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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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I dislike the following posters [in no particular order]

ManaByte, Diablos, Eminem, efralope, sonarrat, Pochacco.

They are bad people and/or idiots.

That is all.

Ps. And if I've wanted to say this for a long time - but man, neo cons are just fucking racists. Also, it's fine that you hate religion, but don't start saying bullshit like "ALLRELIGON IS BRAINWASH. PEACE OUT"... you're retarded.


Scary Euro Man
MIMIC said:
People just don't get the fact that if firefox was as popular as IE, it'd be just as popular to the hackers/exploiters, which would render firefox's alleged "superiority" as nothing more than a simple alternate.

And IE apologists just don't get the fact that this isn't true - that the fundamental design of software has an effect on the overall security of the software too.

By your logic, Windows 95 and FreeBSD would be equally secure if they had equal numbers of users. That's just plain not the case.

Red Scarlet

I hate people that reply to anyone that plays an older game is because of NOSTALGIA.

Some people actually do play and still enjoy to this day those games, not having anything to do with NOSTALGIA.

It's NOSTALGIA when you look back on it, and not like it when you replay/refuse to replay because you don't think it holds up anymore. It's not NOSTALGIA when you are playing it again right now in 2005 and are having as much fun as you did in 80's/90's.

It's fucking stupid.


I guess there're two ways to look at the fact that I haven't been mentioned in this thread. One is that I'm so negligible that no one cares about me either way, or that people notice and find me unhatable. I'll go with the glass half full version for now. :p

I've got lots of things to say here, but I'll save it for a bit until I have more time to think about it...


Fight for Freeform said:
Pimpwerx has been "PEACE"ing out for the last 7 or so years, in fact I admire him for being so consistant. SHALOM.
I'll see your shalom and raise you an aleichem. :D


Ooo.. just thought of something else as well.

Naruto sucks. It's one of the most corny, boring, predictable, badly plotted, vacuous manga I have read in Weekly Jump. and believe me, there's been a lot of shit in Jump :D

I'll admit, there has been a number of interesting fights. but most of the characters are really annoying - and the comedic elements suck.

Naruto is entry-level Boys' Manga 101. It's Dragonball Junior.


DavidDayton said:
I didn't know it was possible for something to be lower on the scale than Dragonball.

That's an uneducated comment.

The anime is shit, but at its prime - Dragonball, the manga, was undeniably great.
There are traces of Toriyama's art, characters, story development, devices in almost every series in the mag today.

anyway, back to your regular scheduled STRAIGHT HATIN'

J2 Cool

Loki said:
And yet people still do reply to my posts, oftentimes at length (Azih, Saturnman, Mandark, Hitokage at times, among others). So why were they not "discouraged from replying"? My personal opinion is because they are capable of comprehending and responding to an argument in a logical, coherent manner, something I'm quite certain you're incapable of doing judging by your posting history.

Are you telling me Batman is fucking wrong?

Incognito said:
bishop, sporkx, and mike works are all little pissants who revel in the attention they receive here.

especially mikeworks, that punkass little bitch is SO insecure over being called OLIMARIO II he actually banned me for something i said at a SEPERATE forum.

plus, while coopting olimario's sanctimonious attitude he's assumed alphasnake's rail-thin identity.

fuck loser total.


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

HAHA! *high five*

nomoment said:
Regarding Batman Begins flopping:

Guys who say stuff like "don't worry, this movie has legs," or "once word of mouth gets around this movie will kill all other comic book movies."

Give it up, BATMAN BEGINS WAS A BUST! Certainly not a bust by typical standards, but DON'T expect this to even come close to Spider-Man 2 numbers.

And I'll tell you this, I KNEW it would be a bust on opening day. When you're in the biggest theatre in town on opening day of a Batman movie and the theatre lobby is empty, THE MOVIE IS FUCKED!

Oh yeah, and I don't like guys who keep telling me I need to watch Naruto, or read Berserk. Next guy in a comic shop who tells me that gets a punch in the face.

Fuck that, and fuck you! Go read Berserk.


Count of Concision
J2 Cool said:
Are you telling me Batman is fucking wrong?


