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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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ToxicAdam said:
Look at all the Alyssa hate.

It really should come as no surprise from a forum full of virgins,that they would despise a sexually active female.

Wow you really march to a different beat than the rest of us man.


john tv said:
I think it's really fascinating how quick people are to jump on a free opportunity to spew hate. I mean, 700 replies in just two days...that's nothing to scoff at. Give everyone the same opportunity to say nice things in a "love" thread, and the thing disappears off the front page in a matter of hours.

I also find it interesting that even some of the nicest posters on the forum still made it a point to drop in here and say something negative about someone or something.

I'm not criticizing anyone or passing any judgments, BTW. I just find this all really, really interesting, is all.

Well, you don't get banned for saying nice stuff. You have to remember, people can say nice stuff all the time. However, your ass might get banned in a heartbeat for having a problem or saying the wrong thing to the wrong someone. So yeah, I can totally understand why people want to get some things off their chest without fear.

The question I ask though..... Is this a trap??!!!!!!!111!!


john tv said:
I think it's really fascinating how quick people are to jump on a free opportunity to spew hate. I mean, 700 replies in just two days...that's nothing to scoff at. Give everyone the same opportunity to say nice things in a "love" thread, and the thing disappears off the front page in a matter of hours.

I also find it interesting that even some of the nicest posters on the forum still made it a point to drop in here and say something negative about someone or something.

I'm not criticizing anyone or passing any judgments, BTW. I just find this all really, really interesting, is all.

Hey, I didn't name anyone outright. (Except Meier, but if the worst thing I have to say about him is that his music collection is likely not allowed by the Geneva Convention, then he's probably a-ok.)


Can I have some hate please?

I'm 22 and male. I like Nintendo and long-walks in the Off-Topic forum.

I also developed a way to access the web on the PSP to give those who bought PSPs a reason not to sell it.

(If that last comment can't spur some hate, shame on you GAF).

As for what I hate..

- People complaining about too many threads on a particular topic by creating a thread in order to complain.

- Sales numbers. Seriously, who fucking cares. Ya, they're useful, but not nearly as much as some people here pretend.

- eXXXtreme moderation. I think erring on the side of allowing trolling is better than inhibiting good conversation...which I think GAF is starting to do. Further, I think trolls are necessary some times to get people to explain why they believe something. It enrages people to respond, and a lot of the time, good conversation can come out of it.
john tv said:
I think it's really fascinating how quick people are to jump on a free opportunity to spew hate. I mean, 700 replies in just two days...that's nothing to scoff at. Give everyone the same opportunity to say nice things in a "love" thread, and the thing disappears off the front page in a matter of hours.

I also find it interesting that even some of the nicest posters on the forum still made it a point to drop in here and say something negative about someone or something.

I'm not criticizing anyone or passing any judgments, BTW. I just find this all really, really interesting, is all.

I can think of a couple of reasons for this.

1. Generally you're not allowed to "flame" other people. This thread specifically gives you amnesty to basically say what you want to say without serious risk. Likewise, nothing really stops people from praising others on normal occasions.

2. That "love" thread seems more like a parody thread. Looking at the replies, it doesn't seem like anyone takes it seriously anyway.

* I did not hate on anyone in this thread. :p
jinx has officially left GAF, btw. He wanted his account deleted, but I don't care for that sort of thing, so he's banned instead.

Haha, yay. Fucking sanctimonious bastard.

Am I the only one irritated by Raoul Duke? Attention: you're not Hunter S. Thompson. Hunter S. Thompson was a talented writer, you're a big fat jackass doing a pale, pathetic imitiation. Also, Communism doesn't work. Never has, never will, get over it.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Jason said:
I would like to say that sports fans from Chicago and Houston are really fucking annoying.

And I still hate demi.

I agree with you on Chicago sports fans,but F U for hating on Houston fans :(
Jason said:
I would like to say that sports fans from Chicago and Houston are really fucking annoying.


I really dislike Eagles fans.......

MrAngryFace said:
Most of you are too new to remember the forum being a good place for discussion.

awe man, i remember Years ago a little before DC came out and the GA forums was just like One forum, period, NO off topic or anything and it moved SO fast. it was crazy. those were some interesting times.


EviLore said:
jinx has officially left GAF, btw. He wanted his account deleted, but I don't care for that sort of thing, so he's banned instead.
wow. some of you are complete assholes. he was one of the best posters here, though perhaps not suitable for a mod.
leaving was probably the best thing for him. good luck, jinx.


