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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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but it's ok dudes!!! once a month he descends from his suburban castle to serve gritty soup to those who weren't great enough to have a dad that landed on the moon! what a swell guy that gary is!


seriously. you're basically a soulless leper, dude. if you want people to not think that you are a soulless leper, you need to recognize that you are and work to change things, not tell them that they're wrong.

MC Safety

ohamsie said:
It is quite jarring to come from the love thread into this thread.

It was pretty despicable the whole girlfriend for psp pics thing.

Someone traded their girlfriend for pictures of a PSP? This is one story I need to hear/read, and right quick.
Disco Stu said:
Someone traded their girlfriend for pictures of a PSP? This is one story I need to hear/read, and right quick.

Olimario pawned off naked pics of his GF to morphix at OA in order to receive a free PSP. How christian like! But, he's changed... and, it was all his GF's idea!!!!


If the internet only mirrors a small portion of your life, I balk under the bizzaro world shit that must go down in the larger frontiers of GARYhood. Holy SHIT!


fart said:
seriously. you're basically a soulless leper, dude. if you want people to not think that you are a soulless leper, you need to recognize that you are and work to change things, not tell them that they're wrong.

i should try this



fart said:
seriously. you're basically a soulless leper, dude. if you want people to not think that you are a soulless leper, you need to recognize that you are and work to change things, not tell them that they're wrong.

I've been trying to change how I conduct myself online. There's no denying it's fucked up and needs changing. I want you to recognize that how I act here and how I act in the rest of my life are very different, though.

MC Safety

Incognito said:
Olimario pawned off naked pics of his GF to morphix at OA in order to receive a free PSP. How christian like! But, he's changed... and, it was all his GF's idea!!!!

That's pretty creepy. Dude couldn't just, uhm, buy one? A PSP, that is.


Disco Stu said:
Someone traded their girlfriend for pictures of a PSP? This is one story I need to hear/read, and right quick.

Heh, I must have had a bit of dyslexia or something there. :lol


wait, wait, wait.. so gary. you mean you're NOT sitting at the keyboard typing these posts out? you didn't take the naked pictures of your girlfriend with the camera your astronaut daddy bought you? you didn't click the buttons that would be required to transfer them to morphix in exchange for money?

are you telling me you hired your maid to do all that?

oh, ok. i guess i was wrong, dude. sorry! all apologies!


fart said:
wait, wait, wait.. so gary. you mean you're NOT sitting at the keyboard typing these posts out? you didn't take the naked pictures of your girlfriend with the camera your astronaut daddy bought you? you didn't click the buttons that would be required to transfer them to morphix in exchange for money?

are you telling me you hired your maid to do all that?

oh, ok. i guess i was wrong, dude. sorry! all apologies!

What I do here and how I conduct myself elsewhere are different. All the things mentioned are a part of my fucked up side. I've acknowledged it, accepted it as messed up, and voiced that I want to change it. I've been working recently to do so and have done what I can to remedy the latest situation (PSP).

I just hope that if and when I do overcome this problem of mine that people here are able to see it and separate me from my past mistakes.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ohamsie said:
Heh, I noticed that too, but then I found out in #ga that he was a mod.
And I agree that olimario gets too much grief, he never seemed as bad as everyone made him out to be.

who cares, he should still be banned.. and possibly de-modded!! there shouldnt be any exceptions, either the rules apply to everyone, or no one .
I usually don't bother to share opinions about specific people on online forums, but Olimario is awesome. A real stand-up guy.

Who cares if he traded naked pics for a PSP. If I remember correctly, his girlfriend had no problem with it, why the hell would any of you?
Wow, I'm so non-descript that I was actaully shocked that I saw my name. I REALLY didn't think that would happen. But then I read what the hate was about.
olimario said:
I've been trying to change how I conduct myself online. There's no denying it's fucked up and needs changing. I want you to recognize that how I act here and how I act in the rest of my life are very different, though.
What the hell are you talking about? Didn't you take creepy stalker pictures of your neighbor's alleged girlfriend, and then later on take nude photos of your girlfriend and send them to a complete stranger in return for a videogame device? You may have posted that information on the internet, but you DID those things in real life.


