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Twitter being rebranded to “X”, bird logo going away


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The media eat it up, Elon has them wrapped around his finger. They report and scream about every little thing he does 24/7 like there is literally nothing else important in the world happening.

The fact you still try to paint Elon as some kind of mastermind despite literal MONTHS to prove otherwise is just sad man. He is a manbaby throwing a shitfit. Not some genius playing 7D chess with the rest of the world. We have seen it time and time again.

Just accept he isn't what everyone thought he was before all of this nonsense. You will feel better and look less ridiculous.
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Doing something profoundly stupid intentionally or not, under the hopes that the media covers that stupidity isn't 4D chess, its desperation, if not laziness.

While there's something to be said about how much attention we give folks like this and how much the media encouraged everyone to live vicariously through their perception, there have been plenty of examples of folks whove done it naturally, using actual talent and planning and concise allocation of resources, and who have been much more successful at it both execution and results wise, than Elon.

Hes not due a nod of approval because his embarrassing moves generate media clicks. He should if anything be further scrutinized and incentivized by this to make better decisions, but that's wishful thinking at this point.

Either way, media coverage be dammed he has torpedoed his once respectable reputation as a genius futurist thoroughly. When he wasn't speaking rashly on geopolitical issues or calling the creation of threads "cheating" people generally considered him much more put together than they do now. Hes given his initial critics more ammunition and his initial supporters more pause to reconsider their perception of him. That relates to legacy.. something much more important than whatever a news outlet says about you this week.
I get the feeling he just does things like this because he wants people to keep talking about him and his website. That's either really pathetically lame and needy, or a really clever way to get constant free publicity, depending on your perspective.

He got one global news cycle on taking down the old signs (blocking street), one on the new sign (blinding people), one on the city reacting (Bad Elon!) and one for removing the sign.

For news cycles for X, on a matter that has absolutely no significance globally. I’m not sure who is the tool here. Dude is a master troll.

The media eat it up, Elon has them wrapped around his finger. They report and scream about every little thing he does 24/7 like there is literally nothing else important in the world happening.

The fact you still try to paint Elon as some kind of mastermind despite literal MONTHS to prove otherwise is just sad man. He is a manbaby throwing a shitfit. Not some genius playing 7D chess with the rest of the world.

Doing something profoundly stupid intentionally or not, under the hopes that the media covers that stupidity isn't 4D chess, its desperation, if not laziness.
Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
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Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
I didn’t know you wrote for The Onion

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
It's fine to have your opinion, but if you have a philosophy that is unfalsifiable then you've basically just created your own little religion. If any criticism is just further proof of how cool he is, then it's literally impossible for him to ever be wrong.
It's fine to have your opinion, but if you have a philosophy that is unfalsifiable then you've basically just created your own little religion. If any criticism is just further proof of how cool he is, then it's literally impossible for him to ever be wrong.
I never said his free of criticism. But majority of the "criticism" that I see is mostly just vile hate lol that just stems from pure envy rather than real constructive legit criticism. Don't kid yourself.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
I'm with you on the first paragraph. I think that is absolutely true. (the will part is debatable but I digress)

I don't think trolling is a virtue I want to see in someone who is a leader. This is not model behavior I would want to emulate nor be in the presence of people that behave in that way. Like most ultra-wealthy dudes, Musk is a spoiled baby.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
Funniest shit I've seen posted in a while. Elon openly makes a clown of himself almost daily and has regularly torpedoed his own business since he walked into the building yet still has people thinking he is "just trolling".

Some people will believe anything I guess.
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Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.

Being so quick to dismiss ANY criticism of your hero as a character flaw on their part doesn't actually say anything about those other people but it says a lot about yourself.

Theres plenty of legit reasons to dislike Elon. And even if there weren't, folks in his position and with his status are the ones we SHOULD be scrutinizing, because they have power and influence, and with those things, responsibility.

Edit: I wanna clarify, it's fine to like Elon as well. Hes got good qualities. But he's got plenty of not so great ones too. Acknowledging those is fine.
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Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars, or most importantly blowing it all on tanking Twitter doing a great favor to humanity
Fixed that for ya
Fixed that for ya
Not really. People kept saying how Twitter is going to and how they are going to a different platform. Yet, they are still there and everyone is still posting. Mastodon didn't even last long lol.

