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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Fight for Freeform said:
Ah...one of em self hatin' Jews, I see! The kind that assisted the Nazis huh? Well how much did they pay you this time?
Considering the fact that I was born in 1988....


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I guess I'll break out some hate.

XS+ is a bitch. I know he's been banned for a long time, but he really pissed me off when he started making wild accusations in the Asian girlfriends thread about my posting history, saying that I was a troll and acted disingenuous in movie threads and whatnot. If there's anything I'm not, it's disingenuous.

Olimario. The worst plague on this board. I also hate all the mods for consistently giving him temp bans for all the retarded shit he pulls again and again. He's deserved permanent bans so many times it's ridiculous, and yet he always gets to return and fuck up threads with his ignorance and stupidity.

All the fucktards that never post anything of substance.

I hate joke threads, you know, whenever some bizarre thread pops up someone has to jump in and make a spoof of it just to grab attention. Fuck that.

spliced said:
The music elitism is so stupid it's almost laughable, where do these people live, I've never once IRL encountered people so anal about music. LIGHTEN UP! x 1000000.
I've met people like this. I've never felt so out of place than when in their presence. It's disturbing.


Wellington said:
I hate Demon and the other guy, what's his name, Boogie? They just have to go into every fucking topic about relationship problems or other girl advice topics with stupid shit like "At least you have a girlfriend!" Or "Damn, kissing a girl must be fucking awesome!" If you spent half as much energy just out there having a good time as opposed to whining about it on a forum, you'd do alright. It's been months since I went out with a decent girl but I don't bitch about it.




GaimeGuy said:
Considering the fact that I was born in 1988....

Ah, how could I forget? After 1945, Nazis and their facist ideology were all wiped out with one fell swoop. Some winds carried the radiation from Nagasaki and it was like hitting two birds with one stone or something...

It's amazing how opinions regarding a Japanese videogame company could result in so much hate and angst.


Trolls shouldn't be mods.

.. Yeah, that's all I got. I'm a pretty nice person. Let's start a love thread.



Oh yeah, and Zeo fucking sucks. I never met someone that has garnered as much hate from other posters in so little time. Only ryudo has come close.


Jesus H Christ. I didn't know there was so much hate in this forum. It can either be super-catty here or I am reading sarcasm wrong.

I also don't hate loki, but he always talks about basketball like he knows EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT IT that I want to watch a loki basketball video as proof of his skills. And his tapes? :lol


Spike Siegel -- you Nascar-lovin', gay-hatin', cat-shootin' dipshit. Fucking dumbass redneck.

AND ALSO: an example why I hate Shoplifter:

From, oh, sometime in Spring 2004, on the old GAF:

Federman (posting as joke character): *obvious joke post that would clearly be considered anti-Semitic if taken seriously*

everybody else: "wtf is this?"





WARCOCK's eight points

1. Arnold haters should die

2. Every bitch that got owned in drinky's trap threads should be perma'ed , UNCONSTESTED

3. Demi fucking sucks and his support around the forum really shows the true colors of teh stupid on gaf.

4. I might sound like a cocksucker but some of the mods make this place really worthwhile, i.e Lore, bishop, wasabi(arguile represent!), Mandark etc... much <3 to them


6.Jinx is a mod?why?


8. Before gaf, i really thought bush supporters were a crazy myth created by the mass media machine.


Oh and I've always thought it was Fight for Freedom too for the record. I guess I just never finished reading the rest of the name since it seemed unnecessary. Never would have even of noticed it to be honest.


Meier said:
By the way, how could anyone hate CK? Some of this is kinda shocking really. :lol

I thought CK was a cool guy, but his revelation of hate for me dulls that somewhat.... I guess.


Meier's even more obvious in his powergrabs than I am.

And he has shitty taste in music.



catfish said:
sonnarat practices and brags about beastiality. he also drinks the wees of animals. If this doesn't bother your very soul (if there is such a thing, and there's not) then I submit to you that you are crazy.