Hollywood Square
If there's a vacancy in the mod rank, then only one person is equipped to take it -- JEAN CLAUDE VAN DAMME.
Looks like someone saw the business end of Jinx's banstick.

Nope. I don't think I've ever even had a conversation with him on this board. Reading his holier-than-thou tripe was bad enough. He reminded me of Loki, except I had programmed myself to scroll past Loki's novels, whereas jinx's douchebaggery was more subtle and harder to ignore.


Nintendo Ate My Children said:
Nope. I don't think I've ever even had a conversation with him on this board. Reading his holier-than-thou tripe was bad enough. He reminded me of Loki, except I had programmed myself to scroll past Loki's novels, whereas jinx's douchebaggery was more subtle and harder to ignore.

Loki and Jinx are some of the best people on this board. But seeing as how you're used to the shrill vibe of the Gaming Forum, I'm not terribly surprised that you feel this way.
Loki is fun to read but Jinx is different. He always acted holier than thou and looked down upon anyone who disagreed with them.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I don't understand this forum's whole emulation policy.

I was banned for saying that I was in the process of downloading a ROM.

I see things in the PSP exploit thread such as people linking to websites which have Emulators and roms on their sites, and sometimes I see people make a post saying "OMG I'm playing Super Mario bros 3 on the PSP right now it rules!"

The thread posted about SNES RPGS which never made it out of japan has several instances with mentioning of roms which have been translated. Some posters even name the rom and the group which translated it. Yet these people aren't banned.

Sometimes people are banned for ROM talk, other times they aren't. Wtf is with the inconsistency?


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
I remember mike works back when he first started working for planetgamecube, and ever since I met him in the pgc and dbg I always thought he was a complete douche. hell everyone there did. other than that I really don't have anything against anyone here, and ive been viewing (just recently got an account) gaf for a good 4 years now.

Oh and strikerobi is cool.

And dragona is dragona. haha

And bell woods has horrible taste in music.

MC Safety

Kabuki Waq said:
wait wait you guys actually think Jinx is gone for good?


no one ever leaves for good.

Anybody who threatens to leave an Internet message board and then makes a formal announcement about his departure is clearly intent on receiving (and basking in) the attention his triumphant return would elicit.


Wow this thread explodes over and over again.

And yeah, Alyssa annoys me because she has a loud personality. In rememberance of jinx, I recall his gender fairness thread being like
<jinx>girls! emo!
<LIUKANGBAKINGAMOTHAFUCINPIE>ehh we're mean to everyone girls can get use to it <GAF> yah pretty much
<GAF> herro there

and I was just rolling my eyes at that, so yeah

I really don't hate anyone though. I do hate this statement though:

I hate Christians and their goddamn faith-based bullshit. Stop fucking quoting from the bible and stop using capital letters when talking about your god and referring to him as your fucking "Lord". And it's spelled "he", NOT fucking "He".

I'd love for someone to try to get away with a similiar statement based on race in this forum.

And don't be sad for Jinx. Quitting the forum and the haterade punch bowl is good. Congrats for getting out of here.

Red Scarlet

etiolate said:
Wow this thread explodes over and over again.

And yeah, Alyssa annoys me because she has a loud personality. In rememberance of jinx, I recall his gender fairness thread being like
<jinx>girls! emo!
<LIUKANGBAKINGAMOTHAFUCINPIE>ehh we're mean to everyone girls can get use to it <GAF> yah pretty much
<GAF> herro there

:lol :lol

I hate et for making me spit pop out of my nose.


It's a strange thing, but I think elitists are the people that drive this (or other) forum forward. I mean, for example, I know jack shit about comics - but I enjoy nomoment's posts. Same goes for music threads, Tim Schaffer love threads, or whatever...

The elitists and witty assholes don't seem to post that much anymore, though.


Nintendo Ate My Children said:
Am I the only one irritated by Raoul Duke? Attention: you're not Hunter S. Thompson. Hunter S. Thompson was a talented writer, you're a big fat jackass doing a pale, pathetic imitiation.

Yes. Raoul is annoying as fuck, and so is Incognito. We get the point. You hate Bush. You're lefties. This country's going to hell. If you hate it so much, move.

Oh yeah... that's right... you have no balls, other than posting sarcastic, assholish hate in an off-topic video game forum.