If anything, Musk is cleaning the platform of the woke idiots.
Being so quick to dismiss ANY criticism of your hero as a character flaw on their part doesn't actually say anything about those other people but it says a lot about yourself.

Theres plenty of legit reasons to dislike Elon. And even if there weren't, folks in his position and with his status are the ones we SHOULD be scrutinizing, because they have power and influence, and with those things, responsibility.

Edit: I wanna clarify, it's fine to like Elon as well. Hes got good qualities. But he's got plenty of not so great ones too. Acknowledging those is fine.
I never said he was perfect, no one is. I simply said he gets way too many haters due to his success and that is undeniable.


Gold Member
Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
You dont even have to be mega rich. A lot of people in the world spend a lot of time being jealous at what other people have. What they should be doing is what my dad would say and stick your nose to the grindstone and earn your way up.

Its not hard to get a decent job and make some cash. Some people are just lazy. My buddy during university did business like me. He didnt like it much after 5 years doing the office grind. So he took night classes after dinner for some ecom whatever credential that cost him $1500 I think and now he's been doing ecom jobs the past 20 years making good coin. Probably ended up with some cheesy looking piece of paper to hang on the wall. But who cares. It worked. Hell, since the dot.com boom starting the late 90s just about anyone doing a half decent job in the tech field has done great. That's one giant sector of opportunity, cash, and helping the world with tech stuff. Already been 20+ years of a booming sector. Probably go for another 20 or more.

In modern day I think just about everyone likes to chill out. Surfing, gaming, texting, Netflix binging etc.. I get it. It's so much easier to chill in front of a screen all night with endless entertainment. BUT, if you want to stop envying people get off your ass and do your own thing. What happens is when you see that guy with a Porsche, your first thought is "Wow, sweet car", and not "That guy must be a greedy asshole who ripped people off to buy it"

Be happy with what you got. And not a deadbeat dumbass.
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Gold Member
I don't think trolling is a virtue I want to see in someone who is a leader. This is not model behavior I would want to emulate nor be in the presence of people that behave in that way. Like most ultra-wealthy dudes, Musk is a spoiled baby.
Many leaders greater than Musk have been known for trolling (Caesar, to name but one). I guess at one point you have so many enemies and people quick to criticize your every gesture, that spiting them with sarcasm and shenanigans becomes a survival skill.

I have no car in this race, but I have somewhat of a hard time believing Elon is this gigantic idiot some are so eager to say.
The fact that many people irrationally hate him for a lot of things is just as true as the fact that he isn’t an infallible genius.


Perpetually Offended
Not really. People kept saying how Twitter is going to and how they are going to a different platform. Yet, they are still there and everyone is still posting. Mastodon didn't even last long lol.

If anything, Musk is cleaning the platform of the woke idiots.

I never said he was perfect, no one is. I simply said he gets way too many haters due to his success and that is undeniable.

So... What can YOU criticize him on? It's the anything you CAN?

I'VE criticized him on his decisions to not pay what he owes to landlords, firing most of his staff, getting into public spats with his employees, firing them publicly for disagreeing with him, making it feel unwelcome to people of a certain political bent, being inconsistent with the rules of his platform, etc.

I could go on but I can't remember everything.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Many leaders greater than Musk have been known for trolling (Caesar, to name but one). I guess at one point you have so many enemies and people quick to criticize your every gesture, that spiting them with sarcasm and shenanigans becomes a survival skill.

I have no car in this race, but I have somewhat of a hard time believing Elon is this gigantic idiot some are so eager to say.
The fact that many people irrationally hate him for a lot of things is just as true as the fact that he isn’t an infallible genius.
He's definitely not an idiot. His expertise and experience don't mesh well with a social media company. He's brining a manufacturing mindset to an area where it doesn't make sense.

He's also just like any C-suite exec I've ever worked with--surrounded by yes men. When no one is around to tell the most wealthy man on the planet that something is a bad idea, his worst tendencies are just going to be exacerbated.

Virtue is rare to find in people, especially ones who have everything.
So... What can YOU criticize him on? It's the anything you CAN?

