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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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White Man

Shocking things learned in this thread:

1) demi is the most hated forum member next to Pimpwerx.
2) Jotaro is everyone's favorite poster ever.


White Man said:
Shocking things learned in this thread:

1) demi is the most hated forum member next to Pimpwerx.
2) Jotaro is everyone's favorite poster ever.

I'm totally going against the grain and not comforming like these sheeps.

1. demi is totally rad.
2. I like White Man's posts the most.

Baaaa, you're all sheep, baaaa! Anarchy in the UK! Stay punk, stay free!


Furries are the lowest forms of life on this Earth. Not worthy of the air they're breathing. Shank yourselves and stop wasting MY air, sickos.

What else...

Oh right, I can sling mud at admins and mods, right. BuddyC is a little pussy bitch, has to hide behind his mod-pimps to ban me. Fuck you. You're just a worthless Mike Works clone(who is worth less than nothing to begin with...so what does that make you?).

Which brings me to Mike Works. How come you act like a bitch now that you don't have any power on this forum(just like in OA), huh? Loser. Your life must be a real piece of shit if you felt the need to abuse your modding power on this forum.

One more thing about the mods, threatening people to ban them because they disagree with you is just fucking pathetic("you have exactly 234.4524598 seconds to answer me or I permaban you. HAHA A LOSER IS YOU!! LOLORFOL"). It has become sort of regular lately.

I also hate all the fatasses in this forum. Stop eating and start working out, you stupid sacks of shit.

Spider-man 2 sucks.

Peter Jackson is an overrated dumbfuck(but not a fatass anymore, at least. SACKS OF SHIT AM CRYING). You have shit taste if you like TTT and RotK. Fuck morons.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
catfish said:
i hate it how sonnarat talks about animal fucking like it will make him unique and cool. All it will make you is that lonely old man down the road with all the animals that the kids whisper about.
Go and fuck a real women, for gods sake, one thats not dressed as a horsey. Your shit is bent.

Demis avatar(s) are ruining that guys career.

Fuck the guy with the transformers icon that acted like I killed his dog when I said the american version of the office is shit. It is fucking shit compared to the british one, and I'm not even British, I just know funny when I a. see it and b. see it being raped.
haha, i forgot about buddy "exxy part II" christ. that little sycophant has been itching for ga approval and modship since his first days here. he's a clever matlock, that's what he is. where matlock's powergrabs were overt and obvious, buddychrist just snuggled up nicely with the who's who of GA, grew his hair out, and suddenly became interested in writign about video games.


:lol :lol


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
OH, and I also HATE how Drinky Crow gets away with trolling so much.

I'll enter a thread about Nintendo's old SNES games, and Drinky will come into it and post shit about how Microsoft Game Studios is better than EAD this gen (or something like that).

I've trolled plenty of times, but the amount which Drinky trolls and gets away with is unparalelled by any poster from any message board I have ever visisted in my lifetime.

And I've been told that it's ok for him to do it "because he's funny."



I also hate how cerating video game "journalists"(high school drop-outs is more like it) act all high and mighty. You're not journalists, losers. You can barely think straight. Screw you and your worthless "articles." Video game journalism...Ahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHA. Get a real job, fuckwads. Kinda hate all the little shits keep parading the fact that they're TEH INSIDERS!!11, when none of the shit they've said has ever come true(and are huge fanbitches themselves). I'm looking at you, DicksuckingCharlie.


Lots of these have been posted already but I'm too lazy to copy/paste

I hate anime elitists
I hate people who always try to work some pathetic fact about themselves into 80% of their posts. We get it, you suck at that, stop repeating it (You know who you are)
I hate fanboys
I hate people who decide to troll every fucking Nintendo thread (DrinkyCrow)
I hate people who use 'am cry' or that stupid fake 1337 talk '<blah blah> OWNSZ!!!1' (It wasn't funny in 1999, it's not funny now)
I hate people Shenmue haters
I hate Wind Waker haters (Did you not finish the game damnit?)
I hate people who try to make smartass comments and fail. Repeatedly
I hate furries
I hate people who, once they get attacked or something, go from posting things with limited grammar to fucking competing with Einstein (This is kinda complicated in the way I described so let me give an example)
Person A: 'i love hello kitty'
Person B: 'loser'
Person A: 'What is your problem? You obviously can not possibly comprehend my eternal affection for the franchise character that is Hello Kitty.'
I hate people who think they're the flying shit because they've seen/listen to some shitty obscure movie/music that no one has heard of, then get pissed off once it gets popular (Yeah, I loved Ricky Martin before he got popular in the US, doesn't mean I started to bitch at everyone)
I hate people who hate on others for liking something that they don't like
I hate having banned phrases

P.S. I love demi. He makes me laugh. Stop hating on him


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Loki said:

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You're just so self-important. Did you notice that you're the only one mentioned in this thread who felt the need to defend himself with a six paragraph diatribe which could've been easily condensed into one or two? I'm not going to respond specifically mainly because I know I'll be met with another overblown response that I frankly don't have the temerity to deal with. This thread was designed for venting, or "unwarranted cheap shots"...not back-and-forth tediousness.