Posters and posting habits that I hate about this forum:

Christian conservatives - you exemplify the worst tendancies and properties of the US, and you just don't fucking get it. You obviously just repeat whatever the fuck you hear on FOX News or from the pulpit and you don't bother to consider what it might actually mean. Sometimes you manage to say something intelligent, but then you fuck it up with the a quote from the Bible or some other inane source that delegitimatizes the entire point. The worst part about it is that I feel bad for you because you're out numbered 10:1 on the forums and everyone is making you look stupid as hell.

Knee-jerk liberals - so many of you talk about "life experience" but have barely left home. College is not the real world, and I am not sure many of you have gone that far. Thinking with your heart alone, while admirable, can only get you so far before you sound like a retard. You have to face the fact that life is not fair, and any attempts to make it so often end up making the problem worse.

Europeans who insist on commenting about American politics - don't you have anything better to do than pontificate on issues that barely affect you at all? Listening to some of you people, you'd think that Europe has it all figured out and is a utopia of rolling hills and streams of milk and honey. Many of you fit into the above catagory.

People with highschool educations second guessing experts - I don't give a shit if you think you know the law. Chances are the Supreme Court knows it better than you do. Even then, read the opinion first. EDUCATE YOURSELF. Stop being so fucking stupid.
If you disagree with Bush's economics plan, realize that he has nobel laurettes helping him understand it. The fact that your gym teacher taught you high school economics just doesn't cut it. Most of the analysis on this site is shallow.

Attention whores - you know who you are, and you're not funny. Except for Demi. He's funny sometimes.


I hate people who when presented with sound evidence or logic, refuse it because they're too proud and or stupid to admit they're wrong about anything.
I dislike people on this forum who are all like YOU ARE DUMBZ I KNOWS ALL ABOUT EKONOMIX!

Wtf, shut up. No one cares what you know.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Yossarian said:
Europeans who insist on commenting about American politics - don't you have anything better to do than pontificate on issues that barely affect you at all? Listening to some of you people, you'd think that Europe has it all figured out and is a utopia of rolling hills and streams of milk and honey. Many of you fit into the above catagory.

It's not just Europeans. Everybody hates america now (except americans). your president really is that much of a cunt. fuck that guy.


Theoretical Magician
olimario said:
I've been trying to change how I conduct myself online. There's no denying it's fucked up and needs changing. I want you to recognize that how I act here and how I act in the rest of my life are very different, though.
Other's have said this and I understand that you are ashamed over what you have done and would like to change, but don't try to seperate yourself from those actions. Olimario doesn't exist. Only you.

yes, #ga is pretty much an anime and xbox troll wank-fest
Or Ferrio's creepy assed pictures.
I hate being censored. I feel I cannot go after shitty posters (like that idiot Odnetnin) with the upclose and personal wrath I want to put on them. I want them nervous and shaking before making posts that I might see. Most of these posters talk like they need an actual physical, real life ass whuppin'. More parents should whip their kids because it's good, GOOD dammit! A tried and true method.

The other thing I hate is that I really don't relate to well with most of the people here. Not only my interests beyond gaming is mostly incompatible with most, I'm also tired of reminding folks how silly, fake and immature they are. I know a lot of this is about entertainment but that doesn't mean it has to be all one big joke. One man fighting a whole legion of clowns and office humor that just is not funny. A large reason why I tend to lurk than post (that and if I have nothing of substance to say, I keep my goddamn mouth shut). Funny enough though, nobody has really irked me enough to even remember their name...err, except Ramerez and the sports crew of Madden lovers (sans Wellington, he's cool). I'm likely to never join one of the forum's sports leagues because of these fools.

Some I used to hate, like Border (an apt name because he's never for or against anything, always occupying the middle ground where he can diss games, people, entertainment while never revealing what he likes, must be nice), have mellowed out a bit and are now off my radar. The rampant immaturity is what gets me nowadays, that and how fake people are.