I'VE criticized him on his decisions to not pay what he owes to landlords, firing most of his staff, getting into public spats with his employees, firing them publicly for disagreeing with him, making it feel unwelcome to people of a certain political bent, being inconsistent with the rules of his platform, etc.

I could go on but I can't remember everything.
Is any of this actually true? (Not saying you are lying on purpose) but the firing the employees etc... disagreeing with them publicly and so on when did this happen? Was all of this physical? Or was it the usual shit woke media getting all angry as usual because he doesn't align with their views so they started taking in the reports and then twisting them to make a bad narrative?

No one knows what the employees were doing, or what kind of relations they had and you think all the employees are nice and dandy too? You know lot of people also seethe behind the curtain and also hate who they work too as well right? Again, due to envy.

Have you ever owned a company or ran a business and have the experience of dealing with a bunch of ungrateful twats who can't stand you?

You ever heard of toxic employees that can just rot your company from the inside and out? Those types of people deserve to be publicly shamed, because they 100% do not deserve to get a new job anywhere else after behaving such a way.

Now, I am not saying that's what happend exactly in his case, because I have no clue, but I am just simply stating that could be one of the reasons. But the reality is, we do not work for him and we will never truly know what happened between him and the employees. And whatever is written on the internet and talked about is all done for clicks and slandering as usual because it the popular thing to do to hate such a big and successful figure.

Do you really believe everything on the internet in this day and age?

To be be brutally honest Elon Musk's decisions are most likely is what led to his sucess to where he is today. You don't just become one of the richest people and powerful people in the world by making dumb decisions, I can assure you that. Not only did the dude knew how to make money, his also advancing and pushing the human race to the next level.

As for Twitter inconsistencies who gives an actual shit? It's not anyone's company, his the owner and does as he wishes. It still functions and is better now than it was before in my opinion. The only thing I believe that made no sense was turning it into an X brand. I am just gonna assume he did it because it's something he wanted to do in the past or rather make his whole brand as this X thing and make it similar to Space X or whatever. Regardless, people will still call it Twitter and nothing really changes from it, so it's irrelevant.

What am I gonna critique him on? I really don't know, I never met the guy in person or ever had a conversation. And I am not going to be agreeing blindly like a stupid sheep with the internet and say that their criticism of him is valid. The only thing I can judge him on is his success and technological advances and what he is trying accomplish long term for the human race.

Maybe the trolling he does is a bit too much, but considering how many dumb and miserable sheep there on twitter that have nothing better to do with their life other than cry, bitch and moan I'd say they deserve all the trolling.
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Perpetually Offended
Is any of this actually true? (Not saying you are lying on purpose) but the firing the employees etc... disagreeing with them publicly and so on when did this happen? Was all of this physical? Or was it the usual shit lib media getting all angry as usual because he doesn't align with their views so they started taking in the reports and then twisting them to make a bad narrative?

No one knows what the employees were doing, or what kind of relations they had and you think all the employees are nice and dandy too? You know lot of people also seethe behind the curtain and also hate who they work too as well right? Again, due to envy.

Have you ever owned a company or ran a business and have the experience of dealing with a bunch of ungrateful twats who can't stand you?

You ever heard of toxic employees that can just rot your company from the inside and out? Those types of people deserve to be publicly shamed, because they 100% do not deserve to get a new job anywhere else after behaving such a way.

Now, I am not saying that's what happend exactly.in his case, because I have no clue, but I am just simply stating that could be one of the reasons. But the reality is, we do not work for him and we will never truly know what happened between him and the employees. And whatever is written on the internet and talked about is all done for clicks and slandering as usual because it the popular thing to do to hate such a big and successful figure.

Do you really believe everything on the internet in this day and age?

To be be brutally honest Elon Musk's decisions are most likely is what led to his sucess to where he is today. You don't just become one of the richest people and powerfuln people in the world by making dumb decisions, I can assure you that. Not only did the dude knew how to make money, his also advancing and pushing the human race to the next level.

As for Twitter inconsistencies who gives an actual shit? It's not anyone's company, his the owner and does as he wishes. It still functions and is better now than it was before in my opinion. The only thing I believe that made no sense was turning it into an X brand. I am just gonna assume he did it because it's something he wanted to do in the past or rather make his whole brand as this X thing and make it similar to Space X or whatever.