As far as the full of shit comment goes, let me just clarify a bit. I remember a specific instance where I asked you whether you believe Satan as a living entity actually exists. Despite continuing to post in the thread, you didn't even acknowledge my question. Maybe you overlooked my post (that happens a lot) but it's something that sticks out in my mind.

Let me also clarify your supposed self-righteous prickishness. I remember a thread from a number of months ago where I got this impression from you. The thread was about the movie Birth and a rumored sex scene between Nicole Kidman and a young boy. I believe you took the stance that such a scene is inexcusable in all circumstances. You were just so absolute in your opinion and so antagonistic toward others with different opinions that it really got under my skin.

Maybe I should take you to task in situations like this but generally your verboseness and stubborness convince me not to. Quite frankly, it just isn't worth the time or effort. I'll never change your opinion and you'll never change mine. I just don't have the stomach for pointless "discussion". Maybe you're right, though, maybe this is my failing and not yours.

Also, the word 'detest" may be a bit much. Originally, I was going to go with "despise" but that sounded a little harsh. How about we settle on "mildly loathe"?

I really didn't mean to type this much...I think you may be rubbing off on me. <terror>

Oh, and I hate your use of emoticons. ;) :D :)


Minotauro said:
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You're just so self-important. Did you notice that you're the only one mentioned in this thread who felt the need to defend himself with a six paragraph diatribe which could've been easily condensed into one or two?

To be precise, Mike_Works posted a fair sized "rebuttal" against Wellington.
jett said:
Which brings me to Mike Works. How come you act like a bitch now that you don't have any power on this forum(just like in OA), huh? Loser.
How am I acting like a bitch now that I don't have any power? What have I done since I reverted back to a normal member that consecrates me acting like a bitch?

And while anyone with a brain, and even those with more than just a brain (hi jotaro!) figured out the moment I started posting there, the main reason I started posting on *** Ages was just to irk the whiney girls on the forum who'd constantly complain about GAF after being banned.

Granted I have no idea who you are, never noticed any of your posts, but you should maybe pay a little more attention before you open your mouth next time. That's just a little pro tip from me to you.


Count of Concision
Minotauro said:
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You're just so self-important. Did you notice that you're the only one mentioned in this thread who felt the need to defend himself with a six paragraph diatribe which could've been easily condensed into one or two? I'm not going to respond specifically mainly because I know I'll be met with another overblown response that I frankly don't have the temerity to deal with. This thread was designed for venting, or "unwarranted cheap shots"...not back-and-forth tediousness.

Oh, so you're taking the high road now, despite the fact that none of your claims were justified? :lol Nice...

As far as the full of shit comment goes, let me just clarify a bit. I remember a specific instance where I asked you whether you believe Satan as a living entity actually exists. Despite continuing to post in the thread, you didn't even acknowledge my question. Maybe you overlooked my post (that happens a lot) but it's something that sticks out in my mind.

Must've missed it. Do you see me ignore many people's posts?

Let me also clarify your supposed self-righteous prickishness. I remember a thread from a number of months ago where I got this impression from you. The thread was about the movie Birth and a rumored sex scene between Nicole Kidman and a young boy. I believe you took the stance that such a scene is inexcusable in all circumstances. You were just so absolute in your opinion and so antagonistic toward others with different opinions that it really got under my skin.

Yes, I recall the topic. And I will admit that I was much more antagonostic in that thread than I usually am due to the subject matter. As I admitted in that thread, anything having to do with children (i.e., things which could have a harmful effect on them) really gets my dander up. And yes, I did take the stance that such a scene as was described (it hadn't been seen at that time-- I was envisioning a lengthy french kiss, as I mentioned in the thread) would be inexcusable and unacceptable in all circumstances. I buttressed my opinion with adequate reasoning, as anyone can see in the original topic, seen here. Sorry, but there's certain shit I don't tolerate, and that's on the small list.

Maybe I should take you to task in situations like this but generally your verboseness and stubborness convince me not to. Quite frankly, it just isn't worth the time or effort. I'll never change your opinion and you'll never change mine. I just don't have the stomach for pointless "discussion". Maybe you're right, though, maybe this is my failing and not yours.

It certainly is (your failing and not mine). If you're so convinced that opinions cannot be changed, however slightly, then why participate in a discussion forum? I've had my opinion on several things changed over the years as a result of discussion on this forum (not drastically, but it's made me look at things in a different light).

Apparently you're against "pointless discussion", yet fail to see the irony in such a remark coming from your lips.

Also, the word 'detest" may be a bit much. Originally, I was going to go with "despise" but that sounded a little harsh. How about we settle on "mildly loathe"?

