I dont know anything about the ADL what are examples of its transgressions?
Off the top of my head, an organization that's supposed to be about anti-defamation has been successfully sued and fined for defamation,
because they wrongfully associated various individuals and organizations with hate groups. I remember reading that a court ruled there was nothing to support that association. The issue was really one of political disagreement. I forgot what people were all involved, but I believe that's what the 10.5 million dollar fine mentioned above is referring to.
[edit] Having thought about it a bit more, I think I might be getting the ADL mixed up with a different hate watch organization, so I've used strikethrough on what I now feel may be incorrect information. The rest of the post still applies.
They also accused Krystal Ball, Sagar Enjeti, and Joe Rogan of being antisemitic, due to their criticism of Israel when it comes to Palestine, after their appearance on Rogan's podcast. I think that seems to be a theme with them, much to the dismay of many progressives.
And then there's the insistence that the government involve themselves in the censoring of legally protected speech, circumventing and violating the first amendment. Here it is right from the man's mouth, right around the 3 minute mark.
"Mr chairman, if you did one thing as a committee, focus on the social media companies, hold them accountable for what they're doing"