Oh and I stay out of political threads because that's something that is a big joke, only real people are dying while we have 14 year old brainwashed girls believing everything they are told on the news. I don't need that pain in my life. Fuck everybody who doesn't think for themselves.


olimario said:
What I do here and how I conduct myself elsewhere are different. All the things mentioned are a part of my fucked up side. I've acknowledged it, accepted it as messed up, and voiced that I want to change it. I've been working recently to do so and have done what I can to remedy the latest situation (PSP).

I just hope that if and when I do overcome this problem of mine that people here are able to see it and separate me from my past mistakes.

:lol so it's really true

You should just dump your gf for the PSP, since obviously she only means so much to you :p


BlackClouds said:
I hate being censored. I feel I cannot go after shitty posters (like that idiot Odnetnin) with the upclose and personal wrath I want to put on them. I want them nervous and shaking before making posts that I might see. Most of these posters talk like they need an actual physical, real life ass whuppin'. More parents should whip their kids because it's good, GOOD dammit! A tried and true method.

The other thing I hate is that I really don't relate to well with most of the people here. Not only my interests beyond gaming is mostly incompatible with most, I'm also tired of reminding folks how silly, fake and immature they are. I know a lot of this is about entertainment but that doesn't mean it has to be all one big joke. One man fighting a whole legion of clowns and office humor that just is not funny. A large reason why I tend to lurk than post (that and if I have nothing of substance to say, I keep my goddamn mouth shut). Funny enough though, nobody has really irked me enough to even remember their name...err, except Ramerez and the sports crew of Madden lovers (sans Wellington, he's cool). I'm likely to never join one of the forum's sports leagues because of these fools.

Jesus Christ, dude. I don't know you personally so I can't tell if you're serious, but it's the fuckin' internet. Yes, yes, I know the internet is serious business. But why the hell do you care so much that you want people shaking with fear before they post? Why would you want to beat someone's ass over something they posted?

And then on the other hand, with that in mind, you feel you have the right to post about people's immaturity and FAKENESS? Even with all that impotent rage you just displayed?

I mean, fuck. You seem not to be able to relate to this forum. You don't like a lot of people, and indeed you go as far as to say you HATE several people.

I don't know if you're serious, so if not ignore this... but really... REALLY... lighten up.


border said:
Some I used to hate, like Border (an apt name because he's never for or against anything, always occupying the middle ground where he can diss games, people, entertainment while never revealing what he likes, must be nice)
That's really very true. The guy hates everything.... well, except Joss Whedon. I'm not annoyed by him. But I don't really pay attention to what he says, either. Same with jett and some others.

Alright, that's something I'd like to mention. Why do we post here? Communication or something like it, right? So why be so fucking extreme all the time -- this sucks, that rocks, etc etc. The people that get taken seriously and are responded to in kind are those that have some kind of moderation. Granted, I know I do the same, but not so often.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
This thread is the most fascinating thread I've read in this forum.. since... well hell I can't remember...


Scary Euro Man
Yossarian said:
Europeans who insist on commenting about American politics - don't you have anything better to do than pontificate on issues that barely affect you at all?

Are you actually a retard, or do you just play one on GAF? American politics barely affects other countries? I don't know what you're smoking, but the people of Iraq and of European countries whose foreign policy is driven by the US would like to slap some sense into you.


BlackClouds said:
The other thing I hate is that I really don't relate to well with most of the people here. Not only my interests beyond gaming is mostly incompatible with most, I'm also tired of reminding folks how silly, fake and immature they are. I know a lot of this is about entertainment but that doesn't mean it has to be all one big joke. One man fighting a whole legion of clowns and office humor that just is not funny. A large reason why I tend to lurk than post (that and if I have nothing of substance to say, I keep my goddamn mouth shut).


Who are you and why do you think you need to "save" us from ourselves?
I considered the "sold naked pics of GF to pervert for PSP" bit rather trivial compared to olimario's impassioned defense of killing juvenile felons and fatties. There was something fundamentally vile in those remarks.

