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TX State Senator leads 11 hour filibuster that successfully beats anti-abortion bill

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Wearing pink tennis shoes to prepare for nearly 13 consecutive hours of standing, a Democratic Texas state senator on Tuesday began a one-woman filibuster to block a GOP-led effort that would impose stringent new abortion restrictions across the nation's second-most populous state.

Sen. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth began the filibuster at 11:18 a.m. CDT Tuesday. To derail a vote in the GOP-dominated Senate, she must keep speaking on the bill until midnight — the deadline for the end of the 30-day special session.

Before Davis began speaking, her chair was removed. CBSDFW.com reports that Davis must speak continuously -- and stay on topic -- the entire time. She is not allowed to lean against something for support. And she will not be able to stop or take a break, not even for meals or the restroom, during the entire 13-hour ordeal.

Davis offered some insight to her plans Monday night on Twitter:

When combined in a state 773 miles wide and 790 miles long and with 26 million people, the measures would close almost every abortion clinic in Texas. A woman living along the Mexico border or in West Texas would have to drive hundreds of miles to obtain an abortion if the law passes.

In her opening remarks, Davis said she was "rising on the floor today to humbly give voice to thousands of Texans" and called Republican efforts to pass the bill a "raw abuse of power."

If the filibuster succeeds, it could also take down other measures. A proposal to fund major transportation projects as well as a bill to have Texas more closely conform with a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision banning mandatory sentences of life in prison without parole for offenders younger than 18 might not get votes. Current state law only allows a life sentence without parole for 17-year-olds convicted of capital murder.

Davis was greeted by loud applause and cheers of "Go Wendy!" from hundreds of abortion-rights activists who packed the Senate. Davis motioned for them to be quiet and Republican Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who presides over the chamber, warned the spectators against making loud outbursts.

The sound of small children crying could occasionally be heard from the gallery.

Davis used up large chunks of time reading into the record testimony from women and doctors who would be impacted by the changes.

During one heart-wrenching story describing a woman's difficult pregnancy, Davis choked up several times and wiped tears, but kept reading.

A petite woman who stays in shape by jogging and cycling, Davis tried to stay comfortable and sharp by shifting her weight from hip to hip and slowly walking around her desk while reading notes from a large binder on her desk.

Republicans watched her closely for any rules slipup that would allow them to break the filibuster and call the bill for a vote.

Davis gave them no such opening in her first three hours.

Democrats set up the filibuster after thwarting two attempts Monday by majority Republicans to bring the abortion bill to a floor vote ahead of its scheduled time.

"We want to do whatever we can for women in this state," said Sen. Kirk Watson of Austin, leader of the Senate Democrats.

The bill would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and force many clinics that perform the procedure to upgrade their facilities and be classified as ambulatory surgical centers. Also, doctors would be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles — a tall order in rural communities.

"If this passes, abortion would be virtually banned in the state of Texas, and many women could be forced to resort to dangerous and unsafe measures," said Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund and daughter of the late former Texas governor Ann Richards.

Democrats had warned the filibuster was coming. They chose Davis to lead the effort because of her background as a woman who had her first child when she was still a teenager.

"Democrats chose not to negotiate, and we could not get the block undone," said Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a Republican who controls the flow of Senate legislation. He refused to declare the issue dead — but others were less optimistic.

Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, said the Democrats never should have been allowed to put Republicans "in a box" and complained that many in the Senate GOP were "flying by the seat of their pants."

But the bill's bogging down began with Republican Gov. Rick Perry, who summoned lawmakers back to work immediately after the regular legislative session ended May 27 but didn't add abortion to the special session to-do list until late in the process. The Legislature can only take up issues at the governor's direction during the extra session.

Then, House Democrats succeeded in stalling nearly all night Sunday, keeping the bill from reaching the Senate until 11 a.m. Monday.

Debate in that chamber ranged from lawmakers waving coat-hangers on the floor and claiming the new rules are so draconian that women are going to be forced to head to drug war-torn Mexico to have abortions.

At one point, the bill's sponsor, Republican Rep. Jodie Laubenberg of Spring, errantly suggested that emergency room rape kits could be used to terminate pregnancies.


Livestream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q8Hr0O20LY

6 hours of standing? That's like a normal shift working at any fast food restaurant. God speed miss, hope she pulls it off.