Quite wrong, in this instance. :p What's funny is that when I saw your name as the last poster, I immediately thought of that Batman quote. :D
yea i didnt wanna say anything cause genrally Mike is cool mofo .....but yea i think he needs to revise the alphsnake stick photo with his own face. :(

Honestly i think he has a weight problem now.


I honestly don't hate anyone on these forums.

However, there is one poster I REALLY DISLIKE. It's miyuru.

Buddy, you need to SHUT THE FUCK UP. miyuru only knows how to make three types of posts: face whoring posts, mod cock sucking posts, or live joural type posts.

Listen, I don't give a fuck what you had for lunch. I don't give a fuck about your fucking face and don't want to see it in your avatar everytime I see one of your posts. If people want to discuss a leaked album, FINE. THEY ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT HOW TO DOWNLOAD IT YOU STUPID FUCK.

I can't imagine ANYONE except for 11 year old girls who could hang around miyuru for more than 10 minutes before wanting to hit him with a sledge hammer.


Oh yeah, and fuck guys who go on and on about how great manga is, yet won't spend 15 bucks on a single volume. If it were so great, you wouldn't be downloading all of it, would you?

J2 Cool

nomoment said:
Oh yeah, and fuck guys who go on and on about how great manga is, yet won't spend 15 bucks on a single volume. If it were so great, you wouldn't be downloading all of it, would you?

Heh, I bought 4-5 volumes of Berserk, though I own it all on my pc. Just getting assholish in the spirit of the thread :D Fucker. :mad:


iapetus said:
And IE apologists just don't get the fact that this isn't true - that the fundamental design of software has an effect on the overall security of the software too.

By your logic, Windows 95 and FreeBSD would be equally secure if they had equal numbers of users. That's just plain not the case.

I'm just saying that firefox isn't 100% secure and people need to end this fantasy.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
i hate it how sonnarat talks about animal fucking like it will make him unique and cool. All it will make you is that lonely old man down the road with all the animals that the kids whisper about.
Go and fuck a real women, for gods sake, one thats not dressed as a horsey. Your shit is bent.

Demis avatar(s) are ruining that guys career.

Fuck the guy with the transformers icon that acted like I killed his dog when I said the american version of the office is shit. It is fucking shit compared to the british one, and I'm not even British, I just know funny when I a. see it and b. see it being raped.
I don't think there's a single one of you that I dislike. I'll say that I *do* enjoy getting under the skin of a few certain people, if only because it's so ridiculously easy, I guess that could pass as hate for the purpose of the thread, eh?


catfish said:
Demis avatar(s) are ruining that guys career.
I LOVE SotD and spaced (haven't seen 50,000 volts yet), but sometimes, I can't sit all the way through because demi is making me hate the awesomeness that is Nick Frost.
To WordOfGod, Link64089999824317583703534671, Diffense, Iceman, Dice, MadOdorMachine, and geogaddi:

You are all "bible-believing" (what I call "fundamentalist") Christians. You routinely cite verses from the Bible to justify attacking millions of people like me because of my sexual orientation. Apparently you think denying hundreds of thousands of couples basic legal rights is fucking "Christian." Your bigotry may have been successful in amending state constitutions to deny gays estate rights or access to their partners in the hospital, but you say that this is part of a war to prevent the destruction of the family. Well, guess what, fuckers? You can't fucking win. You know as well as I do that Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, but repeatedly condemned adultery and divorce (and you might not know that the Bible condones things that almost everyone today would consider morally abhorrent, like stoning disobedient children and brides who aren. So why don't you ban them, too? Because IT'S FUCKING POLITICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, BECAUSE EVERYONE DOES IT. The moral (theocratic) ideal you want society to reach never existed, and it never fucking will. Even if you succeed in banning gay marriage nationally (ha!), do you really believe gays will go back in the closet? You need to design a time machine to go back to the Victorian era you seemingly want to emulate.

And why do you keep supporting the Republican Party? The religious right has been a major political force for over a quarter-century, and it hasn't accomplished any of its major goals: Roe v. Wade hasn't been overturned, school prayer is still illegal, and support for gay rights (marriage notwithstanding) has steadily increased over that period. You're the biggest suckers in politics; the only thing the GOP cares about is your votes.