Everything I listed was well documented in the "Elon buys Twitter" thread with the actual tweets THERE from Elon and others he interacted with... Along with quotes from the actual people he's stiffed on rent fees.

This isn't some weird fever dream of "Elon hate"... How long have you been on this board? How have you not seen any of this stuff?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
You ever heard of toxic employees that can just rot your company from the inside and out? Those types of people deserve to be publicly shamed, because they 100% do not deserve to get a new job anywhere else after behaving such a way.
He infamously fired an employee recently and then publicly humiliated them on twitter for being disabled.

He wasn't a toxic employee. He was "person of the year" in Iceland. And Musk seemingly wasn't aware that Twitter bought his company from him, and he agreed to accept payment for the sale in terms of employment so that he would be taxed at the maximum amount, because he wanted to give back to society. Musk likely apologized only after his lawyers informed him how badly he was about to be sued.

There are dozens of things in this thread people are referencing that I think you just literally have not been informed about.
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He infamously fired an employee recently and then publicly humiliated them on twitter for being disabled.

He wasn't a toxic employee. He was "person of the year" in Iceland. And Musk seemingly wasn't aware that Twitter bought his company from him, and he agreed to accept payment for the sale in terms of employment so that he would be taxed at the maximum amount, because he wanted to give back to society. Musk likely apologized only after his lawyers informed him how badly he was about to be sued.

There are dozens of things in this thread people are referencing that I think you just literally have not been informed about.

Almost forgot about this.

What a docuhebag.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Elon Musk is alpha status. The only reason people hate him is because his surprise rich, and is actually doing something for the society with his money. Whether it be new technology, space, AI or cars. Of course people.will hate him, they will never be on same level, they don't have the will, the smarts or the intelligence to even become something in their life.

Those who cry and complain and the loudest ones in the room are usually the weakest ones. He knows exactly what he is doing to them and his trolling is excellent. The media reacts just as he expect them too. The angry one (in this case media) are the one losing control lol.

I love Elon, keep it up dude. And no, this is not a sarcastic post.
I love the guy too but you can't deny he's made a few stupid decisions. But the good he's doing outweighs the bad and I'm looking forward to the underground roads he's making here as well as SpaceX.


Gold Member
I love the guy too but you can't deny he's made a few stupid decisions. But the good he's doing outweighs the bad and I'm looking forward to the underground roads he's making here as well as SpaceX.
No doubt he can say dumb things. He even ragged on the rescuer during the crisis with Thai kids trapped in a cave.

But no doubt what he's accomplished is pretty darn impressive and I dont even like ev cars and companies spending billions on space rockets. And I dont use Paypal as I just use a credit card. So basically everything he's a showman for I dont even use. Twitter too. Never signed up for it or X.

Problem is too many people put too much emphasis on petty things without looking at the big picture. And most of those petty things are political that rings true to their emotions than the greater good. I dont think eco-supporting Tesla buyers care he accused a rescuer of being a pedophile. That's Musk slinging his juvenile insults on social media. Adults look past petty insults. Immature people hang onto it like its the breaking point. As long as it's a good product worth buying, who cares if the ceo acts like a dumbass on social media.

People are blinded by whats shown in their face. The same people who hate Musk and any other uber rich guy who might also mudsling, are going to be like everyone else. They buy Apple and tech products, diamonds, running shoes.... and any other company involving slave labour or shady business operations. But since you dont really hear from their ceos, there's no face to attach anything to. So that $200 pair of shoes made by a 14 year old paid maybe 75 cents per hour in a shitty dirty factory is A-Ok.
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It's fine to have your opinion, but if you have a philosophy that is unfalsifiable then you've basically just created your own little religion. If any criticism is just further proof of how cool he is, then it's literally impossible for him to ever be wrong.

When your enemies are pearl-clutching pussies obsessed with you and will always react extremely negatively no matter what you do trolling them the by the far the best option


Or you could just be a businessman not obsessed with superficial online political arguments and not make enemies at all.