I was going to call you on this, but you're so relentlessly negative it wouldn't even be worth it. They even needed to make a fucking exception for you so you could bitch about me..


Ok, now I've been forced to hate nomoment:

Oops, Megatron pic was here. :D

BTW, even though I said I hate some people I really don't. Thats not my style, it's more you annoy me. I treat everyone with respect, atleast I try too.



Ook, I'll try to make things snappy, and separate my peeves into Gaming and OT versions. Funny enough, lots of the people that most annoy me in the gaming forum are the people that I most agree with in the OT forum, and vice versa.

1. Insecure Nintendo fanboys. I'm a Nintendo fan, but I like them for their quality games. The people who are constantly hoping for Nintendo to reclaim #1 in the console race and who're consistently fickle (ha, nice oxymoron) about Nintendo's potential fate annoy the fuck out of me. Who gives a fuck if Nintendo isn't the #1 console seller anymore? They're still making a shitload of profit, so there's no need to worry about them going anywhere. Just play the games and stop whining. If you're so desperate to be on the "winning team", just become a Sony fanboy already.

2. PSP nazis/DS haters. I hate how there seems to be an elitist contingent of people who've decreed that the PSP is the only worthwhile handheld (*cough* Drinky *cough*). I'm sorry that you're insecure about purchasing an overpriced shitty movie/mp3 player, with only a handful of decent games, and without a very promising future.

3. Any threads involving Matt Cassamassawhatshisface. I think this probably has a lot to do with why there're so many of #1, since Matt himself is so fickle about Nintendo's future.

4. Fanboyism for any console, and taste elitism.

1. "Forum personalities" are annoying. What is this, fucking high school? Most of the posters here that I like are people who just go about making intelligent points and being funny when it's called for, without caring about how much attention they get for it. Attention whores in general are the bane of msg boards.

2. Mod fascism. I like some of the mods (Hito, Bishop, Evilore come to mind), but sometimes it gets out of control when rules are too strictly enforced (another interesting paradox :p). It should be pretty obvious when people are out of line, and when they're not. But I guess I wouldn't know...

3. Circle-jerking. It's good that there're more females around these days, because I never really liked all the machismo going around at times. That's part of why I stopped posting here for a while (which I doubt anyone noticed :p), but like I said, it's better now.

4. Smashing Pumpkins fans. :p Talk about insecure people...I think it's because they think they're superior people for liking the Pumpkins, despite the fact that critical opinion of the band isn't really that high, generally. So they take it out by making stupid comparisons to bands that have nothing to do with SP. Like say, Pavement. And I'm not naming any names here. :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sonarrat said:
I was going to call you on this, but you're so relentlessly negative it wouldn't even be worth it. They even needed to make a fucking exception for you so you could bitch about me..

I'm relentlessly negative about animal fucking yeah. Sue me you sick monster.


catfish said:
I'm relentlessly negative about animal fucking yeah. Sue me you sick monster.

You're relentlessly negative, period. I get the feeling you'd like to find a rock and sit under it.
Rorschach said:
I also think that every single post has an unspoken hate for olimario. The only reason people don't say it is because it's universally understood.

Best statement in this thread.

except I dont really hate the guy, just really really really really really really really dislike him.


How could I pass this up...

Let's see. My banning last year was complete bullshit and I completely agree with Sonarrat about the moding issues on this forum. Many of the bans are just so whimsical and silly, it's ridiculous. And if it's not petty bans, it's personal vendettas from power hungry admin/mods that will get you. Hello Mandark.


Oh, I also hate Mandark. I've hated him since he was an op in the IGN chats 5+ years ago, and I hate him even more now when I read some of his posts.


Mandark does seem like quite the jerk most of the time. I don't hate him, but that's probably just because I haven't had any personal run-ins with him.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I think Catz's appearance will create a Two Minute Stalk thread.

Isn't Mandark 40 years old?

