweight 50 year old who thinks doing curls while sipping mountain dew and playing Diablo 4 will prepare him for a fight. He's going to die of a heart attack if he actually follows through with this.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole

He keeps harping about "user seconds" lol, I wonder how much truth there is to that. Just randomly trotting out this metric nobody has ever heard of recently.
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Zuckerberg is incredibly fit, like way more than he lets on, and is in good health. Elon... isn't any of those things.

I really don't know what Elon thinks he's getting into here but he has less than a percentile chance of beating zuck in any physical competition


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Zuckerberg is incredibly fit, like way more than he lets on, and is in good health. Elon... isn't any of those things.

I really don't know what Elon thinks he's getting into here but he has less than a percentile chance of beating zuck in any physical competition
Yep, very favorable matchup for Zuck.
Zuckerberg is incredibly fit, like way more than he lets on, and is in good health. Elon... isn't any of those things.

I really don't know what Elon thinks he's getting into here but he has less than a percentile chance of beating zuck in any physical competition
What a timeline. When we're cheering on zuck to win in a fight over Elon.

I hope it happens and I hope zuck embarrasses him. Androids have incredible strength. Emotion chip deactivated.
The Zuck Vs Elon fight is absolute cringe. What's even more cringe is seeing people support these billionaires and bend over backwards to defend them and Twitter/Threads.
Same kind of people that support billion/trillion dollar companies and bend over backwards to defend playstation/xbox.

Zuckerberg is incredibly fit, like way more than he lets on, and is in good health. Elon... isn't any of those things.

I really don't know what Elon thinks he's getting into here but he has less than a percentile chance of beating zuck in any physical competition
Zuck looks like you could flick him away but yeah I agree he is the fittest. he is also the smallest/lightest. Elon might not be fit but his height/weight is to his advantage. I know Zuck does some fighting shit so who knows maybe he could kick Elon's ass easy.

It's cringey as fuck and stupid but would be funny to watch.
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