(Phoenix, on the other hand, gets a big thumbs-up. Actually starting a letter campaign (read: putting action behind your political feelings), no matter how far it goes or doesn't go, should be an example to the apathetic fakers that dominate the forum.)

Raoul and Incog: get a fucking life.


john tv said:
I think it's really fascinating how quick people are to jump on a free opportunity to spew hate. I mean, 700 replies in just two days...that's nothing to scoff at. Give everyone the same opportunity to say nice things in a "love" thread, and the thing disappears off the front page in a matter of hours.

I also find it interesting that even some of the nicest posters on the forum still made it a point to drop in here and say something negative about someone or something.

I'm not criticizing anyone or passing any judgments, BTW. I just find this all really, really interesting, is all.

Haven't you ever watched Star Wars? Easier to hate and throw lightning and shit than it is to love and throw swords

And of course this is a fucking trap. We're all doomed come thread close. We just choose not to think about it at the current time, is all
And yeah, Alyssa annoys me because she has a loud personality. In rememberance of jinx, I recall his gender fairness thread being like
<jinx>girls! emo!
<LIUKANGBAKINGAMOTHAFUCINPIE>ehh we're mean to everyone girls can get use to it <GAF> yah pretty much
<GAF> herro there

Oh, Christ, I forgot about that thread. That's when I really noticed how much he irritated me. Let's put jinx and GAF in a real-life, non-internet scenario:

Scene: A bunch of guys drinking at a bar. Buddy C's paying. A girl with massive tits walks by...

Guy 1: Holy hell, look at that chick.
Guy 2: I'd fuck her raw.
jinx: Hey guys, we shouldn't objectify women. Women ha....
Guys 1&2: SMACK!

That's real-life. On Gaming-Age, we make him a mod!


e pluribus scrotum said:
christianity isnt a race its a Choice. omg its like christians are homosexuals oh teh noes!


there is no race in the sense we think of it and you could say, and I would say, that defining people or yourself by skintone is a choice. In any form, respecting other people is respecting other people, hrm?

but this might be a long argument in a long dumb thread, so let's not

Scarlet added an Aika avatar <3<3


Nintendo Ate My Children said:
Guy 1: Holy hell, look at that chick.
Guy 2: I'd fuck her raw.
Guys 1&2: SMACK!

fixed for accuracy


john tv said:
I think it's really fascinating how quick people are to jump on a free opportunity to spew hate. I mean, 700 replies in just two days...that's nothing to scoff at. Give everyone the same opportunity to say nice things in a "love" thread, and the thing disappears off the front page in a matter of hours.

I also find it interesting that even some of the nicest posters on the forum still made it a point to drop in here and say something negative about someone or something.

I'm not criticizing anyone or passing any judgments, BTW. I just find this all really, really interesting, is all.

We've always had the freedom to mention who we "love" and all that horrible, horrible, nasty stuff.

But it's not that often that we get a chance to openly hate on Nintendo fanatics without getting banned.

That's 700 replies that were being contained and held back for years (well, since the last thread of the same topic). Not that much really.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
why does the online forum require a login I fucking hate that. Fix it fuck shit fuck.


Ha, you guys are assholes. :) Jinx was a good guy, even if he got carried away every now and then. Hope he gets his life back in order so he can post here again.
GaimeGuy said:
I don't understand this forum's whole emulation policy.

I was banned for saying that I was in the process of downloading a ROM.

I see things in the PSP exploit thread such as people linking to websites which have Emulators and roms on their sites, and sometimes I see people make a post saying "OMG I'm playing Super Mario bros 3 on the PSP right now it rules!"

The thread posted about SNES RPGS which never made it out of japan has several instances with mentioning of roms which have been translated. Some posters even name the rom and the group which translated it. Yet these people aren't banned.

Sometimes people are banned for ROM talk, other times they aren't. Wtf is with the inconsistency?
I haven't seen people linking to ROM sites in the PSP threads, just sites of where to find emulators. Likewise translation patches themselves don't contain material that's copyrighted by a corporation. I think the main thing is... plausible deniability. If someone claims to have a Super Mario Bros. 3 ROM, for all we know they dumped it themselves from their legally owned cartridge. Perhaps Marduk put it on the person's hard drive. *shrugs* Talk about a ROM site or something, and for sure something illegit is going on.
Defensor said:
I have a list of ignore posters that seems to be because of petty posts, but there is one poster I feel I have to vent my two minute hate:

trippingmartin - Your little "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is not a real gangster game" fiasco last year made me upset and I was glad you got banned but disappointed when you came back. No sort of backpeddeling could have saved you from being unbanned after that kind of racial hate you displayed.
I didn't even say anything racist.