Oh, and those PICTURES OF HIS DICK HE POSTED TO OPA-AGES. Man, not even Opa, in the very pits of his indisputable lameness, subjected the rest of a forum to pictures of his fuckin' nasty-ass schlong. Gary has some serious fuckin' issues, most of which stem from his previous fatty-hood but a fair few that come from being a privileged and inexperienced teenager used to feeling validated by his rich white suburban mommy and daddy.

Sorry; sooner or later, the bubble's gotta break.


BlackClouds said:
I feel I cannot go after shitty posters (like that idiot Odnetnin) with the upclose and personal wrath I want to put on them. I want them nervous and shaking before making posts that I might see. Most of these posters talk like they need an actual physical, real life ass whuppin'. More parents should whip their kids because it's good, GOOD dammit! A tried and true method.
You've got issues

Funny enough though, nobody has really irked me enough to even remember their name...err, except Ramerez and the sports crew of Madden lovers (sans Wellington, he's cool). I'm likely to never join one of the forum's sports leagues because of these fools.

on behalf of said lovers, I am confused by your rage. You'll be happy to know I'm nervous and shaking. :( My parents should have beat me like they did you.


Drinky Crow said:
I considered the "sold naked pics of GF to pervert for PSP" bit rather trivial compared to olimario's impassioned defense of killing juvenile felons and fatties. There was something fundamentally vile in those remarks.

Oh, and those PICTURES OF HIS DICK HE POSTED TO OPA-AGES. Man, not even Opa, in the very pits of his indisputable lameness, subjected the rest of a forum to pictures of his fuckin' nasty-ass schlong. Gary has some serious fuckin' issues, most of which stem from his previous fatty-hood but a fair few that come from being a privileged and inexperienced teenager used to feeling validated by his rich white suburban mommy and daddy.

Sorry; sooner or later, the bubble's gotta break.

Ouch. :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

On behalf of all Madden league players....KISS OUR ASSES blackclouds or would you rather smack them?


Socreges said:
That's really very true. The guy hates everything.... well, except Joss Whedon.
I also like Halo 2, David Lynch, Harmonix video games, Farscape, and Cracklin Oat Bran.


Disco Stu said:
Anybody who threatens to leave an Internet message board and then makes a formal announcement about his departure is clearly intent on receiving (and basking in) the attention his triumphant return would elicit.

Umm, jinx didn't formally announce his own departure, EviLore mentioned it.


Lemurnator said:
I've got somethings to say to the democrats of the GAF.

I've been reading a lot of disturbing things here and on the rest of the internet about our President and our beautiful nation and brave troops. Did you forget that faithful day not even 4 years ago when those bastards took over 3000 American lives? Do you forget the founding fathers and the sacrifices they made so that we can have freedom? We live in America, the most beautiful country on Earth and when our country is threatened by countries like Iraq we NEED to make a stand, and we did and I stand by our governments decision to do so.

If you don't, you ARE a terrorist.

You people make me sick.

September 11th, 2001

A date THIS American, shall never forget.

Too bad we are bombing the shit out of people that HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. Toasting the Taliban was 100% justified. Boming Iraq was like invading Cuba for Pearl Harbor.


GhaleonEB said:
Too bad we are bombing the shit out of people that HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. Toasting the Taliban was 100% justified. Boming Iraq was like invading Cuba for Pearl Harbor.

Nice. Lemurnatowned. :lol

Sometimes I wonder if people even know what their talking about when they go on their little patriotic rants. :lol


Theoretical Magician
Drinky Crow said:
Oh, and those PICTURES OF HIS DICK HE POSTED TO OPA-AGES. Man, not even Opa, in the very pits of his indisputable lameness, subjected the rest of a forum to pictures of his fuckin' nasty-ass schlong.
I was trying to forget that awful day.

MC Safety

Boogie said:
Umm, jinx didn't formally announce his own departure, EviLore mentioned it.

I stand corrected. But he did threaten to leave during the Serafakia controversy, and demanded that someone erase his username.

Why bother? Just leave if you want. No melodrama, no histrionics. It's an InterWeb message board where the posters are pretty much interchangeable anyway.
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