Oh, and especially to Iceman - Considering what Jesus did, if the God of the Bible actually exists, anyone who unquestioningly supports the economic policies of the GOP is going to hell.









Scary Euro Man
MIMIC said:
I'm just saying that firefox isn't 100% secure and people need to end this fantasy.

Well, that's fair enough. But it is more secure than IE, and it will reduce the amount of crap that gets onto your computer right now. Which is why people recommend it to people who've let their machines get infested.


I like this thread :D

Ad me to the I hate Mike Works club.

Demi is annoying, it's like every new thread comes with two posts, the original one and then the Demi smartass comment.

I hate Mr. Attention Whore Drinky Crow. Look at me I'm so smart, I hate nintendo and the DS.

Lemurnator is another attention whore I dislike.

XBots can burn in satans place.
Kabuki Waq said:
yea i didnt wanna say anything cause genrally Mike is cool mofo .....but yea i think he needs to revise the alphsnake stick photo with his own face. :(

Honestly i think he has a weight problem now.
I'm 5'9 and I weigh 165 pounds. Color me anorexic I guess!

nomoment said:
I honestly don't hate anyone on these forums.

However, there is one poster I REALLY DISLIKE. It's miyuru.
I'd love to hang out with miyuru because everytime he makes a thread, it reminds me of that Beauty and the Beast picture, and honest to god, it makes me laugh every single time. But yeah, his face is a really annoying.

alejob said:
Ad me to the I hate Mike Works club.


I'd rather not hate anyone, but it's pretty difficult not to dislike The Take Out Bandit. It's not bad enough most of his game-related posts are absolutely moronic, he always makes his idiotic points very loudly. You'd think someone that aggressive would at least make sure his arguments were pretty air tight, but his are such a mess he probably contradicts himself before the first fucking paragraph is over 75% of the time. While that in itself doesn't set him apart from the dumb and loud herd, TTOB is special because he's often a nasty asshole on top of it. To make it even worse, he's also old enough to the point where he should be over the novelty of being a ranting dick on the internet.

I don't dislike Sonycowboy, but he deserves a little scorn for setting a lot of the combative, business/sales-oriented tone on the gaming side. If the business side of things is what gets you wet, lovely, but don't tell us your posts are the simple musings of an unbiased gamer. How stupid do you think we are?

In general, the hyper-critical mindset of a lot of people there can drive you up the wall. Some of the most ridiculous and petty criticisms I've ever seen, too. Isn't the idea to try to enjoy and appreciate a game (or album, or movie) first before homing in on its flaws and ripping it apart? Not to mention, so many people seem to be stuck in the "it can only be absolutely awesome or complete shit" mindset. I think a lot of people fall under the delusion that constantly being critical and dismissive makes them highly accomplished aesthetes and arbiters of great taste. No it doesn't. Knee jerk criticism just makes you a whiny little bitch. Spare us and find another fucking hobby already.


VALIS said:
I'd rather not hate anyone, but it's pretty difficult not to dislike The Take Out Bandit. It's not bad enough most of his game-related posts are absolutely moronic, he always makes his idiotic points very loudly. You'd think someone that aggressive would at least make sure his arguments were pretty air tight, but his are such a mess he probably contradicts himself before the first fucking paragraph is over 75% of the time. While that in itself doesn't set him apart from the dumb and loud herd, TTOB is special because he's often a nasty asshole on top of it. To make it even worse, he's also old enough to the point where he should be over the novelty of being a ranting dick on the internet.
I can almost hear TToB climbing out of his bed of cheeto crumbs to make a reply!



Loki said:
Again, I hope you realize that I do not harbor any animosity towards gays, nor do I feel that they are less deserving of the rights/protections afforded all people, nor do I squirm or feel uneasy when I'm around them in any way (why should I?). That's not who I am, though I realize that this is the internet, and nothing I say can ever really "prove" anything here. You should take what I said, however, at face value. :)
OK -- we're cool. My apologies for being a jerk.