I just finished playing 2 hours of GTA:SA. :lol


DarienA said:
I'm very disappointed that no one here hates me enough to tell me... come on... I'm argumentative, snobbish, stuck up, etc.... well I know some banned folks hate me... but they don't count...
I hated on you in my post. Happy?

MrAngryFace said:
This whole thread is a big bucket of lame. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for not even mentioning me once.
You were mentioned plenty of times.



I haven't clicked on this thread before. I think I noticed it with little interest before and then managed to just overlook it after that. But I was curious about what happened to -jinx- and had to come here to find out. Then I read about his misery.... which led to reading the replies... and then some other hate... then some more.... so much hate.

Couldn't read more than 1/3 of the thread, though.

Anyway, I prefer to spread whatever hate I have around. It's just going to drown in here.
KingGondo said:
Yes. Raoul is annoying as fuck, and so is Incognito. We get the point. You hate Bush. You're lefties. This country's going to hell. If you hate it so much, move.

Oh yeah... that's right... you have no balls, other than posting sarcastic, assholish hate in an off-topic video game forum.

(Phoenix, on the other hand, gets a big thumbs-up. Actually starting a letter campaign (read: putting action behind your political feelings), no matter how far it goes or doesn't go, should be an example to the apathetic fakers that dominate the forum.)

Raoul and Incog: get a fucking life.
I'm not sure about Raoul, but IIRC, Incognito has done things outside of GAF.

And for the thread: Pesa más la rabia que el cemento


catfish said:
why does the online forum require a login I fucking hate that. Fix it fuck shit fuck.

Because the lurkers filled our private leagues and private games back when we posted this stuff in the Gaming Forum.


dem said:
Shinobi - Ok you dont belong in the hate list. I love you... but come on with the racing shit. You know its not a real sport :lol Also you dont even have your license. My grandmother is more qualified to talk about racing than you. (I expect to be thoroughly owned :D ) That and you dont hang with the awesome P-CREW anymore.

:lol You know, I was hoping this thread would just go on without a mention of my name. And it was actually looking pretty good for a couple days.

First, let's get the license out of the way. I don't have one strictly due to choice...well that and the knowledge that I wouldn't be able to afford a car anyway. It's not a pressing need for me, so I don't have one. Doesn't mean I don't know what's up though.

And let's not use the experience equals knowledge tact, cause I doubt your chicken legs can balance your scrawny ass on a pair of skates, let alone play any semblance of hockey. Doesn't stop you from talking about the game as if you're Al Strachan.

Also I love the old P-crew, but let's face facts...four non-talking faces doesn't make much of a crew. The few times I log on Palace these days, I find you're in a deeper snooze then I usually take. :lol

And BTW, auto racing IS a sport. It's an incontestable fact that only brainwashed gimps like yourself try to contest.

Hmmm, guess that's my "what do I hate?" post...dumb fucks who say auto racing isn't a sport.

At least you're on point with the anime comment...fuck that fruity ass shit.
KingGondo said:
Yes. Raoul is annoying as fuck, and so is Incognito. We get the point. You hate Bush. You're lefties. This country's going to hell. If you hate it so much, move.

Oh yeah... that's right... you have no balls, other than posting sarcastic, assholish hate in an off-topic video game forum.

(Phoenix, on the other hand, gets a big thumbs-up. Actually starting a letter campaign (read: putting action behind your political feelings), no matter how far it goes or doesn't go, should be an example to the apathetic fakers that dominate the forum.)

Raoul and Incog: get a fucking life.

Yes, because I do nothing else for the Democratic party than bitch about Bush on an off-topic forum! Are you the person always leering inside my window????!!!

Get a life, KingGordo. Should I update you when I take a shit right after the email I send to Senators and the numerous checks to PAC's are sent off?


Apathetic fake is MEH! WOEEE! :lol
Oh, and btw, KingGordo, I spent the two weekends before the Nov. 2 election on the phone with prospective Ohio voters giving them information on where to vote and when.

:( :( :(


Incognito said:
Oh, and btw, KingGordo, I spent the two weekends before the Nov. 2 election on the phone with prospective Ohio voters giving them information on where to vote and when.

:( :( :(

MoveOn? ACT?

to go with the hate, I hate you just because you suck
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