A businessman with a plan Musk had would made these enemies no matter what. Having a platform that doesn't automatically ban opinions contradicting the narrative™
is anathema to these people and you'll make enemies of them no matter what you say so you might as well troll them, it's more entertaining that way


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
A businessman with a plan Musk had would made these enemies no matter what. Having a platform that doesn't automatically ban opinions contradicting the narrative™
is anathema to these people and you'll make enemies of them no matter what you say so you might as well troll them, it's more entertaining that way
Can you explain all the bad stuff and bad decisions he has done then?

Or was that all just "trolling" as well?


Can you explain all the bad stuff and bad decisions he has done then?

Or was that all just "trolling" as well?

He's using the same recipe he did with SpaceX and other companies. Instead of playing it safe he makes a bunch of bold decisions that often result in disaster but that way he learns valuable lessons and progresses much faster than the competition. That's why SpaceX is where it is while Blue Origin that took the safe route is irrelevant Still a massive dipshit like all billionaires but at least the dude isn't afraid to innovate and risk it all or even express his honest opinion unlike the other two faced scum that appear dignified but are often literal psychopaths.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
He's using the same recipe he did with SpaceX and other companies. Instead of playing it safe he makes a bunch of bold decisions that often result in disaster but that way he learns valuable lessons and progresses much faster than the competition. That's why SpaceX is where it is while Blue Origin that took the safe route is irrelevant Still a massive dipshit like all billionaires but at least the dude isn't afraid to innovate and risk it all or even express his honest opinion unlike the other two faced scum that appear dignified but are often literal psychopaths.
You know what you're right. Not paying your bills is a bold decision. Erasing brand value overnight is a bold decision. Opening up yourself to multiple lawsuits is a bold decision. Publicly attacking advertisers and driving them away is a bold decision.

I swear some of you Muskies don't even read half the news that actually comes out about the guy. You just skim the highlights lol


Gold Member
So what has Elon actually done in the half year plus at X?



You know what you're right. Not paying your bills is a bold decision. Erasing brand value overnight is a bold decision. Opening up yourself to multiple lawsuits is a bold decision. Publicly attacking advertisers and driving them away is a bold decision.

I swear some of you Muskies don't even read half the news that actually comes out about the guy. You just skim the highlights lol

"Muskies"? What is this cringe? Btw he himself predicted that many advertisers will leave since most of them are part of the aforementioned cult of pearl-clutching pussies. To counteract this he had a plan that requires the expansion of twitter in other territories which is exactly what he's doing. He also fired like 80% of useless staff that were only there to censor and sit on their asses. Whether the whole endeavor is a succes we won't know for years, the fact that you revel in every bullshit article and half truth you read from the journoid morons says more about you than what Musk is doing.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I'm not here to praise him, more like call out the horseshit from the usual suspects that just a few days ago thought Threads had destroyed twitter because 100 million bots had registered with it
Wait wait wait.

You are NOT actually going to try and pull nonsense about Bots with Threads when Twitter is currently filled to the brim with them are you?


Perpetually Offended
I'm not here to praise him, more like call out the horseshit from the usual suspects that just a few days ago thought Threads had destroyed twitter because 100 million bots had registered with it

Almost all of the accounts on Threads came from IG...


Gold Member
You been seething and coping ever since Musk bought twitter, please stop projecting. Anyway, this argument has degenerated to the point of "copium lol" posts so I'm outta here
People who live through uber rich people and celebs just cant admit they worship them. On one hand, they downplay them yet they keep following them dreaming one day they'll be in their shoes. And typically the lower someone is, the more time they spend worshipping celebs or pro athletes.

It's kind of like my underachieving Maple Leafs. Ya they blow it in the playoffs every year but I swear my buddies who follow hockey seem to spend more time talking Leafs than their own fav team and can know Leafs news even faster than I know it. Closet Leafs fans.

I dont have Twitter account, but even if I did, why the hell would I follow Musk or Lebron James news. I wouldn't even follow any execs from my own company.
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"Muskies"? What is this cringe? Btw he himself predicted that many advertisers will leave since most of them are part of the aforementioned cult of pearl-clutching pussies. To counteract this he had a plan that requires the expansion of twitter in other territories which is exactly what he's doing. He also fired like 80% of useless staff that were only there to censor and sit on their asses. Whether the whole endeavor is a succes we won't know for years, the fact that you revel in every bullshit article and half truth you read from the journoid morons says more about you than what Musk is doing.
You really love Muskurbating don't you?
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