Rape kit shit etc is pure stupidity but truthfully I have no issue with forcing higher standards on abortion clinics.

The idea in 2013 we can have people like Gosnell operating places like he did is sickening.


Been watching this

Nice to see other people just going around in circles to give her time to catch her breath

Can she at least like drink water?
A filibuster the way it was meant to be done. Good on her, hope she succeeds. Lame that she has those restrictions (on topic, can't lean, etc...)


Fuck Rick Perry for tying this abortion bill to other bills that actually make sense. Thats some bullshit.

Have those restrictions on her (must stand, can't lean, must stay on topic, etc.) par for the course?


What comes in an emergency room rape kit?

Although a rape kit's contents may vary by location, it may include:

Bags and sheets for evidence collection
Swabs for collecting fluids from the lips, cheeks, thighs, vagina, anus, and buttocks
Blood collection devices
Comb used to collect hair and fiber from the victim’s body
Clear glass slides
Envelopes for preserving the victim’s clothes, head hair, pubic hair, and blood samples
Nail pick for scraping debris from beneath the nails
White sheets to catch physical evidence stripped from the body
Documentation forms


My post from the other thread about this...putting it here in case people aren't up on the story:

It should be noted that the way republicans have tried to get this bill past the people is just disgusting:

-republicans promised they would not try to pass anti-abortion legislation during the session
-months of press coverage claiming that abortion was not in danger
-the moment the normal calendar was finished, the governor calls a special session for this bill (for 'emergency legislation')...the annoucement of this was in the middle of the NBA finals
-the special session means the bill can pass with a smaller majority
-the special session also means the bill can go through an expedited debate process

They essentially were going to try to make this happen in the matter of hours, assuming everyone would be watching the Spurs.

Instead, there was a citizen's filibuster last friday. Hundreds of people showed up, and requested to speak (everyone gets 3 minutes). Essentially, they were trying to hold things up until Tuesday midnight (which is when the session ends). So over 700 registered voters showed up and signed up to speak. People across the state started to order food for the people waiting there (coffee, pizza, cookies) to support them.

After the first 400 people, after hearing about a woman's life-saving abortion, the republican chairman declared that it was all repetitive, that it wasn't providing any value, and that they would not hear any more.

People stayed there until 4am, demanding to be heard...and got the senators to go home without voting.

So that was Thursday night.

Friday morning, the republican chairman called the committee together for a vote, with only 2 hours notice, and in a room that would only fit 30 people and no live cameras. They voted and passed it out of committee.

Sunday they assembled the state legislature to vote on and pass the bill. On a Sunday. Because, you know, people might not notice. Democrats pushed a debate for 15 hours. That's when this moronic rape-kit quote happened. Democrats carried the debating out until 4:30am Monday morning, when Republicans called to adjourn, and said they'd be back in a few hours to vote.

Monday morning, 6:45 am, they tried to vote, but the democrats showed up late, and then delayed, until it was finally voted on at 10:40am, and passed the state assembly, and now it goes to the Senate.

Texas Senate rules state that the bill has to sit for 24 hours after it passes the assembly before they can start on it. The republicans in the Senate tried to immediately waive that rule, but were stopped again by the democrats.

So, yeah, now, in 8 and a half hours, the Texas Senate will start on this. If a democrat can to a talking filibuster until midnight, then the republican's plan to quietly pass this when noone was paying attention will have been successfully foiled.
This is how a filibuster should work. It shouldn't be a casually called tool of pure obstruction (like the US senate...). If you want to filibuster you should have to hold the floor. And whether its done in support of something I favor (like this) or something I don't (the anti-Civil Rights Act filibusters of the 60s), the option should be taken seriously.


Those are the most fucking insane rules to abide by. Its just so wrong that a Bill like this has to be defeated on a Technical feat of stamina instead of simple logic that...its a horrible, devastating bill.

If you have to do these things to take on a bill like this then mad props to this woman but it really shouldn't have to get this silly. It makes the Legal system look more archaic and up its own arse then it already does.

If your children were having a debate and making Laws in a school, do we really want to be teaching them that it may come to a point where they have to defeat their opponent by talking at them for 12 hours to get out on a technicality???


They did that "ambulatory surgery center" bullshit in Virginia- it's a concerted nationwide strategy courtesy of legislative paper mills at this point.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Sucks that it has to come to this. The GOP knew what they were doing as they have already cut funding to the clinics last year, then forcing upgrades that they know they can't afford.