Whatever, dude. Believe me, I won't lose sleep. :)

Oh, and I hate your use of emoticons. ;) :D :)

You're entitled to.

I'm done with this "tediousness."


ugh. This is how I'd do it, unless I was getting paid by the hour.

"Minotauro, you're full of shit" or "Whatever dude" Argh! I just can't believe how much time you put into your posts Loki


belgurdo said:
Anyone keeping a real tally on who the most hated person of the boards is? I ask out of pure curiosity
Demi in this thread, but I bet if it was done in the gaming forums, it would be a different story. I also think that every single post has an unspoken hate for olimario. The only reason people don't say it is because it's universally understood.


Hilo said:

Maybe I shouldn't have said Shalom and maybe you shouldn't have extended the greeting. Maybe he's a Nazi or something.

And apparently this guy (forgot his handle already) CAN'T FUCKING READ. How could you mix Freeform and Freedom?! I mean, yeah, it was a play on words but do people bother reading anymore or do they just read the first and last few letters of a word??

Actually according to research, people do. :p


I hate half of my own country. Any bunch of redneck fucking idiots who vote ronald reagen as the greatest american has NO respect in my book.

It boggles the mind we have people that fucking idiotic around...

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
GaimeGuy said:
The whole animals thing. o_O

sonnarat practices and brags about beastiality. he also drinks the wees of animals. If this doesn't bother your very soul (if there is such a thing, and there's not) then I submit to you that you are crazy.


Fight for Freeform said:
Maybe I shouldn't have said Shalom and maybe you shouldn't have extended the greeting. Maybe he's a Nazi or something.
Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking. :D



Boogie said:
To be precise, Mike_Works posted a fair sized "rebuttal" against Wellington.

Hah, did he? I bet he did one of those taking all of my sentences and words out of context and breaking down my post with un-funny attempts at humour. Well, ignore saves me from having to read and reply knowing that the attempt fell flat on its face.

Regarding Musashi Wins!'s post: :lol I am a pretty lenient guy, but from Monday to Sunday I am going to ban every single troll I see. Every last one of them, because you want me to. I will lock the Gaming Forum down and you can go back to calling us Nazi-Age. You guys complain we're too strict, then complain we're too loose. Fuck it then. Mods: Happy hunting.

I hate diablos because he is a racist and flat out denies it. I'd be alright if he just out and out said he was a racist and went about his business, but he keeps up with the slurs and then says he loves niggers. Come on.

I hate Demon and the other guy, what's his name, Boogie? They just have to go into every fucking topic about relationship problems or other girl advice topics with stupid shit like "At least you have a girlfriend!" Or "Damn, kissing a girl must be fucking awesome!" If you spent half as much energy just out there having a good time as opposed to whining about it on a forum, you'd do alright. It's been months since I went out with a decent girl but I don't bitch about it.

Jett said:
I also hate how cerating video game "journalists"(high school drop-outs is more like it) act all high and mighty. You're not journalists, losers. You can barely think straight. Screw you and your worthless "articles." Video game journalism...Ahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHA. Get a real job, fuckwads. Kinda hate all the little shits keep parading the fact that they're TEH INSIDERS!!11, when none of the shit they've said has ever come true(and are huge fanbitches themselves). I'm looking at you, DicksuckingCharlie.

I agree with this. Not about DicksuckingCharlie, but someone else who I won't name since he is a pretty nice guy. I still laugh out loud thinking back three E3s ago when someone asked him if he had played MK:DD or something. His response? "Hello! I WRITE for a Nintendo site!" :lol Get over yourself dude.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate Matlock. He's a pretty nice guy when he is on his ritalin.


Oh, I hate me for taking things so seriously. There was a time a few months ago when I was going through a ton of shit and I really took out my frustrations on a few people. Sorry Slo, Lonestar, and Matrix for my ridiculous over-aggression in the Madden topics. Sorry FMT for causing so much gried in those things. I will obviously be better this season.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Fight for Freeform said:
Maybe I shouldn't have said Shalom and maybe you shouldn't have extended the greeting. Maybe he's a Nazi or something.

And apparently this guy (forgot his handle already) CAN'T FUCKING READ. How could you mix Freeform and Freedom?! I mean, yeah, it was a play on words but do people bother reading anymore or do they just read the first and last few letters of a word??

Actually according to research, people do. :p
I'm Jewish, dumbass.


Wellington said:
Regarding Musashi Wins!'s post: :lol I am a pretty lenient guy, but from Monday to Sunday I am going to ban every single troll I see. Every last one of them, because you want me to. I will lock the Gaming Forum down and you can go back to calling us Nazi-Age. You guys complain we're too strict, then complain we're too loose. Fuck it then. Mods: Happy hunting.

I support this endeavor.

May the race to 25 bans begin!


Theoretical Magician
I remebered another thing I fucking hate.

(movie, band, tv show X) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (movie, band,tv show Y)
Just say "I think X is better than Y" and leave the greedy birds out.

Oh and Robertsan
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