Good point, or at least disable it.Editing a tweet sets a dangerous precedent, but they certainly could have deleted the tweet
Editing a tweet sets a dangerous precedent, but they certainly could have deleted the tweet
4chan banned Gamergate though, they actually have stricter moderation than Twitter.Twitter outsourced moderation to 4chan.
Exactly. I wish people would defend me too for being terrible at my job.All this algorithm scapegoating.
It's like, you can't blame Twitter because the algorithms are always running, except when Nazi's victimize folks then you can't blame Twitter because the algorithms happen to miss it every single time. Then Twitter SILL gets the benefit of the doubt because the algorithms work in mysterious ways and that's that.
Sounds like another fucking sink hole of accountability and excuses that has victimized women for millennia.
Is there any difference at this point? The end results are the same.What theory are we going with? That twitter is acting maliciously, aligned with misogynists and Nazis, or that they are a clueless bunch of dolts with no social awareness?
Allow edits up to 5 minutes of posting. Simple.
All the big social media sites have this weird laissez-faire approach to moderation where the worst actors keep getting the benefit of the doubt while the most vulnerable users always have to watch their tongue.
Wasnt Twitter losing fuck loads of users already?
Thisll help...
Wasn't Disney turned off from buying twitter?
Twitter is shit but everyone continues to use it so why would they change?
Editing a tweet sets a dangerous precedent, but they certainly could have deleted the tweet
Huh, what did I miss? I was out to lunch. The phone number explanation?OP is doing everyone a real disservice by not updating the first post.
Yup. Sounds like Twitter customer service, all right.
Huh, what did I miss? I was out to lunch. The phone number explanation?
ITT a lot of people ranting and raving with pitchforks before they know the facts.
So she posted a Tweet with someone's number in it and got reported? Yeah, that would get you slammed. And you don't want Twitter to start editing people's Tweets because that sets a pretty bad precedent and a slippery slope of problems. Not that I mind what she said, but people gotta get this shit straight so they can come at Twitter correct.
ITT a lot of people ranting and raving with pitchforks before they know the facts.
She posted a personal phone number. Had nothing to do with what she said from my understanding?HOLD THE FUCK ON. The diarrhea spewing pile of human garbage that is the president can say whatever the fuck, but she crossed some kind of line?!?!!?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck twitter.
HOLD THE FUCK ON. The diarrhea spewing pile of human garbage that is the president can say whatever the fuck, but she crossed some kind of line?!?!!?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck twitter.
She posted a personal phone number. Had nothing to do with what she said from my understanding?
Are celebrities supposed to receive some sort of special treatment?
Do we really need to start posting all of the stuff that Trump tweets directly in violation of their TOS? But I guess you're ok with him getting special treatment?
Fight that good fightYup. I downloaded Twitter for the first time since 2015 solely to tell them to go fuck themselves over this. Deleted the app directly afterward.
OP is doing everyone a real disservice by not updating the first post.
But then there are no repercussions for people who break the TOS.
Everyone? Yeah right. It's just a sea of bots at this point. I use it very rarely and now I might just give it up for good.
It shouldn't be that her tweet gets a pass because others get away with it. The others getting away with it shouldn't be able to.
Fight that good fight
It's literally 99% bots, celebrities, journalists and meme compilation accounts. It's a joke.
Who the fuck are you?Should have known I'd get a comment like this from you.
What are you hiding from your grandma?Unless you have friends, then your friends are on there. I like Twitter because you can still get loose on their without fear your grandma will see. Facebook is just a sanitized photo album and America's funniest home videos at this point.
Who the fuck are you?
People are defending Twitter standards, the same standards that consistently state there is nothing wrong with users like "@jew_killer1488"
I've lost count of the amount of threads where people aren't given the proper context and always assume the worst only to later learn that their outrage was unfounded. How many more threads like this before people start catching on that maybe they should be more prudent before passing such strong judgment?
Ask yourself honestly, did you really believe that Twitter was trying to silence her because they're secretly alt-right or something?
In what world would anyone think for even a second that was a plan that had any chance of working?