Are those normal filibuster conditions? I recall seeing filibusters before but don't recall them not being able to lean or take breaks.


Good on her and all the citizens who showed up last week to filibuster as well. I wish her all the best of luck. The amount of pure chicanery that went into getting this bill up for a vote in the first place is pretty sickening. Hopefully this plan works; not sure I would have the fortitude to stand 13 hours and speak without taking any breaks or even leaning. God.


I honestly cannot believe the tactics being employed to get bills like this to pass. Honestly how can they feel like they're doing the right thing? Blows my mind.


I believe those are rules unique to Texas.

Every state has filibuster rules. This is state government, for those euros reading the thread and wondering what the hell is going on. I know sometimes you guys can't wrap your heads around our concept of state and federal governments.


My post from the other thread about this...putting it here in case people aren't up on the story:

Those politicians should be locked in prison for the rest of their lives, or worse. I'm starting to think it should be made illegal to be a republican in general at this point. They are nothing but scum.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Is there seriously nothing better that these fucking republicans have to do? How the hell do they have majority? Is the whole state insane?

The majority of reps in Texas are from rural areas. Rural areas who have people who would vote republican no matter what. Even though cities like Houston (with an openly gay mayor) has proven to be quite open-minded and modern with it's thinking, it is impossible to outnumber the rural areas.

Not saying that all republicans and republican reps are in favor of this, but there are a number of areas in the state that make Glenn Beck look liberal. Not painting all Texas rural areas with a negative brush, but we still have communities that minorities cannot move into without fear of harassment or worse.


Those politicians should be locked in prison for the rest of their lives, or worse. I'm starting to think it should be made illegal to be a republican in general at this point. They are nothing but scum.

I love these posts.
Those politicians should be locked in prison for the rest of their lives, or worse. I'm starting to think it should be made illegal to be a republican in general at this point. They are nothing but scum.

One of the reasons I'm not a leftist is that they're OK with violence, intolerance and anathemas as long as it's directed at people from other sides than their own. When you pride yourself as being on the side of intelligence, humanism and progress, you should lead by example.


Only 12 hours non stop? In running shoes? Rookie. Let me know when she does it with steel toe boots and no cushioning at all.

Good on her though, the law is bullshit.


Those politicians should be locked in prison for the rest of their lives, or worse. I'm starting to think it should be made illegal to be a republican in general at this point. They are nothing but scum.

Such broad generalizations do nothing but hurt your argument.
Have a few friends either working at the Texas Capitol or are sitting in gallery. Thinking of making the drive up there myself.

State Republicans have been trying to push Wendy Davis out of office for a few years now via redistricting. She's good people.


listen to the mad man
Those politicians should be locked in prison for the rest of their lives, or worse. I'm starting to think it should be made illegal to be a republican in general at this point. They are nothing but scum.

Everything in this post is both rude and silly, and if you "didn't really mean it" but "lost your temper" then it's a good indication that you have gotta let go a little bit.

One of the reasons I'm not a leftist is that they're OK with violence, intolerance and anathemas as long as it's directed at people fom other sides than their own. When you pride yourself as being on the side of intelligence, humanism and progress, you should lead by example.

No "they" aren't and I think the reason you're not a leftist is because you're generally a socially conservative (relative to your country) anti-authoritarian who has absolutely nothing in common with left politics except insofar as anarcho-libertarians share some letters in their name with communal anarcho-socialists.
One of the reasons I'm not a leftist is that they're OK with violence, intolerance and insults as long as it's against people from another side.

As opposed to the right? What does this post mean?

Your first step is learning to weed out internet hysterics when broadly generalizing a political ideology. You know better than that.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Have a few friends either working at the Texas Capitol or are sitting in gallery. Thinking of making the drive up there myself.

State Republicans have been trying to push Wendy Davis out of office for a few years now via redistricting. She's good people.

Well, all they have done now is turn Wendy into a star.


Everything in this post is both rude and silly, and if you "didn't really mean it" but "lost your temper" then it's a good indication that you have gotta let go a little bit.

You know what's rude? Trying to place restrictions on people's rights. Which is exactly what this bill is all about. Trying to make this stuff happen just shouldn't be allowed in a civilized country. I'm sick of politicians actively trying to make this country a worse place to live.
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