How's that? I'm not trying to make them "work," as that implies that I am presenting an image/message which is not genuine. The smileys I use are my exact emotions/expressions when I am writing my posts, and I feel it necessary, given the nature of the medium, to convey them lest certain things be construed in the wrong way. Sorry if you feel that it doesn't "work" for me, but every time that I smile or laugh when I'm typing out a sentence, I'm going to use an emoticon for it.
I don't know, it just looks out of place. Maybe it's just me. You probably shouldn't worry about it.

But hey, you're free to "detest" me for that as well-- it works for Minotauro, I'm sure. :D
Hey, I may be touchy, but I'm not insane.


Anyone constantly posting in topics about things you don't like. It would be nice if people could post about whatever they like without the constant trolling of just about everything. Letting off some steam about something you don't like is one thing but some people seem to live to troll, and the mods allow this...speaking of which.

Drinky, Maf, Jinx, Hitokage and Mike Works don't make very good mods.

BishopTL is good 95% of the time but he does a bit of a hypocritical modding sometimes.

The religion bashing allowed in this forum is ridiculous.

The music elitism is so stupid it's almost laughable, where do these people live, I've never once IRL encountered people so anal about music. LIGHTEN UP! x 1000000.

Musashi Wins!

catfish said:
who the fuck is shantae?

If we say it 3x TToB shows up with a hooked hand viral marketing tool.

I don't think it's about disagreeing, even forcefully. There are plenty of people who I disagree with about everything that I actually like on this forum (including TToB). And some who are very funny in their disagreement/troll. But there subset of members who aren't content to disagree. They have to be as dull and ugly as they can in every dissenting post. They have no wit, so it's replaced by repetition. Fuck them and their ways.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
border said:
I am angry at whatever mod banned Jotaro. Let him come back -- PLEASE!

Holy mother of GOD in HEAVEN! No.

Pathetic, pitiful, wretched mealy mouthed cunt probably offed himself by now or maybe his brother killed him or whatever the hell he was claiming was going to happen. Fucker is maladjusted to LIFE itself


Setec Astronomer
spliced said:
Drinky, Maf, Jinx, Hitokage and Mike Works don't make very good mods.
You're right. Which is why I don't really mod most of the time. I do mostly system stuff now, but Wasabi and maharg do a better job at that too... ah well, back to the benches for me.


Days like these... said:
Holy mother of GOD in HEAVEN! No.

Pathetic, pitiful, wretched mealy mouthed cunt probably offed himself by now or maybe his brother killed him or whatever the hell he was claiming was going to happen. Fucker is maladjusted to LIFE itself

He's saying that because Jotaro adopted OA, and he proceeded to nearly shut down the place with his maniacal posting. :lol


Count of Concision
FoneBone said:
OK -- we're cool. My apologies for being a jerk.

You weren't being a jerk at all. I understand where you are coming from, and it's a legitimately touchy subject. No harm, no foul. :)

I don't know, it just looks out of place. Maybe it's just me. You probably shouldn't worry about it.

Well, don't worry-- I wasn't about to change my habit anyway. :D


I guess I hate the nintendo haters, because they seem more obsessed with the company than the fans. Plus, they tend to breed trolls like crazy. They just continually worsen the problem they bitch about by making it such an issue.

I'd have one golden rule for the gaming forum: only read/post in threads in which you have an actual interest in

IE: Don't have an xbox? Then don't come into some xbox game thread.

And I hate SSX and always have.

And I haven't been mentioned yet, so I still retain the power of being negligible!



Days like these... said:
Pathetic, pitiful, wretched mealy mouthed cunt probably offed himself by now or maybe his brother killed him or whatever the hell he was claiming was going to happen. Fucker is maladjusted to LIFE itself
He took care of his brother and is doing fine now. Let's all give him another shot!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
border said:
He took care of his brother and is doing fine now. Let's all give him another shot!

could be a ruse to get let back in so he can ask for help and then tell everyone to stop offering him suggestions again.


demi said:
I totally agree, Jotaro needs to come back.
You're just trying to get revenge on the people that hate you. WE KNOW YOUR TRICKS!

Let him stay banned. He needs to stay off GAF for his own good and we need him to stay off GAF. It's win/win.
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