Where is Deadmeat and all the old "Troublesome" gang? Much better than the New Generation.


Boogie and Boogie9ign should have a fight to the death; their handles are way too similar.

It would be like some jackass coming onto this board with the name Zapruder.


What were you banned for?

I was banned twice, for petty reasons as well. Once I said that if Bush had enough support from the people, he'd put all Arabs in internment camps. I clarified to jinx that it all hinged on if he got enough support from the public. He disagreed I guess.

Another one was during the Iraq war when I posted some dead Iraqi civilian pics. Everyone was so pro-war at the time. At least now I can say I was right all along. But I was banned for a long while after that.

Post your "banned for bullshit reasons" stories everyone (and then get banned later for doing so, of course, these later bans would be for bullshit reasons! :)


Zaptruder said:
Boogie and Boogie9ign should have a fight to the death; their handles are way too similar.

It would be like some jackass coming onto this board with the name Zapruder.

Damn straight. I'm tired of that imposter infringing upon my name recognition!
Fight for Freeform said:
What were you banned for?

I was banned twice, for petty reasons as well. Once I said that if Bush had enough support from the people, he'd put all Arabs in internment camps. I clarified to jinx that it all hinged on if he got enough support from the public. He disagreed I guess.

Another one was during the Iraq war when I posted some dead Iraqi civilian pics. Everyone was so pro-war at the time. At least now I can say I was right all along. But I was banned for a long while after that.

Post your "banned for bullshit reasons" stories everyone! :)

as i said earlier, was once banned for something i said at another forum. antother time, banned by SPROKX because i replied with "wow" in one of his threads.

bishop banned me once for asking a harmless question about wrestling. there's tons more...


Fight for Freeform said:
What were you banned for?

I was banned twice, for petty reasons as well. Once I said that if Bush had enough support from the people, he'd put all Arabs in internment camps. I clarified to jinx that it all hinged on if he got enough support from the public. He disagreed I guess.

Another one was during the Iraq war when I posted some dead Iraqi civilian pics. Everyone was so pro-war at the time. At least now I can say I was right all along. But I was banned for a long while after that.

Post your "banned for bullshit reasons" stories everyone! :)

I shouldn't really complain because I lasted a lot longer than I probably should have the first time (and I get the impression that I haven't got much longer in this round, either :lol )... but I never got an explanation for why I was banned. One mod said that it seemed like I was a "spy for OA." Another said that was ridiculous, and said that it was because I "didn't contribute much." (At this point I was thinking, I'll show you what I can contribute, motherfucker..) ..And then a third mod said it was a "general ban." I don't see any continuity, consensus, or really much of anything here.


Inconsistencies with banning? You got it.

I remember I was banned for talking about 50 Cent's leaked album 'The Massacre.' But low-and-behold, this fucking Coldplay thread got to 2 fucking pages (with a MORE than conspicuous thread title) and nobody said a word.


I also can't stand Demi. Don't know who he is or what meta-joke he's running, but his act is annoying as hell so I've just skipped past his posts for months now so I'll probably never know. He does get marks from me for having a consistent avatar so I can usually scroll right past his posts without wasting valuable milliseconds reading them.

enjoy bell woods is the only person I have on my ignore list, soley for being such a gigantic and unfunny prick in countless music threads. I know he's usually "joking" but it's annoying as fuck just the same.

Other than that, the rest of you are alright. I find it weird that so many of you long-time malcontents have never been banned while I have been (although it wasn't a legit ban). :lol


Hollywood Square
MIMIC said:
Inconsistencies with banning? You got it.

I remember I was banned for talking about 50 Cen't leaked album 'The Massacre.' But low-and-behold, this fucking Coldplay thread got to 2 fucking pages (with a less than inconspicuous thread title) and nobody said a word.

Maybe you should get some taste.

calder said:
Other than that, the rest of you are alright.

I didn't make the cut this year. I will try harder to have you hate me!
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