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TX hunters claim shot by ‘illegal aliens.’ Authorities say they shot each other

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Texas hunters claimed they were shot by ‘illegal aliens.' Authorities say they shot each other.

Hunting guides Walker Daugherty and Michael Bryant were leading a hunting party in southern Texas in early January, when they claimed immigrants illegally crossed the nearby Mexico border, converged on their camp in the middle of the night and tried to rob them.

Gunfire erupted. When the smoke cleared and the fight was over, Daugherty was bleeding from a shot to his abdomen. Another member of the party had been shot in the arm.

After being airlifted to the hospital, the men told authorities that immigrants who crossed the border from Mexico wanted to steal an RV some of the hunters were using. In statements made through friends and family, they went further, suggesting that the assailants wanted to kill everyone in the party, as the Albuquerque Journal reported.

A GoFundMe page set up by a family friend to cover Daugherty's medical bills raised $26,300 from more than 200 donors.

The story was harrowing, to be sure, not to mention rife with political implications. The Texas Agriculture Commissioner even shared it on his Facebook page, saying it underscored the need for President Trump's proposed border wall.

But authorities say it was all a lie.

Daugherty and Bryant were indicted last week on one count each of using deadly conduct by discharging firearms in the direction of others, according to CBS 7. Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told the station that an investigation had found Daugherty and the other injured hunter were struck by friendly fire. There was no sign, he said, that anyone else was involved.

It wasn't clear whether Daugherty or Bryant had retained attorneys or entered pleas.

Daugherty, Bryant and a group of their clients had been hunting at the Circle Dug Ranch, a 15,000-acre tract of valley land just a few miles from the Mexico border in Texas. On the night of Jan. 6, a deputy in the sheriff's office responded to a call for a shooting, and when he arrived he found Daugherty and 59-year-old Edwin Roberts suffering from gunshot wounds.

Authorities were suspicious from the beginning. Prompted by the group's claims that illegal immigrants were responsible, U.S. Border Patrol dispatched 30 agents were to sweep the area, aided by expert trackers and thermal imaging technology, Big Bend Now reported. Daugherty and his fiancee claimed to have previously seen immigrants crossing the border and through their property, according to CBS 7.

Within days of the shooting, however, the sheriff ‘s office said there was ”no evidence that suggests cross-border violence" and ”no sign of human pedestrian traffic leading to or from the ranch that night."

”There were no bullet casings or projectiles from weapons other than those belonging to the individuals hunting on the ranch nor in the RV belonging to the hunting party," the sheriff's office told Big Bend Now in mid-January.

By then, however, the rumors had already spread. A rancher and family friend in Arizona released a statement based on the Daugherty family's account, describing the incident as a brutal, calculated attack by ”illegal aliens."

”The attack has the family concerned that the attack was not just an attempt to rob the property," the statement read, according to the Albuquerque Journal. ”They believe the assailants intended to kill all the party. The attackers were strategically placed around the lodge, and the men were fired upon from different areas."

Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, shared the story with his 400,000-plus followers on Facebook.

”This is why we need the wall and to secure our borders," Miller wrote in a since-deleted post that was shared more than 6,500 times. ”There are violent criminals and members of drug cartels coming in and it must put a stop to it before we have many more Walker Daughertys."

What really happened, Sheriff Dominguez said, was much simpler and less nefarious: Daugherty shot his client, and Bryant shot Daugherty.
It's a special kind of hate when you use your near fatal stupidity as an opportunity to vilify and reinforce the bigotry against another race of people.


Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, shared the story with his 400,000-plus followers on Facebook.

“This is why we need the wall and to secure our borders,” Miller wrote in a since-deleted post that was shared more than 6,500 times. “There are violent criminals and members of drug cartels coming in and it must put a stop to it before we have many more Walker Daughertys.”

Hope that man loses his job.

I also hope those hunters do some time and have to spend a ridiculous amount of money paying for the resources in law enforcement they wasted blaming their mistakes on the darkies.



Need we forget about the time that woman branded her own face and tried to pass the blame onto Obama supporters?


So the illegal thing was just to garner sympathy cash?
Sounds like something a totally reasonable person would do.
By then, however, the rumors had already spread. A rancher and family friend in Arizona released a statement based on the Daugherty family’s account, describing the incident as a brutal, calculated attack by “illegal aliens.”

“The attack has the family concerned that the attack was not just an attempt to rob the property,” the statement read, according to the Albuquerque Journal. “They believe the assailants intended to kill all the party. The attackers were strategically placed around the lodge, and the men were fired upon from different areas.”

Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, shared the story with his 400,000-plus followers on Facebook.

“This is why we need the wall and to secure our borders,” Miller wrote in a since-deleted post that was shared more than 6,500 times. “There are violent criminals and members of drug cartels coming in and it must put a stop to it before we have many more Walker Daughertys.”

What really happened, Sheriff Dominguez said, was much simpler and less nefarious: Daugherty shot his client, and Bryant shot Daugherty.


Not even putting out statements to retract the bullshit. Just spread the hate and then act like you never did.

Question. If you share a post that is deleted on Facebook, what happens when it's deleted? Does it vanish from your timeline?
I thought that the title said that the hunters shot some illegal immigrants and I gotta say I'm super relieved that we're not looking at people starting to hunt The Most Dangerous Game at the border just yet.


"The words 'illegals rule' were found next to the crime scene along with what appeared to be the Mexican Flag with the colors in the wrong places spray painted over an American Flag."
Those dastardly aliens. Coming to steal those loyal patriot's RV, belongings and to kill everyone in their party.

Yet they accomplished none of those goals.


Rapid Response Threadmaker

Investigators believe the gunfire was sparked when Daugherty thought undocumented immigrants were inside the RV that Roberts and his wife were staying in during a hunting trip, attempting to kidnap them. Daugherty allegedly tried to enter the RV, and that's when the shootout began.

Dominguez told KOSA Border Patrol agents found no indication of undocumented immigrants in the area on the night of the incident. Dominguez said the hunters may have been paranoid over the threat of possible cross-border violence.

”By the looks of it right now, we believe that during the shooting, with all the commotion and confusion going on, we believe that Michael shot Walker and Walker had shot Edwin," Dominquez told the station.

Is it okay to lol?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America

Oh god, I think I'm dying. This is too much. Please tell me that, if you zoom out, it says "BLACKS RULE AND WHITES DROOL."

EDIT: Beaten lol.

I also love how these idiots want sympathy when one of those flags is burnt. Boo fucking hoo.


“There were no bullet casings or projectiles from weapons other than those belonging to the individuals hunting on the ranch nor in the RV belonging to the hunting party,” the sheriff’s office told Big Bend Now in mid-January.​

Yall motherfuckers need some True Detective


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Hope that man loses his job.

I also hope those hunters do some time and have to spend a ridiculous amount of money paying for the resources in law enforcement they wasted blaming their mistakes on the darkies.

He's been known to share fake news on social media from time to time. I blocked all his posts from appearing in my feed because of it. He also called Hillary Clinton a cunt on Twitter during the campaign, and blamed his staff. The bar isn't very high for him unfortunately.
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